Souther Research Company HGH FRAG RECON question


New member
Hey SRC,

I have heard of some good reviews on you, I have ordered some HGH frag to run along side my test prop, clen, keto, and t3 cycle im doing right now for my winter cut.

I was wondering how much BW i should add, and if i need to add AA, for it to be dosed at 100mcg/ IU.
Hey SRC,

I have heard of some good reviews on you, I have ordered some HGH frag to run along side my test prop, clen, keto, and t3 cycle im doing right now for my winter cut.

I was wondering how much BW i should add, and if i need to add AA, for it to be dosed at 100mcg/ IU.

We are excited to have you as a customer! You should add 2ml of BW to the vial. Being that one vial will yeild 10-15 days of research, you do not need to add Acetic Acid. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Hey src,

Just got the product in today, was impressed by packaging.

I am using a 3/10cc insulin syringe 30gx 3/8''. I put in the 2ml BW to the 5mg hgh frag, now i need to know how much i need to draw out. TICK WISE ON THE INSULIN SYRINGE, to be 100mcg.

Im lost, just had midterms and my head is spinning.
Hey src,

Just got the product in today, was impressed by packaging.

I am using a 3/10cc insulin syringe 30gx 3/8''. I put in the 2ml BW to the 5mg hgh frag, now i need to know how much i need to draw out. TICK WISE ON THE INSULIN SYRINGE, to be 100mcg.

Im lost, just had midterms and my head is spinning.

Great! Thank you for the feedback.

100mcg on a .3ml syringe is 4iu or 4 tick marks.

I hope this helps,

Whoa whoa whoa! I dilute MINE to 10mL with BW. So what amount am I to dose to get 100mcg of peptide in a shot?!! 500mcgs?! Ive been way under my mark evidently!! Please HELP SRC!!! I did the same dilution with my GHRP-6.. So in the future I will refer to this threads reply to dilute to only 2mL of reconstituted peptide with a 100mcg dose or 10 tick on a 500mcg/.5mL 29g .5" insulin pin
Whoa whoa whoa! I dilute MINE to 10mL with BW. So what amount am I to dose to get 100mcg of peptide in a shot?!! 500mcgs?! Ive been way under my mark evidently!! Please HELP SRC!!! I did the same dilution with my GHRP-6.. So in the future I will refer to this threads reply to dilute to only 2mL of reconstituted peptide with a 100mcg dose or 10 tick on a 500mcg/.5mL 29g .5" insulin pin


Reconstitution can be tricky. The one thing to remember is that no matter what amount of liquid you use, it is same amount of substance. So if you add 1ml or 1 gallon to a 5mg vial, it is still 5mg. The rule of thumb is to use as little as possible to keep purity at its highest. 2ml is the standard.

I hope this helps,
Thanx SRC! Y'all are so helpful its ridiculous! I began taking 500mcg (full pin) since i over diluted everything and NOW I'm seeing incredible results I didn't even imagine possible!!! My peptides are definitely running out VERY quick now tho =(
I dropped my friggin vial and it busted this morning!! SO, I'm outta HGH fragment 176-191 NOW, straight GHRP-6 & CJC-1295 for about 2months.. Ordering one more kit of each this weekend
I dropped my friggin vial and it busted this morning!! SO, I'm outta HGH fragment 176-191 NOW, straight GHRP-6 & CJC-1295 for about 2months.. Ordering one more kit of each this weekend


Sorry to hear about the vial, I have actually done the same thing before.

When you order the combo, make sure and use the - Combo Ordering

This will save 10% and can be used with your loyalty discount code being that you are a returning customer. Please let us know if we can help further.


let me see if I got his right..
2ml BW to 5mgs vial and I'm gonna do 200mcg so thats 8 ticks (8iu's)on a insulin pin?
let me see if I got his right..
2ml BW to 5mgs vial and I'm gonna do 200mcg so thats 8 ticks (8iu's)on a insulin pin?


You are correct, 200mcg will be 8iu. Make sure you see what size pin you have. They make 1ml, .5ml, and .3ml.

1ml 8iu = 4 ticks
.5ml 8iu = 8 ticks

I hope this helps.

let me see if I got his right..
2ml BW to 5mgs vial and I'm gonna do 200mcg so thats 8 ticks (8iu's)on a insulin pin?

I know you addressed SRC but I gotta mention, at that dosage you're going to need ALOT. So it would be a good idea to buy a couple of these at a time bro! I think one kit would last you about 22days in duration @ 200mcg doses if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah I ordered 6 bottles :yumyum: Hey I tried to pm you but I dont have permission yet... Im in houston to N.side (woodlands) are there any sides on this stuff
Word, I'm in tomball.. Thats ALOT for sure, 6 kits, WOW!! Keep your diet clean and strict! Consuming excess fat with sugary carbs will show up counter productively bro (from my personal research experience excluding cardio) IDK WTF is up with the pm shit! Happens often tho when someone is new but I replied to your message on my wall, if you go to my profile, you can see it.. I think
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Whats the difference in HGH 176-191 from the two research chemical companies sponsored here, besides about $100??

I mean why would the exact same product differ by 100? Is it better? wtf?
LMAO! Its the same shit broly IMO, tho SRC is better!! Difference being RUI provides an empty sealed sterile 10mL vail to dose from. Which SRC recommends you reconstitute and dose from very same vial it is shipped in.. I've used it both ways and I think dosing from the same vial reconstituted to only 2mL is much better. You just draw a concentrated dose and draw some more dilution fluid if you like. Tends to dull the needle tho if you're poking 2vails of peptides AND the bacteriostatic water bottle for one shot
HGH cycling differs from steroids by the fact HGH takes a LONG time to reap benefits. When you collaborate HGH and AAS cycles you will best benefit from starting HGH like 2-3months before the steroids and the same or double amount of time concluding steroids. Thats 6months-1year on HGH with your steroid cycle right in the middle. Plus you need to bump you HGH dosage up 2IU very 2months or so, not to go above 10IU/ED.. post cycle therapy (pct) concerning HGH is any version of GHRP and CJC-1295 for minimal of 2 months.. Consider using GHRP/CJC-1295 INSTEAD of HGH. No recovery from releasers, they ARE a recovery
Been taking IGFLR3 for about a week now, going to continue for 3 more weeks (also taking albuterol). After that I think I may want to try something else. My BF is 20% (213lbs) now and trying to get down more maybe 16 or so... Im on keto diet, trying to cut out the sat fats (all the cheese I was eating). Trying to find something that would be best for me cuz Id like to start a test cycle when I get where I need to be. I ordered some calipers to monitor my fat loss, but my strength is increasing in the gym (never did 100lb dumbell/incline till yesterday, and chest not sore).

Im very interested in peptides tho. I have a torn rotator cuff and it bothers me sometimes esp on certain exercises. I was hoping the IGFLR3 would help with it, also grow some muscle I guess mature cells in 4-6 months... I ordered some hgfrag and may try that out for a bit of course 2 weeks after I quit the IGF or just put in freezer for next year.

What can I expect from the GHRP/CJC-1295?
A great enhancement to anything you do since its entirely dependent on what you do. You can cut but your diet has to be as such to release fat stores and not put any on. For me I've found cycling my carbs from hi(Still just moderate) 1 day to Extra Low(As close to zero as can be managed) the next 3 days, repeating is VERY effective. Of course the rest of the diet has to be all whole food sources of great nutrients to do it right. Nothing but meat and tons of veggies. Some yogurt and fruit for higher carb 4th day