SP's on/off-season log

Agree with bigben, go the audi, with 2nd choice being the subaru WRX.

Wouldn't touch a Lexus with my 10ft pole.
Honestly I liked my car, so I've been looking at similar ones (even within the same year range, but also a little newer) - due to all the spending on engagement ring + trip to mexico, dentistry etc; my price range to pay cash is less than $15k (without selling one of the ducatis) and if I'm financing I can do something in the 25-35 range but I really don't like the thought of financing something depreciable =\

I really want AWD, but I would settle for RWD if it was a great deal on the car (thinking a cheap/used G35 for 5k or something like that) - prefer manual trans but would settle for auto, prefer hatch but will definitely settle for sedan/notchback, prefer four door (since I'm looking at sedans not sports cars) but would be ok with two door again if it was a great price or pretty cool/fast car (if I randomly spotted a cheap camaro, a/s5, etc)

All that being said; in no particular order I was looking at:

audi a/s4, a6...
subaru STi, WRX and even legacy...
lexus is250 (awd preferably)
volvo s40 t5
infiniti g35/37
acura tl (awd ofc)
saab ? haven't found any I like...

As much as I lust after an e30 m3 I've kind of shied away from beemers and mercedes in this search. I don't have any issues with domestics but none really fit my criteria (mid-size, AWD, at least 'moderately' performance-oriented)

Ohhhh man M3 one sexy car, ive always wanted one, those new M4 are pretty slick too, damn!!

Glad the girl is showing some interest in weights that is always cool when you have a sig orher who you can go do that with.
Weight 217

Went to a fit4less with a buddy after work - kind of a weird scale there, not sure if that's a correct weight. Did mountaindog style workout...was pretty great. Then some cardio.

Mon - arms - 8-12 reps
crossbody DB curl - warmup then four sets
preacher EZbar curl - three sets
standing EZbar curl - three sets with three second negatives
rope tricep pushdown - four sets with one second pause at the bottom
weighted bench dips - four sets
incline tricep extension/skullcrusher - three sets
added some abs on a life-fitness crunch machine - four sets

PM Cardio:
25min LISS - incline treadmill
Weight 214

AM workout - trying to get back on track, helps me space meals out better and I feel better sitting at my desk all day after a good workout rather than trying to psych myself up for a workout AFTER sitting at a desk all day.

Fiance finished telling everyone she wanted to in person so this morning we became "facebook-officially" engaged...my facebook has never had this many likes, ever haha.

Tue - legs - 12-15 reps
Cardio warmup - track
seated leg extension - warmup then three rest/pause sets
prone hamstring curl - four sets, end with dropset
standing calf raise - three sets, heavy, toes in
horizontal leg press machine - three sets, fairly heavy, narrow stance
highbar ATG squat - three sets with moderate weight, high-ish reps
seated calf raise - four sets, toes straight
dumbbell SLDL - two sets
Cardio cooldown - track again

One other thing; last night I was dragged to a kid's christmas concert and after resisting the temptation to check my messages for 45 minutes I pulled out my phone. The beta sitting next to me wasted no time snidely ("politely") ask-telling me to 'put that away buddy'.
1. I'm not your buddy
2. I have minimum 50 muscular pounds on you
I gave him a death stare and put the phone away, to which he took great offense and sort of back pedaled "it was just a request"....a minor exchange of words followed and rather than escalating I let him have the last word...

Twenty minutes later the show FINALLY ended and he decides to try again..."hey I didn't mean anything by it" but the problem is, at the time he did...he was being a pushy dick so I just said "good". Another minor exchange of words and thankfully ms. SP was pulling me towards the exit so we left. And both she and her dad (who was sitting behind) witnessed the WHOLE exchange, not just my version of it and were firmly on my side so I feel vindicated that I wasn't just trying to pick a fight with some random metro-douche...
Weight 217

Took a day off yesterday, I got all ready for the gym (6:30am or so) and briefly sat down on the couch...big mistake! Woke up at 7:45 when ms. SP was getting ready for work lol...whoops. Oh well; rest is good once in awhile.

Thu - chest - 8-12 reps
Cardio warmup - track
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three sets, end with dropset
lying leg raise - four sets
flat BB press - three sets, end with strip/dropset
flat DB flyes - two sets
bodyweight chest dips - two sets
cable flyes - two dropsets
tricep rope pushdown - one burnout set

With 3J's input I decided cutting til christmas is out; there's limited-enough time for me to add the LBM I'm looking for without a mini-cut so instead we are slowly ramping the calories up. Any cardio I do will be for health/fun reasons, and to keep my appetite up...calorie burning is not the goal at this point.

AM Cardio:
20 mins LISS - track

Recently (I've only noticed it since returning from mexico; so two chestdays now) mostly on chest day, but a little bit on arms or shoulder days, 30-45 mins into my workout (after warmups, flyes, and usually incline DB dropsets) my inner elbow "tendons"(?) and outer forearms (ulna area?) start to get sore...and continuing my workout (usually with flat bench or DB press) aggravates the situation even further.

Barbell bench was initially almost unbearable but I dropped the weight then added some each set and worked up to a reasonable working weight...but this is very abnormal and also not how I like to structure my flat bench work anymore.

At the end of my workout, finishing with weighted dips & cable flye supersets it was extremely painful to get OFF the dipping station, as my forearm/wrist area uncompressed it hurt the same way I have pretty bad pain when trying to do a straight barbell curl or heavy EZbar curl (in the same ulna/wrist zone).

Does this sound like some kind of progression of whatever is wrong/has always caused me to avoid flat barbell curling? Or related to the ~10 days of no heavy/direct chestday pre-during-post mexico? (I just did intense fullbody workouts)

I don't think it's gear related since I first experienced it a few days after I came back while waiting to get bloodwork (still off-cycle) and I've only been back on for a few days now, not long enough for anything to spool up and have effect IMO...
Weight 217

So...back 'on'...starting with low/light doses while I solidify my diet/training/supplementation plan for the offseason...again; goal is to add enough LBM to have a respectable, first-callout type entry into bodybuilding rather than physique next fall.

As I meantioned I am going with an immediate lean bulk (slight surplus) rather than the quick diet/cut to christmas. I am going to focus on ramping my calories up to push the scale while keeping an eye on measurements and the mirror to make sure things don't get too out of hand...this is where having someone in your corner like 3J is really great; for the advice, i.e. course of action to achieve goals and specific meal plans to that end, and of course a professional, second set of eyes.

Fri - back - 8-12 reps
Warmup - track
DB pullover - four sets
narrow to medium grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
superset narrow grip pulldown - pronated & supinated, three dropsets
seated row - three dropsets
deadlift - three sets (had to go lighter than usual due to doing them last, but trying it out as per dorian yates' back workout template)
Cooldown - track again...really nice to have something besides a treadmill to wear my shoes out
What you gonna be running?

The plan is slightly but not much more complex than this, basically:

-1-42: GH the whole time, funds permitting...still haven't bought a car so we'll see

-1-15 bulk#1: test/eq, with sdrol/dbol/slin+dnp (cycling these, not all at once)

-15-20 off: probably some torem, hcg...possiblilty I will cruise but will likely come off completely to get a trt RX just as a backup

-21-30 bulk#2: test/deca, again sdrol/dbol/slin+dnp...may run equipose as well at a low dose and drop the deca dose, haven't decided yet

-31-42 prep: tren/mast, with proviron/winstrol and halo added near the end...not a fan of t3/clen but going to play that by ear
dat halo + winny combo!

Not a fan of var or is it just too mild for your tastes in the face of mast/gren/prov/winny/halo?

Having not done to much reading on halo I should brush up!
Not a fan of var or is it just too mild for your tastes in the face of mast/gren/prov/winny/halo?

Having not done to much reading on halo I should brush up!

Legitimate anavar is pretty expensive and IMO you need quite a bit to see results (as a lean, >200lb male) compared to winstrol...not that you run significantly less but it's more likely to be actual winstrol and typically cheaper.

A friend of mine's supplement plan from an cdn ifbb pro included oxandrolone (suggested pharm grade) for four months straight at 100 to 200mg per day (depending on the week/month)...the cost of that ALONE boggles my mind, let alone the injectables and ancillaries.

I haven't had the joint issues I hear other people complain about with winstrol, either, so I don't have an aversion to it.
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From the outside looking in ghT looks like a bunch of gear. I'd definitely get your bloods done every 3 months as a precaution.

Health before size at all cost. Looking forward to reading/seeing resulTs as well
Weight 220

Ms. SP came to the gym with me again; it was shoulder day again (last week we went on sun, this was six days later and since I had that one inadvertent rest day it works out to delts again lol) so she did her cardio at the start this time, after we warmed up together then joined me for some weights at the end of our workout. I'm trying to emphasize consistency and 'just doing it' rather than being perfect (though she knows form is important, it's harder to fuck that up on hammerstrength machines) and I know intensity will come...

Sat - delts - 10-12 reps
Warmup - track
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three dropsets
wide grip front BB press - light weight to try it out (meadows/mountaindog suggestion)
lying leg raise
lateral DB raise - three dropsets
front barbell raise - three sets
rear delt cable pull apart - three sets
hammerstrength iso press - three sets (slow) and end with dropset
smith shrug - two sets behind the back, slow & pause at the top for two seconds
DB shrug - two sets, slow & pause at the top for two seconds
Weight 219

Two christmas parties yesterday; obviously had to stray from the mealplan a little but using some IIFYM (not a big fan, but has it's uses for social events) I managed to stay basically on track (ballpark figures obviously)

Ms. SP also came along to the gym for another cardio / mini workout when she was done which was great :)

Sun - arms - 8-12 reps
Warmup - track
crossbody DB curl - two warmup then three working sets
preacher EZ curl - two sets; this was really hurting my forearms/wrists so I swapped over to:
preacher DB curl - two sets, really focusing on contraction at the top of the motion
standing EZ curl - three sets with three second descent; absolutely killer
HS crunch machine - four sets
rope tricep pushdown - five sets with one second hold at full extension
incline tricep extension/skullcrusher - three sets
weighted bench dips - three sets

PM Cardio:
25min LISS - indoor track, moderate pace probably only 65% maxHR
Weight 222

I'd say the drugs are kicking in a bit; not eating incredibly big yet so despite aromasin there's probably some water retention going on for weight to go up this quickly

And still working on the car situation, so that was an evening, un-fasted/fully fed weigh in and workout

Mon - legs - 10-15 reps
Warmup - indoor track
seated leg extension - warmup then three rest/pause sets
prone leg curl - four sets, end with dropset
barbell lunge - four sets
seated calf raise - five sets
highbar ATG squat - three sets
DB SLDL - two sets
cooldown - track again
Weight 220

And...got a workout in this morning too; late to work but whatever it appears my minions are carrying on just fine without me :P

Tue - chest - 8-12 reps
Warmup - indoor track
internal/external shoulder rotation - one of each per arm
cable flye - two warmup then two working sets
hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three sets, finish with dropset
lying leg raise - four sets
flat BB bench - three strip/dropsets; wore some wristwraps and my forearms/wrists weren't hurting nearly as much by this point
flat DB flye - three sets
superset flexing / posing in mirror...
bodyweight dips - three sets to failure
youre going to have to change the title of this thing in a few weeks.. 230 is around the corner.. we will easily hit it
youre going to have to change the title of this thing in a few weeks.. 230 is around the corner.. we will easily hit it

Snow that's fucking awesome when your diet advisor says this. 3J you are a fucking monster. Kill that shit Snow
Snow that's fucking awesome when your diet advisor says this. 3J you are a fucking monster. Kill that shit Snow

3J is the man; no doubt. I've never had such an easy time following a meal plan; and it's obviously working great...I NEED to take some pictures (for a weekly update) so I'll post them here when I do.

Weight 220

Morning workout, unfasted though...dipped into my post-workout food on the way to the gym even I was absolutely ravenous this morning. Still following the dorian yates back workout template, going to see how it goes and evaluate after a month or so.

Wed - back - 8-12 reps
Cardio warmup - indoor track
DB pullover - warmup then three or four working sets
decline weighted situp - three sets w/ 45lb plate
bodyweight chinup - three sets
supserset narrow-grip pulldown - three dropsets
DB row - three sets
seated row - four dropsets
deadlift - three working sets
Cardio cooldown/LISS - indoor track again

Finished with some posing practice, my lats were stubborn but I'm really getting some pop/wingspan now; tough to see the rear lat pose of course but front is looking good or at least better than it was (in my own opinion)