So bodybuilders take AAs?

ha it is funny how naive ppl are. i used to be one of those ppl tho. i used to think maybe some pros juice but not all. but as i got more and more into it i learned a lot more about it and realized they are all juicin. but ya, i always tell ppl im natural. its easy to lie about it, even if ur 260 8%bf 5'8". no lie. its cause ppl dont know anything about steroids. if u r a calm person, not much acne, and u've been lifting for a long time they think thats just what happens when u lift hard for a long time, which it is. but when they think of steroids, they expect u to be roid raging and having horrible acne and being a completely different person.

my mom asked me if i was juicin in high school cause i started getting big pretty quick, and one day i was yelling at my stupid ass sister for something. she thought i was roid raging.

i've been lifting for a few yrs now and everyone that knows me knows i love to workout regularly for the past few yrs, so i've done a couple cycles and ppl r just completely naive. my gf watch me put on 20 lbs in a few weeks and she didnt even say anything. she noticed i was getting bigger, but i was training hard and eating all the time so it made sense.

im sure most u guys are approached all the time, "are u juicin?", u just say no, im in the gym all the time and i eat non stop.

Aint that the truth! I say the same thing myself.
What I find funny is many people equate steroid use with being ripped. To people who don't know about steroids, a dude that's 180 and ripped to shreds is probably juicing, while the 300+lb power-lifter who can lift cars over his head is just one of those naturally big, strong, guys.
i saw the guy whose shoulder starts leaking while in stage. that was pure puss i saw it on youtube. sucks to be him.