Some experiments..


New member
Im getting certain powders very soon, and I need to know how to make them into useable form. These are the powders: Winstrol (winny) and dbol. How many ml of each will I get if I have 10g of each and want to make them both at 50mg/ml? I think its 200ml total of each, but Im not too sure. I also dont know what supplies I need to make it. I know that there are certain clomid formulas that look clear and water like and other that have clumpy powder on the bottom, what do I need to make both the Winstrol (winny) and dbol water like, without any powder on the bottom?
I really need to know do i make my Winstrol (winny) and dbol so that it is a clear liquid? not like some clomid and nolvadex that you have to shake because ti clumps together.
have you read anything on here? all of these questions have already been answered numerous times.

nolva and clo can be made into solution as well.
I have I just dont know what the proper terminology for solutions are. Ive made tren and prop before and I know how to take powders and make oil injectables, but I really dont know whats going on when it comes to this stuff. Is water based what Im looking for? Then I read stuff about peg and stuff about Everclear and Bacardi, so I dont know which one of those is the one I am looking for.
oral. My letro and clen smell the same and they kinda taste good. Clomid also looks this way(clear like water) but tastes bad. Of course they are thicker than water, they just look like water.
Aright I finally found both methods except if I wanted to use peg, which one do I use? Im guessing peg 300 would work for most solutions.