All About T3 and How to Use it On Cycle.

You gave me nothing to work with :) Define short and long term please.

Nothing is shut down immediately. Thyroid is in fact one of the dumbest glands we have, certainly takes time for it to catch on to what is going on.

1-2 weeks @ 25mcgs is short term. Long term >6 weeks. She even stated that with aprox 25mcg endogenous you add the 25mcgs exogenous for that short time. She tried to explain but she lost short the conclusion was that the Thyroid is not shut down as fast as the testes when you jump on gear.
1-2 weeks @ 25mcgs is short term. Long term >6 weeks. She even stated that with aprox 25mcg endogenous you add the 25mcgs exogenous for that short time. She tried to explain but she lost short the conclusion was that the Thyroid is not shut down as fast as the testes when you jump on gear.

Ok. It's true, but I'm not sure how we can utilize this information. 6 weeks is not really long term. 2 years is long term, 2 to 3 months is short term. As for "replacement", your doctor is wrong. This is entry level knowledge and they teach it 1st year.

No one really does T3 for 2 weeks, if they are... waste of money.
Austinite, why would using T3 for two weeks only be a waste? Is it a waste in the sense that limiting a fat loss phase to two weeks is a waste of time? Thanks.
Austinite, why would using T3 for two weeks only be a waste? Is it a waste in the sense that limiting a fat loss phase to two weeks is a waste of time? Thanks.

Because you need to have it in your system for a while, most don't see effects in just 2 weeks. Consistency is important and nothing about 2 weeks on is consistent. Unless you're 150 lbs, it might help (probably shouldn't be using at that stage). T3 is not magic and it doesn't work on a visually effective level in 2 weeks.
None, since I was not planning a two-week T3 cycle. I just want to understand more about how T3 works should I use it later.

Touché hahaha. T3 can help but diet is the biggest factor here since you can out eat exogenous T3. Like mentioned, fat loss takes time and so does T3, 2wks isn't enough for a decent ROI.
Thank you, but I am well aware gains and losses are dictated by diet. I am interested in using AAS, thyroid meds, etc because I am prescribed these medications and want to maximize their use for my personal goals; experience has taught me short-cuts are few.
So how much do you think it would hinder muscle gain in a bulking cycle? Was thinking of adding it to my winter bulk to stay fairly lean while bulking. Running Test 500pw w/dbol kickstart
woot woot, glad your back. These articles are gonna be pdf'd and saved for future reference.

I truly appreciate your wisdom and knowledge and the time you took to research and write such informative articles on subjects which most people have questions or know little about. You have taught me many things with your posts and I am glad you are back. An idle mind is a wasted resource as our quest for knowledge is never ending..
woot woot, glad your back. These articles are gonna be pdf'd and saved for future reference.

I truly appreciate your wisdom and knowledge and the time you took to research and write such informative articles on subjects which most people have questions or know little about. You have taught me many things with your posts and I am glad you are back. An idle mind is a wasted resource as our quest for knowledge is never ending..

Wow Kazmir. Very humbling words my friend. Much appreciated, brother. Glad to be back. Great community.
Hey austinite , I'm considering t3 for my next cycle, and I'm a pharm grade oriented person..
So I went to the pharmacy and came across the following attached product u see in photos..I understand from u thyroxine is t4 but dunno what is a LEVOthyroxine..
Is this t3 or t4? Or may be none?
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Hey austinite , I'm considering t3 for my next cycle, and I'm a pharm grade oriented person..
So I went to the pharmacy and came across the following attached product u see in photos..I understand from u thyroxine is t4 but dunno what is a LEVOthyroxine..
Is this t3 or t4? Or may be none?
That's t4 buddy :)
That's t4 buddy :)

Damn it.. I hope there are some pharm grade t3 out there , I gotta visit more pharmacies..

Now, U told us about blood tests needed to make sure t3 is legit and working, and I'm sure it's also necessary to make some tests to make sure that the natural production in within normal range , but do you suggest any other blood work before administering t3, or after you finish t3 cycle (as there would be no need to blood check during cycle if u run pharm grade) ?
I am not Austinite (obviously), but it has been scientifically documented that the thyroid recovers normal production even after years of exogenous T4/T3 supplementation. I would only get labs if you were symptomatic of hypothyroidism after a few weeks of cessation.
I am not Austinite (obviously), but it has been scientifically documented that the thyroid recovers normal production even after years of exogenous T4/T3 supplementation. I would only get labs if you were symptomatic of hypothyroidism after a few weeks of cessation.

Any advice is highly appreciated.. Thnx for the input.
Damn it.. I hope there are some pharm grade t3 out there , I gotta visit more pharmacies..

Now, U told us about blood tests needed to make sure t3 is legit and working, and I'm sure it's also necessary to make some tests to make sure that the natural production in within normal range , but do you suggest any other blood work before administering t3, or after you finish t3 cycle (as there would be no need to blood check during cycle if u run pharm grade) ?

I always get blood work because I'm obsessed with it. (And I think you're becoming that way, too :)). It's never a bad idea. As for other blood work, get a Comprehensive metabolic panel and lipid profile before and after T3. That's a staple for me.