Slin typed and doses?


New member
Little review first to make sure i got this straight.
ALL - 10g malto/dext per IU.
Humalog- Peaks in 15 min out of system in 2 hours correct? No sleep 2 hours after shot, and solid food meal 1hr after shot.
Humalin R- Not sure, would like the info.

I know NO FAT while its in my sytem, as well as have glucose tabs and a soda or gatoraid on hand at all times, just in case.

Now, what would be the most effective type, or would combining them be more beneficial. Iv read that Humalin is more anabolic. Now, iv been readin threads talkin about 5IU humalog, 7IU humalin R. Im guessing its to take advantage of the quick spike from humalog, and long acting spike of humalin. Would mixing these be more beneficial?
I think i posted that, if not thats what i do. You just have to see how your body reacts, dont go playing pharmacist until you get the basics down. Stay with humalog, peak is dependable, and it is out of your system quicker. I follow a not fat 2 hours prior, no fat 3 hours after. Humulin, 2 hours prior 4-5 hours after.
I agree w/ RH, Humalog's the way to go. I get tired enough of avoiding fat like the plague those 2 hours before and 3 after. I like the fast action and the predictable peak.
BTW, PLEASE do use 10gm carbs per iu of insulin at the beginning. However, w/ experience, you'll likely be able to modify this.
Personally, if I used that much when I get to higher slin doses, I think I'd be taking in way too much simple carbs. You learn to read your body. But DO start out using that formula. It's safer that way.
Yep start at 10g per iu, then work down once your ocmfortable. The reason why people get fat off insulin even while avoiding fat, is because thye think its a free for all to gorge on carbs. Treat it like any other post workout day, just omit the fat.