New member
yep...let me know how you feel when you cycle
I actually studied the chemical make up of test and tren and the way they act in your body befor deciding to run this cycle. I also read many peoples experiences with similar cycles its been 5 months now of study and iv just decided this. Your only arguement is that i shouldnt listen to what some guy says but the only reason you are telling me not to is because of what some guy told you. You didnt run this cycle and find out for yourself. Im going to completely disregaurd everything else you say because you have shown me you dont have any idea what your talking about.
read it....but just because you can run tren higher than test doesnt mean you should. and i wonder where everyone is reading to run tren higher than test..the national enquirer?
A lot of guys on another board notice way less of the typical tren side effects when test is run at a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose (100mg). The Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose of test is enough to maintain libido, plus caber or prami should always be kept on hand to prevent prolactin sides.
Will somebody ban this guy??
im just trying to learn bro. sorry for questioning someones cycle lol
"you dont want tren at a higher dosage than your test"
"read it....but just because you can run tren higher than test doesnt mean you should. and i wonder where everyone is reading to run tren higher than test..the national enquirer?"
"then share with everyone why you should swolehouse"
Just 3 examples from this thread. You give advice with no information base other than what you might have heard from someone else... not good. If you here to learn... shut up, read, ask intelligent questions and learn.
Don't go telling anybody how to cycle when you don't know shit... they just might listen to you.
Dude... nothing personal, but if you want to be successful using AAS, you need to read and understand for yourself what the fuck is up.
Go ask repo how he likes running 800tren and 400test. He'll tell you it's not the way to run (ya right) worked so good he extended his cycle