so how tall are you??


New member
just curious as to what the bodybuilder average height is for everyone and just looking to see how tall you guys are. I'm 5' 10" at 18 years old. but i fear im probably going to be stuck this height for life because I gear at 18. :( so im trying to see what every one else's statue is like.
I'm 32 yrs old, 6'3', 235 lbs. 5'10' isn't a bad height to be, probably a really good height for bodybuilding. I wouldn't want to be any taller than I am now.

kane and the band, i'm the one on the car who's hold his arm ... yes with the beret yes...

Ho that my irish band of celitc-rock. i play bagpipes some times just for fun... with this band.
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5' 10" but im really 5' 10¼" lol

Give a man a inch and he adds it to his own.
damn man lol i feel a bit better about my height at 5' 10" but jesus Dlove 275 6'4" dude.. thats a brock lesnar lol. i wish I could be monster status but i like my statue at 5 10 it's easier to bulk on my frame.