Speaking of scar tissue. And this is probably dumb.


I was wondering about scar tissue in your vein from giving blood and blood work. I do blood work for the dr every 3 months, donate blood every 3 months, and sometimes order my own blood work. It's a large needle and only two arms to rotate between. I have good veins so I've never had a missed stick. Jusy curious.
Ask the phlebotomists. They will tell you that some of their longtime regulars have developed scar tissue.

You can ask them to rotate sites. You have three veins in each arm they can select from. They typically like the center one as it is less prone to shift. But if you have someone who is experienced, hitting any of the three should be easy.

So in total you have six sites to rotate amongst.
I had someone take blood from a vein in my forearm once. But that was when I was working out hard and bodyfat was lower. I had veins everywhere.

Since they always use the same spot, center vein, what'll happen. The vein tries to roll or move if there's scar tissue? I assume I'm a long ways away from that, but was curious about it.
I had someone take blood from a vein in my forearm once. But that was when I was working out hard and bodyfat was lower. I had veins everywhere.

Since they always use the same spot, center vein, what'll happen. The vein tries to roll or move if there's scar tissue? I assume I'm a long ways away from that, but was curious about it.

No, all veins can shift. It isn't caused by scar tissue. There aren't any staples inside holding them in place or anything like that. The scar tissue accumulates between your skin and the vein so it makes it harder to put the needle through there when they go in.

As I said, you have six sites. You simply have to tell them which one you want them to use.

Drink a lot of water the day before you go in and day of. This will plump upo your veins. Take some cialis/Viagra before going in to plump up your veins. Work out before hand too.

You are on AAS and lift and hopefully take cialis. Your veins should be the size of a garden hose.
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*hangs head* I had some lingering injuries/pain so I've slacked way off the past few months, even taking a month off from lifting. Everything's fresh again now and I'm back. No elbow or shoulder pain. I plan to try to work out smarter now. I think I know of at least a few of the things I was doing wrong to cause the injuries.
*hangs head* I had some lingering injuries/pain so I've slacked way off the past few months, even taking a month off from lifting. Everything's fresh again now and I'm back. No elbow or shoulder pain. I plan to try to work out smarter now. I think I know of at least a few of the things I was doing wrong to cause the injuries.

It's OK. We all have setbacks and have to take time off. Sometimes we just need a vacation too. Just ease back Into it. Stay away from. The AAS until you build your base back up again.
I just wish when I have one of those setbacks I wouldn't say screw it and go ahead and throw the diet out the window as well. It's totally backwards thinking. Hmm, I'm not working out now so it's ok to have ice cream and eat oit at the mexican food place every night. When I should be hyper vigilant with diet during that time to keep everything gtg and make it easier to get back.

I'll be back quick. Although I was a crappy client, I still have the knowledge 3J imparted upon my with diet info.