So my EXTREME teenage acne is on it's way back...i'm losing all hope on life man..

Tanning beds also increase your risk of getting MS by 3% every time you get in one. No thanks

I have used a tanning bed over 50 times now, which means my risk of getting MS is over 100% (150%, but you cannot have more than all there is). I do not have MS, therefor your warning is not correct. Others have used tanning beds thousands of times without getting MS, and by your statement those who use tanning beds more than 33 times is guaranteed to get MS.

Gentlemen it is well known that UV light kills the bacteria. I've been doing this sense some of you were in diapers. ACNE is caused by a bacteria. Doctors prescribe antibiotic for this also. the bacteria feeds on sugar. Give up the sugar drink lots of water use a lufa and get some sun. If that doesn't work accutane works great a the proactive cleansers help to. If all else fails go see your doc. Blood work is helpful too.
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I have used a tanning bed over 50 times now, which means my risk of getting MS is over 100% (150%, but you cannot have more than all there is). I do not have MS, therefor your warning is not correct. Others have used tanning beds thousands of times without getting MS, and by your statement those who use tanning beds more than 33 times is guaranteed to get MS.


I didn't know that about UV.. That's interesting. The words on MS are the exact words my dermatologist spit at me when i mentioned tanning beds a couple weeks ago so she must be spewing nonsense to keep me out of them and coming back to her for my bacne treatments.
I didn't know that about UV.. That's interesting. The words on MS are the exact words my dermatologist spit at me when i mentioned tanning beds a couple weeks ago so she must be spewing nonsense to keep me out of them and coming back to her for my bacne treatments.

She's either greedy, or just trying to keep you safe - but misinformed. UV-a most certainly can cause skin cancer, only a fool would claim otherwise - but the odds are pretty close to being hit by a bolt of lightning if you're not predisposed to cancer already.

There are many causes of acne, but DPR is right in that bacteria does cause a lot of it. His advice is pretty much spot on for a general case. I'd also make sure hormones are in good ranges - high/low estradiol can do wonky things to sebaceous glands - which are what make the infamous oily skin. :)
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She's either greedy, or just trying to keep you safe - but misinformed. UV-a most certainly can cause skin cancer, only a fool would claim otherwise - but the odds are pretty close to being hit by a bolt of lightning if you're not predisposed to cancer already.

There are many causes of acne, but DPR is right in that bacteria does cause a lot of it. His advice is pretty much spot on for a general case. I'd also make sure hormones are in good ranges - high/low estradiol can do wonky things to sebaceous glands - which are what make the infamous oily skin. :)

Thanks for the awesome new knowledge guys. My acne I have now is 100% caused from a previous cycle I ran before I was educated on the AI's and PCT aspects. Hoping I clear up soon or I'm gonna have to get acutane.
Okay buddy.

I l tell you how I cured my hideous acne which started AFTER I ended my accutane course to stop minor acne.

Pre accutane I got small zits on fave so I went to doc he put me on accutane and some shit.

It worked but when I stopped the meds I got huge cystic acne which fucked my 7-8 months... No social life/ no gf.

I ll tell you how I cured it in detail. Hope it will help.

1--STOP ALL SIMPLE CARBS( rice, potatoes, bread, refined flour , icecream, chocolate, sugars , fruits , no peanuts)

They will be re introduced later but for now no stop them.

You can eat-- home made brown bread/ wheat breads( no fermentation)

You can eat fats, chicken, goat, beef, vegetables, pulses cooked, kidney beans etc


I don't know where you are located but try to find a OTC product ( Ayurvedic) called

" Mahamanjisthadi kasha"

It's a Ayurvedic blood purifier tonic and works wonders too also dirt cheap but stops boils acne dead in its tracks.

You can find it online I think or ask someone to source it to you. That is a very good medicine no side effects.

Try this for 2 -3 months.

Stop all medications related to acne as they will cause more harm I long run.

The number of people who got cured with the above is overwhelming.

Do it.