So, it's been a year off ...


New member
So, it's been a year off ... UPDATED 8/18/04

I haven't juiced since July 2003.

Max weight juiced was 177 lbs.
Max juiced bench press: 225 lbs.

I slacked off for like two-three months and dropped down to 164 lbs. I have been training regularly since that vacation of mine...

Weigh in: 176 lbs
Max bench: 235 (probably, I maxed 225 two months ago)

So I am naturally at my personal best from a year ago.

I will be doing a 10 week cycle of test and d-bol. I want to weigh in 200 lbs on this cycle and bench press 250 or 260 lbs.

I quit juicing because it was causing severe panic attacks (hard to breathe, fuzzy hands, etc.). Long after my cycle was over, I started getting these attacks without juice involved. I was later diagnosed with Anxiety and have been on 25mg Paxil ever since. I also have a prescription to Xanax (quick fix for panic attacks), that I fill, but never use because Paxil prevents the attacks from happening anyway.

Now that I know more about my situation, I am going to try juicing again and if it doesnt work out this time, I will be saying good bye to juice forever. :sadwavey:

Here's what I plan on doing differently this time around.
1. More awareness of what's going on. Before, I thought I was going crazy. Now I have a better grip on what's up.
2. Continue using Paxil as I have been.
3. Play it by ear and see how long I can go without an attack. If an attack occurs, take .5mg of Xanax. This is almost guaranteed to stop an attack if not, up dosage.
4. If it happens again do same as above and start taking up to three a day (as directed if necessary)

I mention all of this [what some might say is] personal information because I want to document on here to possibly help others with the same problems. I'll post a follow up to see if the above mentioned plan worked for me...

EDIT: I also used to get major heart palpations and insomnia. I would sleep 4-5 hours a night, mostly tossing and turning. Night sweats, too. I was over exhausted, but I never actually realized it because I always felt like I had energy. I also partied heavily (drinking, fucking, late nights) which I dont plan on doing this time around.
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Overall Health FIRST, bb'ing goals SECOND! (IMO). Best of luck to you with whatever road is ahead of you. ;)
No offense, but if you're maxing out at 225lbs, you shouldn't be juicing. I think I did that as a skinny 150lbs 16 year old in Highschool.
What does his max bench have to do with him doing steroids again??? 150lbs with a 225 bench pfff yeah ok are you 4 feet tall.
I think your missing the point Drace/Eswift. This dude is considering f*cking with his physiological makeup while he's got PRESCRIBED Paxil/Zanax.


I you knew half of what steroids do to your body, not just on, but after you get off, you would realize (hopefully) that this is a bad idea.

First of all, how old are you? It seems like you are mainly concerned with numbers here. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) will add alot more than 15 or 20 lbs to your bench, but you need to understand what you are adding to your already diagnosed problems.

My suggestion, don't chance it, stay away from juice. If I ever thought that Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) would screw me up for life, I wouldn't even consider it.

Just eat, get as big as you can, and take care of yourself before you do something really stupid. No flame, just looking out. Hope that helps!!
I totally agree with RJH, dude, please think about your health first! Don't think that juice is your only answer. There are many a people that have amazing physiques that have never had to go the juice route.
Health first, BB'ing second.
You would be amazed at what your body can do with appropriate food and training...

Plus, if it's any consolation...I'm a female(an pretty damn hot one, I would say;)), and I would much rather be boinking a guy who is not having night sweats, heart palpitations, fuzzy hands, panic attacks.....unless I was the reason for them!!

At any rate, study what effects you will be looking at if you juice on your meds.
Good Luck!
Niclipse, I think you should reconsider that cycle.

RJH8541 has a god point in his post. If you are not 100% and have problems that you are taking prescripted medcation for, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) could be a realy dangerous way to go.

I'm 6'3" tall, I've gained and kept 33 lbs since I started seriously lifting almost 2 years ago. My before and after photos are shocking. My bench has always been sorry. It's my one muscle group that isnt up with all my others.

Heart palp, fuzzy hands, hard to breathe, these are all what I got (only on my second cycle) minus meds.

Regardless, I'm going to try it out. I've already landed 225 pink thai d-bols now Im just waiting for the rest of my stack. This will be my first time with the needle.

Wish me luck. If it doesn't workout this time around it'll be the last time.

I'm not the first stubborn fool this board has seen and certainly not the last.
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If that is your final decision i'd say go for it and just be careful. You know more then anyone what your body can handle. If things start getting freaky just bail out and stay away.

Good Luck
No offense, but I think lack of research IS the problem!

Good luck and stay safe dude!
Well...dbol gave me anxiety and panic attacks big time. Dbol raises and lowers testosterone & estrogen levels too quickly in my opinion. You'd be a hell of a lot better off on just testosterone cyp. or enanthate IMO.
First off, what did your first cycle consist of? Dbol could have caused that shit. Also you dont necessarly have to stray away from juice. If this cycle doesnt work out then go for lighter AAS. Things that wont fuck with your head as much. Maybe anavar, even though it is expensive. But either way, health first.
yes, i agree. I think what Im going to do is dabble with test 250 for a while and if things go good then possibly add in dbol. If i start going nuts i'll know its the dbol and sell it.

The word of the day is ... "dabble!"
8/18/04 UPDATE

Yay! Just wanted to update this thread because of what I found out about anxiety while doing my cycle recent cycle.

500mg a week of Tornel Test 200
250 Pink Thai Dbols 5mg

8 week cycle ...was supposed to be 10-12

I did the shot for the first time this cycle and I don't mind it at all.

I did not get any anxiety during this cycle until I added Dbol at the end of my cycle for one day. (I used dbol at the end so I could test out the tornel test 200 and then dbol to see whos-who and whats-what) I ate 50mg and felt fine during the day (with the exception of shortness of breath);

however, I was having horrible dreams unlike that of a normal nightmare. I woke out of the dream and took two .5mg of xannax and went back to bed. It didn't help. I continued to have a horrible night. I woke up the next day feeling fine while awake, but sold the dbol the next day. Dbol and those who have anxiety, probably not a great mixture. So there it is. Test is okay! Yay.

I gained a total of 23 pounds (stayed at 200 lbs on the dot) and my bench went up 50 LBS to 275 lbs. My daily diet was:

1x bowl of oatmeal
1x potato (sometimes 2)
6x eggs
protein drink & creatine
1x can of tuna
regular meals, etc.

I just started Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). After my break, I'm moving onto Sustanon. Goal is to get my weight up to 230 lbs and then diet down to 205 or 210, lean. Any suggestions for my sustanon doses and durations?
congrats bro! My bench has always sucked too, just cause it aint high, don't mean you don't look good :} !

and for the record i'll agree with madine21 ! WOW!