sodium intake? staying full and lean but not bloated


I'm a little confused about sodium / salt. I've been eating super clean -> no processed foods with extra sodium and no salt. Pretty much very low sodium except what I get from chicken and eggs. It lets me stay ripped everyday.

However I've noticed I don't look as full as I could be when doing this. Does sodium actually make your muscles appear fuller? I thought it only caused subq water retention (bloat).

Today I had some (a lot) extra sodium and it made me look incredible several hours later. I look shredded AND full. Although I know I'll look like a bloated mess tomorrow. Even my face will be bloated. Freaking moonface... Carbs never seem to make me bloated. I consume 700-800g daily.

Is there any way to stay full and shredded without the bloat? What am I doing wrong? Probably irrelevant but I am an AAS user.
Maybe you just need to find a balance of sodium. You still need it as it's an electrolyte. If you take too much and don't drink enough water, you bloat, but if you get the right amount you should look optimal. I know my brother, whenever he has a cheat meal, looks his best the morning after that meal. His muscles are fuller and saturated with nutrients and probably bloated some extent. You just need to play around with your diet and find out what makes you look the best I suppose.
Yes. Everyone has a sweet spot with sodium. Personally, I'm around 2,500-2,800 mg. I took a while for me to dial it in. The reality is sodium has the most profound effect on my appearance. I'm not sure if you compete; if you do I'm sure you are familiar with sodium load/deload strategies; if not start studying this. I literally do a load deload anytime I know I'm going to a water park, beach etc. sodium and carbs both can literally make you look like a god if manipulated correctly.
Yes. Everyone has a sweet spot with sodium. Personally, I'm around 2,500-2,800 mg. I took a while for me to dial it in. The reality is sodium has the most profound effect on my appearance. I'm not sure if you compete; if you do I'm sure you are familiar with sodium load/deload strategies; if not start studying this. I literally do a load deload anytime I know I'm going to a water park, beach etc. sodium and carbs both can literally make you look like a god if manipulated correctly.
Learn something new every day. I'd rep you again if I could prisonsex. :)
Yes. Everyone has a sweet spot with sodium. Personally, I'm around 2,500-2,800 mg. I took a while for me to dial it in. The reality is sodium has the most profound effect on my appearance. I'm not sure if you compete; if you do I'm sure you are familiar with sodium load/deload strategies; if not start studying this. I literally do a load deload anytime I know I'm going to a water park, beach etc. sodium and carbs both can literally make you look like a god if manipulated correctly.

Can you elaborate on the timing and amounts you use?
For me the best load deload scheme is as follows.

Up my sodium to 5500-6000mg a day for at least 4 days (7-10 is best, but 4 works). Then 2 days before I want to look as ripped as possible I drop down to 1000-1500, 24 hours before d-day I drop down as low as possible (under - 1000). The morning of d-day I start taking back in my normal maintenance levels. The only down side is after D Day I occasionally will be bloated.

Here's the deal; the more sodium you take in your body starts to adapt by pumping the water out. What you want to do is trick your body by loading with sodium the longer you can do it the better (7-10 days out). Your body will shift into overtime to pump all the extra water out of your body. When you slash your sodium intake your body will continue to pump at a higher rate. The benefit to this technique is that the layer of water between your muscle and skin will almost completely disappear making you more sliced and vascular.

Here's the deal if you are over 9% this is going to be a total waste of time, anything under and you will be amazed at the impact on your physique. Using sodium loading/deloading in combination with water depletion and carb manipulation techniques have huge benefits if you compete or if you want to look totally sliced at the beach ;)

If you really want to research it google "show prep". These techniques are relatively safe when followed correctly. The Pros follow similar methods with the addition of dietetics. The reality is most the the guys here will never have low enough (sub 6%) BF to justify the use of dietetics. Imo the risk associated with these compounds do not warrant use; unless of course you are stepping on stage.
Awesome info. However to look good everyday it does not matter how much sodium you consume as long as you consume the same amount everyday? I'm talking about not getting bloated. That way there would be no need to load sodium since you could stay on 5g ED and drop it when you need to peak.

Prisonsex what about water intake? Do you decrease water when dropping sodium before the event?
Great question. Yes, to really go over the top I will also in corporate a water load/deload. Remember what I'm suggesting would be for the beach or water park. This is not what I would do before a competition. The reason being; at the beach/pool etc, my ass is swimming and playing volleyball or anything else to get the attention of the young ladies ;) that being said if I go below my lowest point I get dehydrated and not only do I not enjoy myself I risk serious injury.

It's basically the same protocol as the sodium load/deload. Like the sodium if you can start this 7-10 days earlier the better off you will be. However like the sodium scheme I have started as short as four days out.

10-7 days out I take in 2 gallons a day. 48 hours before the event I drop down to 1 gallon and the morning of the event I only sip water in the morning. If the event kicks off at 10am I can usually get by sipping water until 3-4 without getting dehydrated. Around 5 I start drinking at my regular pace.

Keep in mind I am basing this and the sodium load info based on MY body. This should give you and idea and of a starting point.

I'm over 40, 6' 2" 225lbs and around 8% I usually stay under 10% even in the winter I do not go above 12%.

Like I said earlier if you are above 9% none of this is going to make that big of a difference. When you get down to 9% it becomes very easy to be photo ready with in 10 days.

Carb load and deload is also a part of the equation. It's pretty funny but I can literally time everything down to a 30 minute window. Once you learn how to manipulate your body you will as well. The first couple of time you try these techniques there is a high probability that you will miss time one of the variables. This will result in either peaking to early or too late. The carb loading has alsways been the trickiest part for me
Yes, you need to find your zone for day to day sodium. I would recommend not to take sodium out of your diet unless your doctor has instructed you to. Sodium is highly under rated, it is an import part of good health.

Without know anything about you I would recommend starting in the 2000 mg range
Very interesting Prison, thanks for the clarification my friend! Have you calculated how much you can manipulate your water weight with that method in regards to pounds on the scale?
I don't think it would be possible to come up with a accurate formula for water intake in relationship to body weight without some kind of measument of activity level and ambeant temperature. I've seen caculators but I am reluctant to trust them without level of activity factored in. Lets face it when it comes to water depletion it's better to be safe than with an emt. This is the reason why I would never post my 10 day out contest protocol ;)
I don't think it would be possible to come up with a accurate formula for water intake in relationship to body weight without some kind of measument of activity level and ambeant temperature. I've seen caculators but I am reluctant to trust them without level of activity factored in. Lets face it when it comes to water depletion it's better to be safe than with an emt. This is the reason why I would never post my 10 day out contest protocol ;)

Yea too many people would be trying it at ~20%BF to get "lean" and overdoing it and hurting/killing themselves.
I'm a little confused about sodium / salt. I've been eating super clean -> no processed foods with extra sodium and no salt. Pretty much very low sodium except what I get from chicken and eggs. It lets me stay ripped everyday.

However I've noticed I don't look as full as I could be when doing this. Does sodium actually make your muscles appear fuller? I thought it only caused subq water retention (bloat).

Today I had some (a lot) extra sodium and it made me look incredible several hours later. I look shredded AND full. Although I know I'll look like a bloated mess tomorrow. Even my face will be bloated. Freaking moonface... Carbs never seem to make me bloated. I consume 700-800g daily.

Is there any way to stay full and shredded without the bloat? What am I doing wrong? Probably irrelevant but I am an AAS user.

Keeping sodium low will not keep you "ripped", rather you need to balance your sodium intake with your water intake. For an athlete, namely a bodybuilder, you should try and consumer 2 grams of sodium per liter of water you drink. You may notice some bloat from this at first, but once balance is established it will pass. Low sodium diets cause an increase in aldosterone which will limit sodium excretion in the urine, this will make you bloat much easier as it promotes water storage. It is also important that you balance your potassium intake with your sodium intake as excess potassium also causes aldosterone release.
