So I drank...

Well everyone knows the minister likes a drink or two. Getting hammered now and again is okay imo. I've cut down to once a week.

Unless you are ocd or a competitor, or on a diet, drinking is fine. sorry if this upsets some of you. I've made huge gains and drank thru cycle.

Having one now actually.

Its completely not OK at all. as humans we can justify what ever we want to make ourselves feel better but reality is that chemicals and alcohol dont mix. so dont go advocating it here
Alcohol while on cycle is for the weak minded people that can't say no in there brain. If you're that weak minded and cant leave alcohol alone for 3-4 months then you probably shouldn't be messin with aas. Just my 2c. Smoke a joint. At least it doesnt cause an increase in estro and fuck up ur blood and liver enzymes and u wont wake up feelin like shit with a hangover. Not tellin u to burn some weed but I'd take a puff over some alcohol anytime. If I drank 3 beers while on cycle 2 days later my gyno would be killin me. Beer WILL increase your gyno if you're prone to it
I'm not here to give advice. This board has the most sensitive members I've ever seen. There are a lot of things that are bad for your health. KFC I don't eat it, but its bad for your health. Its so easy to get on the alcohol is bad for you band wagon.

Too many dogooders, and no real people. The reason I say this is that those that preach are in the minority, while the majority remain silent, or skip this.

To be honest of course alcohol is bad for you. So are a multitude o other daily things you do.

wouldn't it be nice to have a site where one opinion isn't heard and various are debated.

Its like whether dbol should be used in first cycle. I think its fine. Blah blah if you get sides, cut the dbol first.

unless you know it all, all, take care in what you preach. The thing about bb is that everyone has various targets. Not everyone has to abide by one rule. And getting personal only adds to this crap.

You guys are beginning to get on my nerves
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Its completely not OK at all. as humans we can justify what ever we want to make ourselves feel better but reality is that chemicals and alcohol dont mix. so dont go advocating it here

While I respect you as a brother. Don't tell me what to do. A forum is where something is debated not preached. who said chemical and alcohol don't mix?

Look I am not trying to be a dick, but say don't drink alcohol while on gear and be done. U might be right, but this is a forum.

My comment was really that it hasn't affected me these years, and that's though experience.
Has nothing to do with gains dude. It's more a concern of overall health. There is no argument that alcohol is healthy. (glass red wine once in a while is fine) but still.

We are using drugs to better improve our physique. Sometimes these things are not so healthy. Combined with alcohol and your not doing your body any good.

I promise to change once someone can source and give me proof that doing gear and alcohol is as bad as doing alcohol alone.

anyone who drinks alcohol has risks associated with alcohol. Anyone who does gear has risks associated with gear. Double trouble, fine.

There are studies that two glasses of wine a day helps you. again not being an ass, but really too many sensitive dividers on this site that preacher text book answers.
Yeah I agree minister. The dude was just asking I'd there is science behind not getting drunk as quick.

For me.. The one time I drank on cycle was no different than off. As far as tolerance anyway. I was of course much much hornier after some liquid courage
Plus IMO, this is where the majority of the 'roid rage' myth comes from.
Some guy on cycle gets wasted and starts shit and people go straight to the gear, not the fact that he was just a drunk asshole...
But ya man, one break in your diet like that can really derail your progress.
And that's without going into the whole health aspect.

Roid rage and being drunk is bollocks. If you are a trouble maker anyway, you will be a trouble maker.
Alcohol while on cycle is for the weak minded people that can't say no in there brain. If you're that weak minded and cant leave alcohol alone for 3-4 months then you probably shouldn't be messin with aas. Just my 2c. Smoke a joint. At least it doesnt cause an increase in estro and fuck up ur blood and liver enzymes and u wont wake up feelin like shit with a hangover. Not tellin u to burn some weed but I'd take a puff over some alcohol anytime. If I drank 3 beers while on cycle 2 days later my gyno would be killin me. Beer WILL increase your gyno if you're prone to it

Before you say alcohol is for the weak and for those who can't say no you need to know the situAtion better of that person. For me, I work in very large bank, deal with cash and clients daily on the investment side, where entertaining is part of the job. again being personal, without any knowledge.
Before you say alcohol is for the weak and for those who can't say no you need to know the situAtion better of that person. For me, I work in very large bank, deal with cash and clients daily on the investment side, where entertaining is part of the job. again being personal, without any knowledge.

Mate you talk about getting hammered for one. i dont see you going over to a clients house and just downing a bottle of scotch with them.

Justify your drinking all you want to yourself. at the end of the day you know its bullshit anyway so the sooner you stop lying to yourself the better. what you said has got to be the biggest load of garbage i have ever read. id expect that sort of blame and justification for someone my age at 22 not from a full blown adult
Mate you talk about getting hammered for one. i dont see you going over to a clients house and just downing a bottle of scotch with them.

Justify your drinking all you want to yourself. at the end of the day you know its bullshit anyway so the sooner you stop lying to yourself the better. what you said has got to be the biggest load of garbage i have ever read. id expect that sort of blame and justification for someone my age at 22 not from a full blown adult

Okay. I am not justifying myself. If I am its cos I make a good living. you don't see me going to a clients house and downing a bottle. That's true I don't. I live in Hong Kong. At 22 you have a lot to see. Experience wise, none to give. I am 42.

My last word is not that doing alcohol and gear together is bad for you. It probably is. But I am sick of the sensitive, lack of evidence response that are so text book that it makes me urge.

also, do not get personal. Up to now, I still haven't got personal, that's the difference between a 22 year old and a 42 year old.

Mdella, you've probably never seen my world
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One thing I do want to say is mdella and I have debated my drinking problem before. Subsequently I decided to drink less regularly, now once a week. He deserves the credit for this.
Im talking from personal experience. i know it is bad for you. i added drinking into my first ever cycle that i did when i was un educated and stupid. that gave me gyno and was a 6k mistake and months of recovery. so i know it fucks up chemical imbalances in your body. i just feel so strongly on it because what i went through is something i dont wish uppon anyone. it was fucking shit.

at the end of the day mate if you drink its up to you, i can say (without documented proof) that in my experience it is bad for you and i will advocate that till the day i die.

im glad to hear that some of my previous talks have rubbed off on you and you have descided to drink less, that is a step in the right direction and i commend you for that. what i dont understand is AAS is used by the majority to make us look better, alcohol doesnt compliment that so i cant understand mixing the two together. anyway im going to leave it at that, you make your own descisions and i respect that but all i can do is voice my oppinion as doing what you have done in my personal life has resulted negatively. and remember if you do want to take your body to the next level, not only in fitness but in health.. the alcohol will have to go
Thanks. That's a reasonable response. cheers mate. But always remember, you drink not always just for the pleasure of drinking. I know you have experienced first hand alcoholism. Not everyone is like that.

I make more money during happy hour than the rest of the day. hehe I don't want to do the money can't buy health. I have mouths to feed.

Mdella and I am on the same time zone. Be interesting to see who else goes text book on me later
Alcool supresses your ADH ( anti diuretic hormone), so u initially loose water when u drink, but the body will try to compensate by elevating its water retention. Water retention increases the fluids in your body, including blood stream volume wich increases blood pressure. So drinking alone isnt very good for your health.

Also, alcool is ethanol, wich is a poison for our body. The liver needs to get rid of it. If you take too much alcool, you may dammage your liver cells. Same shit for the aas. So yea, alcool + aas is worse then just aas...

As for the initial question, if someone never drinks alcool and one night takes a few beers, he should get drunk way faster then someone who is used to has to do with liver alcool degrading enzymes...when u drink often your body already have those on hand to get rid of the alcool....

I would look for other factors to answer the initial mood, location, what u ate that day etc,.. wich can all have an influence on how drunk u think you were :)
This is the OP's real question. He said he didn't mean to boast and he probably shouldn't have said anything about him drinking but that is hindsight. Having said that, does anyone have an answer to the science behind his actual question? It is an interesting one...

Alcool supresses your ADH ( anti diuretic hormone), so u initially loose water when u drink, but the body will try to compensate by elevating its water retention. Water retention increases the fluids in your body, including blood stream volume wich increases blood pressure. So drinking alone isnt very good for your health.

Also, alcool is ethanol, wich is a poison for our body. The liver needs to get rid of it. If you take too much alcool, you may dammage your liver cells. Same shit for the aas. So yea, alcool + aas is worse then just aas...

As for the initial question, if someone never drinks alcool and one night takes a few beers, he should get drunk way faster then someone who is used to has to do with liver alcool degrading enzymes...when u drink often your body already have those on hand to get rid of the alcool....

I would look for other factors to answer the initial mood, location, what u ate that day etc,.. wich can all have an influence on how drunk u think you were :)

Thank you, Trust! About time someone answered the OP's actual question instead of giving their asshole. Oops, I mean opinion.:bootyshak (That was a "Opinions are like assholes bc everybody has one" reference explained for those who are too stupid to get my sarcasm. :flipoffha )

Lately I've been starting to agree with Minister's statement that there sure seems to be a lot of thin skinned people on this board who trash talk and spew their opinions/judgements without actually answering a thread's real questions. Opinions are welcome and they make for great conversations but they only detract from the thread and our board if they are thrown about in a judgmental manner.