small victory


New member
i won a small victory today...

one of my childhood friends always used to poke fun at me a little because i was always the most heavy-set (and stronger - i've lifted a lot of my life) of my group of friends and he was the ever-fit (read skinny) soccer player.

in our recent years he's always tried to one-up every one of our friends who all turned out to be athletic in some way, but he always had to be better (or at least could tell you why he thought he was better).

anyways to make a long story short, this guy was always in a little better shape than me no matter what i seemed to do - and he made it known to anyone who would listen.

well i saw some more recent pictures of him and lets just say karma is a bitch. finally my hard work (and his apparent laziness) has paid off and its clear who's in better shape. now i'm not the type to rub it in, but i might get a good laugh or two when we all get together again this summer for our annual beach trip.

i'm still cutting and feeling better every day, and he's got a loooong way to go now. i know its not nice to take pleasure in others misfortune.. but come on...

anyways... not trying to sound like a dick but i had to let my excitement out somewhere and i figured what better place than here...