Small lump under one nipple during PCT. Advise welcome.


New member
Hi all. Sorry to come into the forum with a question for the first post but I have spent a good 2 hours a day over the last few days reading everything/everywhere with mixed information.

This was my forth course. I was taking Test Cypionate - 300mg per week / Tren - 300mg per week / Winstrol - 1 tablet a day for the first month. 12 week cycle.
Zero issues during course and made some very good gains. Lifts got stronger, weight was gained from what seemed to be almost all muscle and overall physique looked good.
Started PCT running Nolva and Clomid. Under advised here perhaps but I was just told to run this for 30days after my course. I researched both online to find out as much as I could and it did add up that running both of these was a good/strong PCT so went ahead.

Around 1 week into PCT noticed a small flatter Pea sized lump to the right of one nipple. No other symptoms, no soreness, no puffy nipples etc. Not a single bit of gyno symptoms during the course either so I was not taking an AI. I guess I should have been! I upped my dose of the clomid as I read a lot that realistically ONLY SERMs can help reverse a lump (that's if it is gyno). But I may be stuck with it forever. I read a number of posts recommending to nuke it with LETROZOLE but the people saying only SERMs will work say its very likely to return after using the LETROZOLE.

Anyway there is still a chance its not Gyno. I'm going to see the doctor Wednesday (I just moved house so this is the fastest I could get to one), but understandably feel it was something I've done to cause the problem.

Fingers crossed its a cyst or something but any advise here welcome. Its minor in its current state. If I press it it is the tiniest bit sore but nothing bad at all. My body fat is at about 9% and you cant notice the lump visibly. You'd have to feel it.

Thanks again and look forward to getting more involved here now I've signed up.
I'm interested to hear what others have to say on this as I have almost the same type of lump as you describe to the right of my left nipple. I myself haven't worried much about it since it hasn't grown and has been there ever since I started checking...which wasn't until midway through first cycle. Otherwise I to have had no other signs of gyno.
Hi all. Sorry to come into the forum with a question for the first post but I have spent a good 2 hours a day over the last few days reading everything/everywhere with mixed information.

This was my forth course. I was taking Test Cypionate - 300mg per week / Tren - 300mg per week / Winstrol - 1 tablet a day for the first month. 12 week cycle.
Zero issues during course and made some very good gains. Lifts got stronger, weight was gained from what seemed to be almost all muscle and overall physique looked good.
Started PCT running Nolva and Clomid. Under advised here perhaps but I was just told to run this for 30days after my course. I researched both online to find out as much as I could and it did add up that running both of these was a good/strong PCT so went ahead.

Around 1 week into PCT noticed a small flatter Pea sized lump to the right of one nipple. No other symptoms, no soreness, no puffy nipples etc. Not a single bit of gyno symptoms during the course either so I was not taking an AI. I guess I should have been! I upped my dose of the clomid as I read a lot that realistically ONLY SERMs can help reverse a lump (that's if it is gyno). But I may be stuck with it forever. I read a number of posts recommending to nuke it with LETROZOLE but the people saying only SERMs will work say its very likely to return after using the LETROZOLE.

Anyway there is still a chance its not Gyno. I'm going to see the doctor Wednesday (I just moved house so this is the fastest I could get to one), but understandably feel it was something I've done to cause the problem.

Fingers crossed its a cyst or something but any advise here welcome. Its minor in its current state. If I press it it is the tiniest bit sore but nothing bad at all. My body fat is at about 9% and you cant notice the lump visibly. You'd have to feel it.

Thanks again and look forward to getting more involved here now I've signed up.

Was this your first cycle ?

And why did you not use AI during cycle ?

Only clomid for pct ? Sounds like you not know what you are doing... Get your hands on some Nolva ASAP. Both Adex and Letro can help you out to. I am no gyno expert but Letrozole have helped me out before.
Was this your first cycle ?

And why did you not use AI during cycle ?

Only clomid for pct ? Sounds like you not know what you are doing... Get your hands on some Nolva ASAP. Both Adex and Letro can help you out to. I am no gyno expert but Letrozole have helped me out before.

I don't feel like you read my full post. But maybe you just missed it. As I said forth course and running Nolva with Clomid for PCT. I was not advised to use AI for the dose I had, but that was the mistake perhaps. With zero symptoms during the course I did not worry or feel the need to add it. With no previous issues either. But guess this was just too strong.

Right now I've doubled my dose of Nolva and was advised to add Aromasin before looking at Letrozole.

Any other input welcome.
I don't feel like you read my full post. But maybe you just missed it. As I said forth course and running Nolva with Clomid for PCT. I was not advised to use AI for the dose I had, but that was the mistake perhaps. With zero symptoms during the course I did not worry or feel the need to add it. With no previous issues either. But guess this was just too strong.

Right now I've doubled my dose of Nolva and was advised to add Aromasin before looking at Letrozole.

Any other input welcome.

Sorry my mistake. You have to use AI when cyceling compounds like tren my friend.
The people who say serm s work are wrong. You need and AI letro with do the job and if you run it long enough that your test levels aren't elevated the rebound effect of the letro and the increase of estrogen will aid in recovery and the gyno will most likely not return. You have to be careful who you tKe advise from and ask the to clarify it.

FYI you should always run an AI on cycle and to reverse gyno.
The people who say serm s work are wrong. You need and AI letro with do the job and if you run it long enough that your test levels aren't elevated the rebound effect of the letro and the increase of estrogen will aid in recovery and the gyno will most likely not return. You have to be careful who you tKe advise from and ask the to clarify it.

FYI you should always run an AI on cycle and to reverse gyno.

Thanks for the input. Yeah the clear mistake was no AI on cycle. Bad advise there I guess.

So right now on hand I have Clomid & Nolva with Aromasin due tomorrow. My now bad source for info & product said to run Aromasin over Letro. Probably due to not having stock of Letro or something. Hence perhaps bad advise but you think I should switch out everything and run Letro or does Aromasin have a chance too? My PCT is at about 24 days in, should I run the 3 things for a further month or slowly wind off them and switch straight up for Letro?

Thanks again.
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For gyno i will say Letro. But on cycle it will kill you estrogen. Adex or aroma will be better option when on cycle.
Was this your first cycle ?

And why did you not use AI during cycle ?

Only clomid for pct ? Sounds like you not know what you are doing... Get your hands on some Nolva ASAP. Both Adex and Letro can help you out to. I am no gyno expert but Letrozole have helped me out before.

do NOT use letro for gyno!
uless on cycle or with high estrogen there is no place for letro or ai use, specially to try shrink gyno.
you will crash your estrogen and thats very unhealthy. a SERM like tamox or ralox would do the same thing, stop estrogen from affecting the breast but while leaving your estrogen alone and to work in the bodily functions as it should.

use a SERM for 3-4 months to try shrink before considering surgery IMO.

dont use the outdated parroted on the forums "letro for gyno" its a bad option and outdated. we know better now. will letro work? yes, but thats not the point. SERMS will too with better health.
For gyno i will say Letro. But on cycle it will kill you estrogen. Adex or aroma will be better option when on cycle.
i use letro on cycle as my main AI for years and my estro is fine. you need to dose it right and most use too much or up dose too fast thinking its not working, it takes a little time butyou should up dose if needed over weeks not days.
now for off cycle use letro should be avoided. it will crash your estrogen, to starve and shrink the glands/gyno right? SERM liek ralox will block and starve the gland also, but without crashing your whole bodies estrogen.

here is just the first study that pops up in search showing SERMS work, there are many> Treatment of gynaecomastia with raloxifene. | The BMJ

i do usually rec dex though for on cycle ai use, specially to people new to this. less mess it up like that it seems.
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Thanks for the input Juced. This is exactly what I read myself, that Letro will nuke it but also does a pretty good number on you, also that it was very old data and that SERMS are the way forward.

So regarding dose and what I have. I was taking for 20 days - Nolva 20mg per day with Clomid 50mg a day. Last 5 days I upped the Nolva to 30mg and now finally last 2 days doubled up to 40mg.
Should I wind off on the Clomid now? Or if I have enough keep taking it? My Aromasin arrives tomorrow. Should I run an average does of Aromasin with Nolva, or even run all 3?

Just looking for the best route moving forward. The lump is not visible but understandably my worry is it'll get worse and I want to reverse what I can of it.
do NOT use letro for gyno!
uless on cycle or with high estrogen there is no place for letro or ai use, specially to try shrink gyno.
you will crash your estrogen and thats very unhealthy. a SERM like tamox or ralox would do the same thing, stop estrogen from affecting the breast but while leaving your estrogen alone and to work in the bodily functions as it should.

use a SERM for 3-4 months to try shrink before considering surgery IMO.

dont use the outdated parroted on the forums "letro for gyno" its a bad option and outdated. we know better now. will letro work? yes, but thats not the point. SERMS will too with better health.

Do NOT use letro for gyno for cripes sake. That is the most outdated gyno remedy there is and isnt used anymore for good reason!
Your gonna crash your estrogen levels system wide and unnecessarily deal with aching joints, sexual dysfunction, bad cholesterol, a fucked up immune system and much, much more and for no damn good reason. The only reason to use an ai in a gyno reversal protocol is to manage your estrogen levels if they need to be managed. First you get blood work and see. If your estrogen is high use adex or stane to MANAGE it. You then, on top of the AI if it is necessary use a serm to treat the gyno. Raloxifene is your best bet but nolvadex is effective as well. They will block the estrogen at the site of the gyno. If you starve the gyno of estrogen it is not only incapable of growing but it will actually die if you catch it in time. If gyno would respond to letro it would definately respond to raloxifene or tamoxifen as well and they are more effective and much safer, more prudent options for treating your gyno.
Dont follow this old school letro method which is actually less effective and very , very unhealthy.
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The people who say serm s work are wrong. You need and AI letro with do the job and if you run it long enough that your test levels aren't elevated the rebound effect of the letro and the increase of estrogen will aid in recovery and the gyno will most likely not return. You have to be careful who you tKe advise from and ask the to clarify it.

FYI you should always run an AI on cycle and to reverse gyno.

but there are a lot of studies showing it does work, some I found >>

Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia. - PubMed - NCBI -Beneficial effects of raloxifene and tamoxifen in the treatment of pubertal gynecomastia.

Treating a patient with gynecomastia | Endocrine Today - "estradiol plays a significant role for bone health in men, and blocking the conversion could thus lead to osteopenia or even osteoporosis"

Gynecomastia ? evaluation and current treatment options

so what would lead you to believe they do not work when there is a lot of studies showing it does?
and why would you use an AI off cycle for gyno you got on cycle, off cycle your estro would likely be in a normal range so I don't agree here either. The gyno is already there, if you where developing gyno off cycle and had some medical event to figure out and you happen to have high estrogen then yes of course use an AI to get it in range, like people do with trt.
I think crashing estrogen to shrink gyno is the wrong way to go about it when you could avoid that with a serm IMO
Thought I would update you all. I continued to run the Nolva and doubled the dose. I then also introduced and ran for 1 month Aromasin. The lump is almost gone entirely. It's well over 50% of what it was and continues to reduce.

I will be running an AI next time for sure but thought I would update anyone who's also struggling with this. I think it will need 1-2 further months of Nolva & Aromasin but worth it for me. Hopefully won't return or anything. Not sure if I need to be taking both but its doing the trick so...
Thought I would update you all. I continued to run the Nolva and doubled the dose. I then also introduced and ran for 1 month Aromasin. The lump is almost gone entirely. It's well over 50% of what it was and continues to reduce.

I will be running an AI next time for sure but thought I would update anyone who's also struggling with this. I think it will need 1-2 further months of Nolva & Aromasin but worth it for me. Hopefully won't return or anything. Not sure if I need to be taking both but its doing the trick so...

Looking forward to your logs!