some help with this anavar please?

supergirl said:
REALLY?? how so?? who are these some? Oxandrin (BTG) aka anavar is prescribed to cancer patients to aid in the prevention of muscle wasting and to increase their appetite...

A long time ago I read it on the board. I didn't believe it one way or another, until I mixed Anavar (var) into a Test cycle I was already on. Musta been a situation where I allowed whatever I had read to cloud my judgement/reaction, cuz I did encounter fairly noticable loss of appetite. Around the same time, a lady friend of mine said she too had a lowered libido for food.

But yeah, the general pharmacology of this theory doesn't seem to make sense. Hence, the "for some" is likely to be a fairly low segment of the entire user population. FeAR NoT!
Ladies, I'm still gung ho about this anavar. I think it'll probably work great for me but dont get me wrong- I'll always be consious of my age and how it could effect me differently. I guess we all take chances when taking gear...can ya'll blame me? Its a passion of mine, like all of you...I want to go to the next level, I want to challenge my all have helped me a ton. Is anyone just totally against me doing this- does anyone think that it'll turn out bad either way considering my age? Ya'll have me pondering now.......
I also wanted to ask about suggestions for the length of my cycle. I have an 8 week cycle in mind and I plan on tapering off just to be safe....PCT(I did read the post on that btw supergirl ;-) NICE!
Thanks ladies!
another question, like I mentioned way up above, I cannot take stimulants because of bad anxiety...(my main reason for trying anavar) but is there any other type of fat burning supplement anyone suggests me try? The problem I have on stimulants is my heart rate skyrocketing which triggers anxiety attacks...its not fun and I hate I have this problem otherwise I'd just take ephedra and probably be happy. Any suggestions?
... well we all know you're going to try Anavar :-)

I tried 'yohimburn' after reading about it on this site. I did use it in conjunction with Anavar but I did notice it really seemed to work on my abs. Can't really explain it but it's almost like it made my skin thinner, thus my abs stuck through. I'd been taking the Anavar for a while and this hadn't happened, as soon as I added in the yohimburn, my abs popped clear in to view. It's not cheap but I'd definetly recommend slapping some of that on before you do your cardio. If nothing, you'll definetly get some compliments on how nice you smell! It's supposed to contain some kind of stimulant but I never felt anything at all, just a tingly sensation on the applied area. Maybe someone else with more experience can advise if you should avoid it because of your issues with stimulants. The link to the store for speed is
sweet, I've never heard of any of these..thanks ladies. I will definitely be looking these up! Ya'll are great.
I dont need to be negative because you do look great in your avatar but in my OPINION you will not see the results that you seek with out upping your water to a gallon a day upping your cardio and losing some body fat before you will see the lean hard look that you desire. Could also be the reason you didnt see the results from Winstrol (winny)? Not trying to be a hater, like i said you look great but you really need to be @14% bf or less to see the results of Winstrol (winny) or var. and with bf% im talking about 12 measurements not three for bf%) and remember the world will tell you they are 9% bf and they are closer to 15. Good luck in what you do but at 18 i might try some of the thing i reccod! :shoot2:
Might want to try St.Johns Wort for the anxiety. You shouldnt feel any sense of anxiety on avavar. That is something you should get under control thats no way to go through life. Goodluck Im sure you will do fine as long as you work hard.
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