SP's on/off-season log

Don't you know? All the calories are in the sprinkles! ;)

Good to know; I don't really like sprinkles anyways (:

Weight 209

PM weight...I woke up this morning and really struggled...fed myself but just wasn't able to kick it into gear & went back to sleep until I was getting to be nearly too late to bother going to work. This always happens when I take prami...and I forget...and it happens again. Derp!

Fri - legs
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three or four warmups, then five work sets...nothing fancy, just doing 8 reps and increasing weight until I couldn't get 8

highbar ATG squat - two higher rep feeler sets, then pyramiding weight up doing sets of six. Looked something like this:

hack squat - one feeder set, two sets of fifteen that were very difficult, then kept the same weight (as the 15rep sets) and ground out 25 with a few pauses...three working sets

walking DB lunges - 10 paces per leg holding DBs, then dropped the DBs and went to failure (usually about another 6-8 paces per leg)...~30-35 total paces per set, for three sets

SLDL - one burnout set, wanted to get three but really felt a bit light-headed...hit the track for some LISS cardio

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 209

Sat - chest/delts "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

decline DB press - three warmup and three work sets, 8 reps to about 3/4 lockout for constant tension

decline smith press - five sets of five, explosive (ish) reps
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

incline smith press - five sets of five again

stretch pushups - hands on aerobic steps to allow a deeper stretch on each rep, two bodyweight sets to failure

seated DB lateral raise - four sets of 10
superset behind-the-back lateral cable raise - four sets of ten

band pullaparts - three sets of 15 with a one second flex on each rep
superset rope crunches - four sets

25min LISS - indoor track

Weekly progress / regress tracking: jun13/2015 maint - Album on Imgur
Last edited:
Weight 208

My family & ms.SP's mom are putting a surprise bridal shower on for the fiance but she's not feeling well, thinks it's a tension headache...not sure how to get her to man up without telling her what's at stake. Ugh...went to the gym to give her some space.

Sun - back "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

DB row - about six or seven sets of 10, increasing weight on each set until I almost couldn't get 10....then ground out a set of 20x100lbs

narrow grip front pulldown - four sets of 8, though the first few had higher reps due to figuring out the weight
superset DB shrug - four sets of 15x100 (per hand) with a 3 second pause at the top of every single rep

DB pullover - four working sets, ten reps per...pretty tough on the last set to get all ten

rack pulls - four singles, increasing weight until it felt like about a 5rm then did 10 singles with 10sec rests in between (405x1x10)

banded hyperextension - three sets to failure, on the last set dropped the band and busted a few more bodyweight reps out to absolute failure
superset regular crunches - four sets

25min LISS - indoor track
Weight 210

Mon - legs "pump/explosive"
warmup - indoor track

HS kneeling leg curl - three warmup and six working sets, straight 10 rep sets with the weight increasing slightly every 2nd working set (and during the warmups of course)
superset bodyweight SLDL - between work sets, 8-10 reps for stretch / bloodflow

adductor machine - one warmup and five work sets, getting the full stack on this now for ten reps

HS "MTS-V" squat machine - eschewed barbell squats in favor of this machine that has caught my eye a few times...ended up getting well acquainted with it, using a ham/glute-dominant forward foot position

That was the end of the stack and felt good but done squat-wise so I moved over to finish with an FST-7 move...

seated leg extension - seven sets of 10-12 reps (12 for the first 5, 10 for the last 2 sets) with 30sec rests in between sets, only used about 160lbs I think but got a huge quad pump off of this, give it a try!

standing calf raise - just one dropset, wanted to get my cardio in before I had to leave...will try to demolish calves tomorrow on "light" chest day

25min LISS - indoor track
Weight 211

I got some extra cardio in last night, went for a ~1hr walk with the fiance which was really nice....kind of cool/temperate out which I like. Ate a bit over maintenance yesterday, I don't think that's actually what I'm seeing on the scale (since it was in the hundreds not thousands of calories) but I looked full & felt great in the gym this morning...good lower/upper chest separation on side chest; wicked delt striations on MM etc. Abs looking good in the gym lighting too (sometimes I peak when no one is around hah)

Tue - chest/delts/calves "pump day"
warmup - indoor track

HS machine press - approximately eight sets, increasing the weight each time until I couldn't get ten good reps with a flex at the top of each....call it 3-4 work sets

DB hex press - four sets of 12, great pump from these as always
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

pec minor dips - four sets, bodyweight to failure
superset over-and-backs with band - ten reps between pec dips (which was pretty much failure too)

reverse pec-dec / machine rear delts - three sets of 30...had to grind (rest/pause) the last few on the second and third set but got 30 total each time & a great pump as a result

spidercrawls - three sets of four up and down walks on the wall

DB six-ways - three sets of 12...these are ridiculously hard once you're this far into a workout, used 10lb DBs today

standing calf raise - three warmup sets, going quite heavy near the end and then three work sets...the work sets were crazy: 10 reps then 10 second pause at the top of the 10th, repeated three times (30 reps / 30sec total hold)
superset dorsiflexion: standing on the ground between sets, got about 4 -5 work sets of 30-40 reps per

No cardio (this morning at least) but it's beautiful outside so I'll probably go for a walk at lunch and/or maybe later tonight
Weight 213

Evening weight/workout...I took prami again, this time on purpose because my libido has been low. So...I made it all the way to the gym this morning, my sometimes-on workout partner was late so I told him forget it I needed to sleep & went home, crashed for 3 hours then went to work.

I had posing practice at noon - my usually-critical coach seemed really impressed with my condition(ing) but lamented my progress with regards to posing. I'm better, but not ready yet...so I need to crack down and get more posing in, probably more than just between sets at the gym. I was exhausted, sweating like crazy & breathing heavy by the time my ~45min session was done holy shit! It was nice to hear my cardio/diet has paid off from someone who doesn't easily give out compliments though.

WedPM - arms/abs
warmup - indoor track

v-bar pushdown - three warmup and four working sets, 15 reps with continuous pumping (no pause/flex today)
superset BB curl - also three warmup and four work sets, however went with 8 reps and a 1sec pause at the top of each

weighted bench dips - four sets of eight, three second negative and quick contraction on each rep
superset standard hammer curl - four sets of eight, with the one second pause at the top immediately followed by four partials out of the bottom

decline skullcrusher - four sets of 12, slight flex/lockout at the top of each rep
superset reverse-grip ez-bar curl - four sets of 10 full reps followed by 6 half reps out of the bottom position

close-grip pushup - one big set to failure, with some pauses and finally a collapse =P

floor crunches - five sets, some crossover, some regular but all fairly high rep sets to failure

35min LISS - indoor track
how many weeks out from the comp are you?

If I'm able to get approval from the real boss (fiance) there's one in August that is about ~8wks away that I will do in Victoria...otherwise the main one that I'm targeting is a provincial qualifier in early October which is ~16wks away.

Weight 214

Little interested about my weight climbing without any major dietary changes but I didn't have time to stop at the oval office before the gym this morning so that could be a contributing factor

Thu - back
warmup - indoor track

meadows' row - warmup and four work sets, nothing fancy today on any of the exercises mostly 4x10 working sets like this one

DB pullover - constant tension, four sets of 10-12 (went a bit higher because the weight wasn't feeling as heavy as usual)

various grip pulldown - behind the neck, narrow, supinated and neutral grip each for 8-10 reps

straight arm pulldown to the side (kayak row) - four sets of 10 reps to each side, alternating sides

DB shrug - three sets of 15 with 3 second pause at the top of each rep

25min LISS - indoor track
so it will be physique again this go-around?

No sir - that wasn't my intention last time either but I'm deadset on bodybuilding...at my height I should really be at least a heavyweight but I've got enough wheels that I feel like coming in really conditioned, even if it's in LHW I should be alright at this level...and as always focus on bringing up my upper body, especially arms as well as overall mass every time.

Try to go to the one in Vic dude. That town is soooo awesome, nicest, chillest people around.

One of my sisters lives there, but she'll be here in Edmonton for the fiance's stagette/bridal shower that weekend unfortunately...and the wedding is literally 13 days later so that's the main issue with doing that show =\

Weight 218

I got my new belt ( elitefts? Premium 13mm P2 Bodybuilding Belt )...I tried it on last night, before really breaking it in. First it took me a long ass time to get on, then I was fucking stuck until I managed to pry it off with a big flat screwdriver lol. Ended up looking up how to break in a belt since I didn't really have to do that with my old one, mark rippletoe & 70sbig had a good explanation video so I worked on that last night and during my warmup on the track this morning and didn't have nearly as much trouble getting it on or off. Exciting to have new equipment, it feels great and about 10x more supportive than my old one.

Fri - legs (heavy)
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup, four working sets with 12/10/8 reps and increasing the weight slightly...on the fourth set smashed 8 reps, dropped weight for another 10 then dropped again and cranked out 20 reps - talk about a pump

highbar ATG squat - few light feeder sets of a dozen reps each, then kept piling weight on until I didn't think I'd get 8 reps with more then smashed out another mean dropset 8x315 + 10x135 (don't laugh) and 12xbar

Quads were just as pumped as hammies by this point...

45 degree incline leg press - three sets of 30, I actually increased the weight by a quarter plate per side on each set (30x270, 30x320, 30x360 if I recall)
superset quad stretches - just a deep toes-back 30sec stretch between each leg press set to try and be able to bend my knees after those high rep sets

isolateral leg extension - one warmup and four work sets, eight reps each with a 2sec hold at the top of each rep to keep the quad pump going

DB SLDL - four sets of 8, no lockout just constant tension and stretching the pumped hams out a bit

standing calf raise - warmup set, then three work sets, each work set looked like 10x400, 10sec hold, 10x400, 10sec hold, 10x400 and a final 10 second hold
superset dorsiflexion - dorsiflex for 30-45 reps between each calf raise set, insane pump in the tibialis to match the calves

struggled to walk down the stairs after that...best leg workout in awhile!
Weight 219

Weight's....up but I don't feel bloofy at all, despite the fact that it should be mostly water - on enough anti-Es (and DA) that it shouldn't be water retention so...maybe it's more glycogen since I'm feeling strong & lifts are even up a little

Sat - chest/delts 1 "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

incline DB press - three warmup and three work sets, 8 reps per set, constant tension (no lockout)
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

banded HSPL machine press - feeler set then four work sets, six explosive reps with a one second squeeze at the top of each one per set

reverse-banded incline BB press - five sets of five

stretch pushups - hands up on aerobic benches for a deeper stretch, bodyweight to failure on three sets

bent over rear lateral DB raise - three sets of 15, one minute rest between sets

cage press - five sets of five, explosive reps
superset rope crunches - four sets

front DB raise - three sets

weekly weekend post-eggs&oats pics: june20/2015 maintenance - 16wks out - Album on Imgur
Just a note... One of my favourite bodybuilders of all time, Kevin Levrone, was 198lbs when he secured his pro card... You're gonna do just fine brother, dial it in
Just a note... One of my favourite bodybuilders of all time, Kevin Levrone, was 198lbs when he secured his pro card... You're gonna do just fine brother, dial it in

He's in my top 5 as well...always thought he looked better in the low 200s than when he started pushing 230+ stage weights too

Weight 220

Tighter meal prep starts tonight so I'll see if it's just been a weird week of calorie mis-estimations or something more sinister...lol

Was at a birthday party/campfire last night for example and while I left "macro room" for a few smores & crap, it's impossible to say whether it was really 1k cals or 800 vs even 1500cal...and that's fine in the offseason, once or twice a week but I'll be tighter/more controlled this week and see what happens.

Once I step it up gear-wise I don't want diet to be a question mark of course.

Sun - back "heavy"
warmup - indoor track

meadow's row - two warmup and four heavy working sets, eight reps each

one-arm supinated-grip pulldown - one warmup and four working sets, eight reps again per arm

straight-arm rope pulldown - five sets, first one higher reps then 8 reps for the remaining four sets, slightly increasing the weight each time while maintaining form & lat tension

smith/BB shrug - three sets of 12 with a 2-3second pause at the top of each rep

banded hyperextension - three sets to failure
superset regular crunches - four sets to near-failure

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 217

Last night I got on the mealprep train and cooked up (not-quite-enough) chicken breast, rice and sole for 4x pre-measured meals per day. This is a departure from my offseason norm where I do the same cooking but put the rice in a few big containers and the chicken or beef in a few big containers then portion it each time I want to eat...instead I pre-measured and individually packaged those four work-meals per day so I don't have an excuse to mess around with other food (chowing quaker flavoured oatmeal packages instead of a half cup of rice, for example...)

My first meal and last meal are eggwhite omelettes with oats, so that will still be cooked "on the fly" and my postWO meal is oats+isolate at work so that can be measured on the fly as well with my work measuring cup...

Back in the saddle, basically.

This morning I was TIRED but had a great workout, felt strong and pumped despite my mental fatigue so I really can't complain. Can't say enough about intraWO nutrition as well, even threw a scoop of preWO into my intraWO drink for some energy throughout, hah.

Also started a low dose of clen/T3 this week...though I'm technically 16 weeks out of muscle beach, I might still do victoria cup in mid-august and I can easily be ready...

Mon - legs "pump/explosive"
warmup - indoor track

HS iso/kneeling leg curl - two warmup and six work sets, slightly increasing the weight every two sets but keeping 10 reps per set, per leg

adductor machine - pyramiding weight, reps between 12-15 per set (all the way to the full stack! hah) for six working sets

highbar ATG squat - explosive / low-ish reps today, except for some higher rep warmup sets...looked like
4x365....I kind of didn't think I'd be getting six here but went for it anyways, it's actually been awhile since I felt comfortable with more than three plates for reps (which sucks because I was hitting 8-10x405 offseason)

HS iso/leg extension - FST-7 style, 12/12/12/12/11/9/8 reps with ~30-45sec rest between each set...insane quad pump of course

smith SLDL - one burnout set, someone left a few plates on the machine and I decided to try that movement/exercise since I've never done a smith deadlift of any kind before

seated calf raise - three work sets, each one was 10 reps then 10sec hold, repeated once (not twice as I'd normally do with standing calf raises)
superset dorsiflexion - between calf raise sets, 50/39/35 reps per set

30min LISS - indoor track
Weight 216

Drinking lots of water, may have something to do with bringing my weight down if it's mainly water retention. Tired again this morning but two scoops of no name preworkout ("mesomorph"? or something like that) and I was good to go...

Tue - chest/delts "pumping day"
warmup - indoor track

machine press - pyramid weight, ten reps per set until we couldn't get ten...I think about 5 warmup sets and 3-4 sets that I'd call "working"

DB hex press - four sets of twelve, good squeeze on the whole ROM and a great chest pump from these
superset hanging leg raise - four sets

bodyweight pec minor dips - four sets pretty much to failure, good hard lockout+squeeze a the top of almost every rep
superset over-and-backs with band - insane anterior delt pump from supersetting these

rear delt pec dec - three sets of thirty, high reps and big pump...

spidercrawls - got a chance to use my new red/short eliteFTS bands! three sets of three trips up and down the brick wall, constant tension by pulling apart as much as possible
superset rope crunches - three sets before someone stole the rope while I was spidercrawling =\

DB six-ways - three sets of 12 with short rest periods between sets, had to rest/pause a few seconds on the last few reps due to the lack of recovery between sets

No in-gym cardio this morning but it's looking like a beautiful day so I will try to get some done outdoors, catch a bit of a tan at the same time perhaps :)
Lol...pages missing...sigh

Luckily I actually have this shit in a word doc now (easier to type/edit) so here goes...:

Weight 216

Got a pretty decent sleep last night, can't complain...nice arms session at the gym too, never my favorite bodypart to train but definitely the one I need to focus on the most!

Wed - arms/calves/abs
warmup - indoor track

rope pushdown - four warmup and four working sets, straight pumping no pause/flex etc
superset overhead one-arm cable extension - getting even more work done on the tricep here and a massive pump

weighted bench dips - four sets of eight with three sec negatives and constant tension (no lockout)
superset skullcrusher - these followed immediately after the bench dips, moderate weight due to the lack of recovery but constant tension again for 8 good reps per set

flat BB curl - four sets of eight controlled reps
superset DB hammer curl - four sets of 10, each one immediately following the BB curls for a huge bicep pump

ezbar preacher curl - four sets of eight
superset reverse-grip BB curl - four sets of 10-12 partials out of the bottom position

seated calf raise - warmup and four sets of 10 full reps followed by 10 partials out of the stretch position
superset dorsiflexion - getting 50 -35 reps (less each time) between calf raise sets

supported hanging leg raise w/ DB between feet - just a 15lb DB but adds a lot of resistance with straight knees, four sets of fifteen reps

30min LISS - indoor track

Evening workout; we went and got week trial passes at a goodlife that opened <5min walk and 2min drive from our place.

PM Cardio:
20min LISS - step mill ~135bpm

decline situps - unweighted, four sets of thirty constant-tension reps

swiss ball crunches - four sets, not sure on the reps

stretching and posing...good 15-20mins worth of posing and THAT worked up quite a sweat