So bodybuilders take AAs?


New member
buy looking at them... I do think they do AAS.. but is it true?

No drug test before competition?
What do you think? Like, for real? Use common sense. Do you think there's a way you can possibly get that big? What about the big stomachs? You think that's normal? Also, what about the wider jaws? The man boobs? Come on, dude!

There is ways around drug tests.
I can smoke a bag of grass, take a drug test tomorrow and pass! True Story!

Test, GH, Winstrol (winny), and the list goes on, on, on, on, on!!!
No body builders never take that stuff they are all natural, they just are like super heros and have natural powers to get that big......*snickers*
:scratchhe your saying body builders use physic enhancement AAS and there not natural at 240lbs 4% bf?

:wink2:and drug test:laugh4:
you ever wonder why they label some comp natty?

this feels like breaking the news to a kid that santa clause is not real
i no every pro body builder takes aas, do you think some use synthol? watch i video on youtube and the guys shoulder startered leaking on stage.
i would have swore they are all natural. because to me taking a steroid is natural.
so those that say they train natty well we know what your saying its ok we wont tell.
i no every pro body builder takes aas, do you think some use synthol? watch i video on youtube and the guys shoulder startered leaking on stage.

thats not syhtol thats an absess maybe septic or steril but an abses wich burst/startes draining when he wasposing due ot pressure. that was NOt synthrol.
i love how people say "not natural" wtf is it? fake? i can see how someone would say valentino wasn't natural bc of all the synthol, but come on now people act like you take steroids and blow up into a monster over night. i wish it was that easy.

i always tell people im natural.
i love how people say "not natural" wtf is it? fake? i can see how someone would say valentino wasn't natural bc of all the synthol, but come on now people act like you take steroids and blow up into a monster over night. i wish it was that easy.

i always tell people im natural.

people are plainly Fucking dumb!!

In my eyes, when on aas, you have to work twice as hard!! No easy!!!
people are plainly Fucking dumb!!

In my eyes, when on aas, you have to work twice as hard!! No easy!!!

ya there's no easy way out. and thankfully, im glad there isnt. anyone can get their hands on some takes hardcore dedication to see any gains. the harder it is, the sweeter the prize
ya there's no easy way out. and thankfully, im glad there isnt. anyone can get their hands on some takes hardcore dedication to see any gains. the harder it is, the sweeter the prize

People don't realize everything that goes into bodybuilding. They think you just need to shoot up and get huge. They have no idea about the strict diets and crazy training.
^^ true that!!

anyhow, does anyone have a link to some cycles that these pros are doing? i tried looking it up and couldnt come across anything. im just curious to see what kind of dosages/length of cycles they are running
Tommy- I know that there are a few threads on Ology that talk about the Pros cycles ( I was reading some thing last week I think).. Just use the Search button and start typing in some keywords..I know something will pop up. If you find anything interesting please share!
i always tell people im natural.

ha it is funny how naive ppl are. i used to be one of those ppl tho. i used to think maybe some pros juice but not all. but as i got more and more into it i learned a lot more about it and realized they are all juicin. but ya, i always tell ppl im natural. its easy to lie about it, even if ur 260 8%bf 5'8". no lie. its cause ppl dont know anything about steroids. if u r a calm person, not much acne, and u've been lifting for a long time they think thats just what happens when u lift hard for a long time, which it is. but when they think of steroids, they expect u to be roid raging and having horrible acne and being a completely different person.

my mom asked me if i was juicin in high school cause i started getting big pretty quick, and one day i was yelling at my stupid ass sister for something. she thought i was roid raging.

i've been lifting for a few yrs now and everyone that knows me knows i love to workout regularly for the past few yrs, so i've done a couple cycles and ppl r just completely naive. my gf watch me put on 20 lbs in a few weeks and she didnt even say anything. she noticed i was getting bigger, but i was training hard and eating all the time so it made sense.

im sure most u guys are approached all the time, "are u juicin?", u just say no, im in the gym all the time and i eat non stop.