hopefully you will listen to me, because im also 25. first off if you think you have low test, go tell a doctor and have him check you out.
i ran my first cycle when i was 18, then another one about a year later. after that i stayed on for about a year and half or two years because i had the same mentality as you. i was like wow this shit is awesome i want to have optimal test levels and look the best fuck the best etc etc. i also thought i had low test levels naturally because i've always had a baby face, no muscle, baby fat before i started taking test. maybe i was just a late bloomer but i dont think so actually. when i was 17 i could have easily passed for 14. and when i was 14 i looked 12.
after those 2 years of staying on, i came off when i was 21 because i realized how annoying it is to HAVE to do this ALL THE TIME when you are as young as we are. i tried to do a restart for many many months but i was just wasnt able to recover levels higher than 450 or 500ng/dl. that isn't so bad but far from normal range for a 21 year old. so i decided to get on and stay on. of course i have fun every now and then and do a mini blast maybe once a year or 18 months or something but being big isnt something i want anymore i just wanna have some nice size and stay lean and thats pretty much it, so i hang out around 200-250mg a week..
i'm not here to talk to you out of it but i am here to remind you what a burden it is to be on TRT.. ESPECIALLY when you don't have a proper prescription. it's always in the back of my mind "what if i run out of test". or "what if i want to take a long vacation somewhere, how will i get test there?". "how will i tell my girlfriend this is what i do.. will she be ok with it?" "what if my testosterone is improperly dosed". "will i have problems getting my future lady pregnant?". the list goes on and on... AND ON.
needing it because your genetics fucked you over with bad test levels is one thing, but needing it because you fucked yourself over is a harder pill to swallow. dont get me wrong there are definitely some benefits to it, especially later on in our years. i would imagine that constantly being on at least 250mg of test a week, plus sometimes i throw in proviron, sometimes i use masteron, or tren with caber, unless the girl has been with another juice head its probably the best fuck she's ever had. you really cant compete with a guy on gear when it comes to who fucked her better!