I've read a few threads about people reacting to tren. I've had a minor reaction but it's hard to tel exactly what it's from. Most of the threads I've read are people saying they got hives or injection site rashes. I have neither. All I have is a small rash on my elbows under my biceps on both arms. I'm running about 250 mgs of test e/wk and about 300 mgs of tren A/wo I'm also taking Adex and caber with it just because I'm somewhat prone to Gyno. This is my first time using more than just test e for a cycle and I'm getting virtually no negative sides at all other than the small rash WHICH GOES AWAY WITH BENEDRYL.
My question is,
~Is there a way to tel if I'm reacting to caber (new to my body) or tren (new to my body)
~ is this a big deal or anything to worry about?
My question is,
~Is there a way to tel if I'm reacting to caber (new to my body) or tren (new to my body)
~ is this a big deal or anything to worry about?