Some words of advise


New member
Hello everyone,

I've been playing this game for over 24 years now and consider myself rather sophisticated when it comes to AAS.
Over the years I've experienced many different aspects of this world and I feel like its time to share a few things.

Mainly there are a few concerns I have with how these substances are used, so let me just go through everything I can think of at this moment, there might be a thing or two you find helpful.

High protein diet:

It seems like that's what we all practice and preach.
While it is true that we absorb and use more protein on cycle, there is still a limit to it. I hear it over and over again: "Eat more protein on cycle to get big"
Its helpful but it comes with a price. I have never been drinking and I consider my diet flawless, yet I got a blood test back that showed my liver is in line for some serious issues.
I've been off gear for 6 months at that time, so I wouldn't think that has anything to do with it. Also don't let my username fool you, I rarely use pills, especially not Dbol.
My doctor and I narrowed it down to a very high protein diet. So I skimmed down on it, levels went back to normal and I didn't loose a single Lbs.

Cardio on cycle:

Don't do it! Yes you read that right. Be sure to be lean before your cycle and make healthy nutritional choices. The extra muscle you gain should burn away whatever fat is left anyway.
Why no cardio? You run a high risk to get an enlarged heart and everything else from hypertension all the way to heart failure.
Just go for walks and stay off the couch, that should be enough to retain those abbs.


For all the reasons above, especially high blood pressure. Avoid salt as much as possible, have a limited amount each day and make sure its some good quality sea or mineral salt.
I read posts of people recommending to eat Big Macs for the extra calories, that's just insane. You're asking for crazy water retention, whats the point of getting big if you'll just end up looking fat thanks to the water?

Tendons, ligaments and cartilage:

I've had issues with those all my life because I contracted limes disease as a child that went untreated.
We all know most AS are bad for your joints due to a reduced collagen synthesis.
However I can confirm HGH works wonders for it. I remember my first 6 month cycle @ 4ui ed, all my joints improved by a significant amount, permanently.
If you can afford it, by all means include HGH to each of your cycles, even if its just for 2 or 3 months, for your joints' sake.

Deca also helps a great deal by retaining synovial fluid in your joints. This is great and will get rid of any and all pains you might have. However note that this effect is only temporary, it helps if you suffer from arthritis, but if its an actual injury, such as a torn ligament, you'll only make matters worse by using Deca.

post cycle therapy (pct):

Not much to say here, the info thats out there is very solid. Personally I like to use Oxandrolone (Anavar) @ around 30mg from the day of the last injection all the way into week 2 of post cycle therapy (pct). It really doesn't seem to inhibit much. I've always recovered great doing this. (confirmed by bloodwork)
And I barley ever lost anything during post cycle therapy (pct).

AIs and SERMs:

Use them! I'm sure you've heard the pros say things like: "Nah a little estrogen is required, you'll loose gains by using Nolva, ect...)
BULLSHIT! The only gains you might loose are the extra 3lbs of boobs.
Sure some estrogen is required and you'll still have plenty of that even if you use Nolva on cycle. And yes you might not gain a pound or two, but is that really worth risking gyno? Also the high water retention you'll likely get without them, again, hypertension, enlarged heart.....
I recommend Nolva on cycle. I've done many with and without. I always had much less water and lower blood pressure while on it.

For post cycle therapy (pct) I recommend Aromasin and Clomid, I don't believe in a Nolva only post cycle therapy (pct), that stuff doesn't help much with it.


My rule of thumb: Less is more. Use the gear to improve whats already great and not the other way around. I recommend using medium dosages and make up for it by stacking different compounds.
For example:
Rather than using 1g of Test E, use around 500mg of Test + 300mg of Deca, you will get the same or better results with less side effects.
However it varies greatly from person to person. I've seen people blow up on 250mg Test and at the same time seen guys who worked harder and used 600mg that didn't grow half as fast.
My point: Find the right dose for yourself, don't listen to what your source of colleges tell you. Your body is different than theirs.

Alright, thats about it for now. I'm sure many will disagree, maybe rightfully so. Its just a few things I've learned and experienced over the years.
Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I agree with some things you said but also dont agree with some things you said. But everyone is diffrent and everybody's body reacts diffrent.
Thx for sharing. This is my first cycle so I gather all info and try to make an edjucated guess for my cycle set up. Only blood work will truley let you know where you are at though. Pre during and post.
Thx for sharing. This is my first cycle so I gather all info and try to make an edjucated guess for my cycle set up. Only blood work will truley let you know where you are at though. Pre during and post.

That is the way to go.
Good point about the bloodwork, I strongly agree. Especially during cycle I believe is most important, because you will catch issues early on. Most people I know ignore that and its much harder to treat a condition that has already developed over some time.
Very informative. I might have to consider buying some HGH for joints. Cost permitting of course. And won't Adex or Arim help with Gyno on cycle instead of using Nolva? I'll be using Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) but not on cycle.
Very informative. I might have to consider buying some HGH for joints. Cost permitting of course. And won't Adex or Arim help with Gyno on cycle instead of using Nolva? I'll be using Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) but not on cycle.

Nolva blocks receptors so it helps more then an ai,
Very informative. I might have to consider buying some HGH for joints. Cost permitting of course. And won't Adex or Arim help with Gyno on cycle instead of using Nolva? I'll be using Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) but not on cycle.

One of the reasons your natty test shuts down is because there is too much estrogen in your body. (converted from the high T levels) High estrogen indicates there is too much testosterone and your body will shut down production. There are other reasons as well but this is one of them.
So an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as Adex will help with a speedy recovery, as they are far more effective at getting rid of estrogen, compared to Nolva.

Adex and Aromasin are aggressive and tend to dry up your joints, thus I do not like to use them for extended periods of time.
Also, Nolva doesn't completely get rid of estrogen, which is a good thing, it mostly just prevents it from affecting your mammal glands. Perfect for on cycle use in my opinion.

As far as the HGH goes, I can really only recommend it, if I could only use one thing, this would be it.
Check your sources, I'm in a fortunate position, I pretty much get it straight from a lab, its actually rather cheap. Perhaps by making the right friends you can get a better deal on it.
Thanks for the info bro, can learn a lot from other guys experiences.
You say you don't like to run adex or aromasin for long periods, whats the longest you would use them before you start worrying about your joints?
35 years and only 8 running gear and my kidneys are trouble for me: PROTEIN is the smoking gun.

I too am a Less IS More guy and appreciate this thread allot.

Thanks for the info bro, can learn a lot from other guys experiences.
You say you don't like to run adex or aromasin for long periods, whats the longest you would use them before you start worrying about your joints?

Hard to say, it seems like I'm very lucky with everything. I get very little water no matter what I use and I recover fast all the time.
Therefore I use very little aromasin, usually only for 2 or 3 weeks, ED.
I do not use Adex anymore, I believe Aromasin is superior and also feels better.
I cant say how long it takes until joint pain kicks in, I always use Deca and HGH, which obviously has an effect on the whole thing.
But if I had to take a guess, I would say 4 weeks is probably the max.
I assume it all depends on your body though.
Nice little read.

In the end it all goes to the same thing.

Learn how your body reacts to different stimuli. This takes time and blood test to understand your own body.
So what is a good ratio protein/body weight off cycle and on. 2g-1lb is what I have been doing lately.

We used to eat around 40 - 50g a meal, sometimes 8 meals a day. I also roughly followed your equation, I was around 250lbs at that time. It doesn't seem to help or matter, according to my bloodwork it just got washed away through my liver.

Now for the past 9 years I've just been eating 20 - 30g per meal and I was able to go to 265lbs at one point, Nowadays I prefer to be a little smaller, currently 225, still eating the same amounts. I bet you I could go back up to 250 with the same amount of protein, just by lifting heavier and eating a little more carbs. Thus I believe the whole grams per lbs is a myth.
Thanks for sharing this brother. The one thing I don't understand is the no cardio thing. Can you explain your opinion on this one?
Thanks for sharing this brother. The one thing I don't understand is the no cardio thing. Can you explain your opinion on this one?

Yea I can see some people have a different opinion on this. First of, by cardio I mean really heavy stuff, sprinting, biking up hill, things that really get your heart rate going.
I still go hiking and swimming several times a week, but all at a slow relaxed pace.

This is because your heart is a muscle, you use it, it'll throw steroids in the mix and it'll grow by a dangerous amount. all sorts of issues can arise from that. And none of them are pleasant.

Alright, truth is I have nothing to back my claim up, but it only seems logical to me, I myself had very high blood pressure at one point, this is when I stopped the high impact cardio and since then its a lot better.

Furthermore, a friend of mine has died, enlarged heart. That guy didn't even use half as much gear as I do, but he was always pushing his endurance. We used to workout together, both of us had a similar lifestyle, except for that one thing. It doesn't prove anything, but its kind of an idication.

Lastly, I really don't need cardio either, if you eat healthy, you lift weights and use gear on top of it, chances are you'll have a LOT of muscle. In fact I have a hard time to swallow enough calories each day to maintain my weight, so the last thing I need is to burn more.
Yea I can see some people have a different opinion on this. First of, by cardio I mean really heavy stuff, sprinting, biking up hill, things that really get your heart rate going.
I still go hiking and swimming several times a week, but all at a slow relaxed pace.

This is because your heart is a muscle, you use it, it'll throw steroids in the mix and it'll grow by a dangerous amount. all sorts of issues can arise from that. And none of them are pleasant.

Alright, truth is I have nothing to back my claim up, but it only seems logical to me, I myself had very high blood pressure at one point, this is when I stopped the high impact cardio and since then its a lot better.

Furthermore, a friend of mine has died, enlarged heart. That guy didn't even use half as much gear as I do, but he was always pushing his endurance. We used to workout together, both of us had a similar lifestyle, except for that one thing. It doesn't prove anything, but its kind of an idication.

Lastly, I really don't need cardio either, if you eat healthy, you lift weights and use gear on top of it, chances are you'll have a LOT of muscle. In fact I have a hard time to swallow enough calories each day to maintain my weight, so the last thing I need is to burn more.

Interesting. The main reasn I do cardio now is for my health. I just do the elyptical machine for 30 minutes twice a week. I don't go hard with it, just to get the blood flowing. I just got bloodwork done and for the first time my liver enzymes came back elevated. I take in 350-400g protein a day. I've never had them come back elevated though and I've been doing this for a while.
Interesting. The main reasn I do cardio now is for my health. I just do the elyptical machine for 30 minutes twice a week. I don't go hard with it, just to get the blood flowing. I just got bloodwork done and for the first time my liver enzymes came back elevated. I take in 350-400g protein a day. I've never had them come back elevated though and I've been doing this for a while.

Your type of cardio is reasonable.
Give the reduced protein diet a try, 20-30g a meal is really enough.
And check for cysts or tumors on the liver. Deca can cause this in some rare cases. I believe so can Test.