SP's on/off-season log

I've got this going on so far, show is saturday 9am / 6pm...weigh ins friday @ 6pm.

I honestly haven't completely nailed down my protocol because I wasn't going (and still don't want) to do anything drastic...

Sat/Sun: 300p/300c/70f - 4L water - 4-5000mg sodium...bodypart split workouts + cardio [206lbs]
Mon: 300p/250c/75f - 5 or 6L - 5g sodium...legs + cardio [207lbs]
Tue: 300p/200c/75f- 6L - 5g...chest/delts + cardio [208lbs]
Wed: 300p/200c/75f (actually ended up @ 275p/225c/80f...don't ask - 6L - 5g...80% intensity fullbody + cardio [209lbs but no bowel movement]
Thu: So far planning on 250p/250c/75c - 6L - 5g, already did 85% effort upper-body workout & not planning to do cardio (but lots of posing) 208lbs
Fri: ? +weigh-ins at ~6pm
Sat:? PJ 9am + Finals 6pm
Sun: ?
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Weight 208

Last night when I got back from the gym, I had to centre / remind myself that my plan going into this show was NOT to do anything crazy...and not lose sight of that.

Any reason why going with the following would ruin me?

Today (thurs) low-ish carbs, high water and high sodium like the last five or six days...

Tomorrow (fri) will be similar until mid evening when I cut water off completely and may have a restaurant meal (burger / yam fries) around that time...

Next day will be mostly rice cakes with jam, I'm thinking...

Wed: 275p/225c/75f, 6L water/5g sodium...full body workout + cardio
Thu: 250p/250c/75f, 6L / 5g...upper body workout (80%) + light cardio
Fri: 200p/300-500c/50f/ 4L ---> *cut off at 8pm* / 5g...no workout, no cardio (?) - half tab dyazide
Sat: 100-200p/300-500c/50f, only sips of water...high salt? No workout, obviously...but need to figure out a pump up routine as well *(fuck)*

So far today, I'm @ 100p/150c/25f and have done the following:

Thu - upper body 85% effort
warmup - indoor track

rope tricep pushdown - three sets of 20, pumping tempo with a slight flex
superset EZ bar curl - two sets of 20

cross-body DB curl - two sets of 15
superset hanging leg raise / V-ups - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps as usual

facepulls with rope - four sets of 20, to face/chin level not chest as I have been doing (mountain dog style)

flat BB press - four sets, two were strip sets...all in the 8-12 rep range then a drop for another 10-12
superset yates row - three sets of 16, drop/strip set on the last one

front BB raise - two sets of 15ish, light weight but very strict form
side DB lateral - three sets, 15 / 20 / 15 reps (light / moderate / light weight)

DB shrug - two sets of 20 with a 3sec hold at the top of each rep

AM Cardio:
20min LISS - moderate walking around the track, not pushing at all just to get the blood flowing in my legs...did some masculine bodyweight walking lunges as well...

Posing - spent a good 30mins working on the mandatories especially as well as the left / right sides for quarter turns (hadn't bothered until now...whoops)

Tonight I'll try to finalize/nail down my routine, the guy who was going to help me didn't end up coming through but I'm not too concerned, it isn't scored so I will do my best & it should be fine.
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So I did go back to do just a very moderate amount of cardio (walking) but mostly for posing last night.

I ended up changing my mind and went with this song for my routine, from ~0:08 to 1:08

Anyways...posing, routine practice, went home and packed, shaved and got a decent sleep last night

Skipped the gym altogether this morning, keeping carbs moderately low all day until the evening when I'll cut water off then have a meal & from there somewhat play it by ear with ricecakes etc...

A few pictures from yesterday: Aug13/2015 - 2 days out - Album on Imgur
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Weighed in at 215.5...I've got a lot of water in me right now though ;)

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Weight 210

Short version: on Friday night I weighed in at 215.5, definitely in no danger of being a light heavyweight


I took the heavyweight (incl super heavies) class which was awesome, honestly a better result than I was expecting but obviously a great surprise

I believe I was second overall to the LHW but I won't know that for sure until there are some official results or scorecards posted...

I really want to post a bit of a more verbose rundown of the competition 'weekend' since despite how busy it was, I had a great time but I'm still..busy so this will just be a quick 'log' update with today's workout then I will either get to the contest summary later tonight, or more likely at work tomorrow.

I'll be adjusting my diet almost every day over the next week, then a few times in the next week leading up to the wedding...with the aim of really taking my time off / break for a few days prior to and after the wedding then getting back to it for the October competition prep, which will only be 4-5 weeks at that point so it's important not to get too far off track.

For today I kept most of the reps in the 10-15 range, really more like 12-16 for most exercises but went a bit heavier on legs with a few lower rep sets since I haven't hit them hard at all lately & they felt great

Sun - fullbody #2
warmup - indoor track

rope tricep pushdown - one warmup and four or five work sets, pyramiding weight up slightly on the work sets and dropping reps slowly from 16-12
superset hanging leg raise / v-ups - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

ultra-wide grip lat pulldown - four sets, again increasing weight and dropping from 15-12 reps, even a few rest/pause to get all 12 on the last two sets

side/lateral DB raise - four sets, 20/16/12/15 reps using different weights and just getting as many clean reps as I could with them
superset cross-body DB curl - four sets of 8-15 reps, dropset on the last set

HS isolateral kneeling leg curl - four sets, 16/15/12/10 reps (60/80/100/120lbs) per leg, per set
superset seated calf raise - moderately heavy, 12-16 full reps and 12-16 partials per set for four working sets

platz-style 1.25 hack squat - liked these last time so did them again, four sets...12 on the first and 10 on the subsequent 3 with slightly more weight

cable flyes - two or three high rep sets to get a bit of a chest pump going & finish off the workout
superset over-and-backs with band - three sets, before and after each of the sets of high cable flyes

PM Cardio:
35-40min LISS - indoor track
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good job on the comp result bro... results like that will just keep on coming if you continue being as focused you have been.

have fun with the wedding, appreciate it, enjoy it... then get back to it
good job on the comp result bro... results like that will just keep on coming if you continue being as focused you have been.

have fun with the wedding, appreciate it, enjoy it... then get back to it

Thanks man. Focus will be arms this offseason, and more immediately I see some obviously / relatively easy posing-related things I can work on before the october show.

Oddly (or not) I really am looking forward to the wedding, not nearly as apprehensive as I thought I'd be, or was given the impression I should be perhaps...

Weight 213

So...tired...spent yesterday afternoon when I got home pulling relevant / crossover parts from the A4 that I thought may be useful for the S4...then a quick family dinner, then helped unload my friend's racecar with a blown engine & load my A4 onto a car hauler...

This morning was eaaaaarly gym so that I could meet him at the auctioneer to unload the A4...I'll be taking pennies on the dollar, I'm sure but at least it'll be out of my life

Made it through the workout but just barely, it was relatively short but still intense.

I hate to say it but I almost put the S4 in the ditch a few times driving out and back, I was so tired...napped the entire morning away here at work and just getting at it now

Mon - legs (pump/optional "#5")
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup / feeder sets and five straight work sets of 10 reps, heavy

"calf killer" standing calf raise - the usual (one set = 3x 10 reps + 10sec hold) for a total of three sets
superset bodyweight dorsiflexion - three sets after each set of calf raises...60/55/50 reps

Quad superset:
-seated quad extension - six sets total, first three with toes curled back towards the shins (10 reps each)
-superset DB squat - heels on thin 5lbs plates, 10 reps with 60lbs DBs in each hand immediately following each set of quad extensions

-seated quad extension - remaining three sets (of the six) with toes pointed out...my left ankle, especially was bothering me...I'm not sure why but I was pretty careful not to aggravate it any farther...
-superset DB squat - same setup/weights, 10 reps after each of the above

AM Cardio:
20-25min LISS - indoor track

Edit: Still working on the writeup, I haven't found a lot of stage shots yet but here's a really poor quality one:

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Great job brother, hard work paid off....

Thanks again man! It was a blast, and I have to give credit to friends too - I didn't have a coach but I sure had a lot of help/input from smarter/more experienced individuals and I really appreciate it.

Weight 217

Jeeeesus...haven't seen that in awhile, could be because I slammed a gram of test, a bit of water rebound and glycogen storage...we'll see how things go throughout the week - it's a late PM weigh in, too so that makes it a bit wacky to begin with in terms of comparison to my normal weights.

Tue - chest/delts/abs "pump/volume"
warmup - indoor track

chest triset - ran through once with moderate weights, then four working sets with no rest between exercises (just a break between trisets)
1. DB twist press - four sets of 10 reps, pronated at the bottom with a good stretch then rotating almost 180 degrees (probably 150-160) so pinkies end up inwards at the top
2. DB flyes - four sets of 12 reps, constant tension which means stopping just below 11 and 1 oclock
3. HSPL machine press (banded) - four sets of 8...these were tough, as expected...used even lighter bands this week but slightly heavier weights on the machine

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

rear delt cable pull-aparts - three sets, 30 / 25 / 20 reps respectively...few rest/pause to get them all out with minimal rest (hence losing reps on each set)

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10-12 reps, quite heavy but strict form (bit of grunting involved...)
superset rope crunches - four sets of 16/17/18/20 reps

DB "six ways" - three sets of 10 to finish off the delts, crazy pump with just 10lbs DBs on these

Upper body looked hyuuge in the mirror so I had to do a bit of posing before my cardio, tan's rubbing off unevenly so I look like a freakshow but still pretty shredded (and way fuller than the weekend, as it always seems to go)

PM Cardio:
20min LISS - indoor track / brisk walk, stair mills were occupied and though I should get back on I wasn't particularly..."sad" to be honest...
Weight 215

Weds - arms/abs/calves
warmup - indoor track

Tricep "triset" - did a warmup round then pretty quickly got at it since I was sleepy and wanted to get my blood pumping asap
1. rope pushdown - 15 reps, four working sets...no pausing just pumping with full ROM
2. weighted bench dips - 15-20 reps with 45lbs plate on lap, to near-failure...four sets as well
3. pronated grip DB kickback - four sets of 6 reps per arm with a slight squeeze/flex at the top of each

skullcrusher - two sets of 10, heavy with a good stretch in the hole
superset single DB seated tricep extension - 8-10 reps fairly heavy, again to get a good stretch on the tricep

supported/weighted hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps with a 15lbs DB between the feet, knees virtually straight out the whole way

EZ bar curl - three sets of 15, then five sets of 10 reps with only 10sec rest between each set (quite the pump!)

(regular) DB hammer curl - five sets of 10 reps per arm (alternating) nice and slow with a full ROM

cross-body DB curl - three sets of 12, ended with a dropset

calf-killer calf raise - four sets, three each (per set) of 10reps + 10sec hold
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight, to failure immediately following calf raise sets...so four sets with 60/55/55/50 reps approximately

AM Cardio:
30min LISS - stair mill...at least there was a motoGP race to catch up on :D


Muscle insider put up some more pictures, as always they're the ones I feel I look the worst in but c'est la vie: Aug 15 / vic cup MI pics - Album on Imgur

Finally...I'll start my account of the weekend with an overview of the timeline to give an idea why I keep saying how busy it was...I'm weary just thinking about typing it but man it was fun!

-6:30am up and finish packing, no gym (planned) but at work for 8:00am
-9:30 back home to drop off my car & catch a ride to the airport for 10:30am flight
-11:00 flight finally left (slightly delayed)...made the connection in calgary because it waited for us
-2:00pm (BC time) landed in Victoria, 66Chevy was waiting for me because of the flight delays
-2:45 spray tan appointment at host hotel was booked (by the tanning company, not me)...so straight there from the airport (~35min drive)
-Chev had to go to a lacrosse game but my sister was able to leave her (job1) shift early and picked me up around...
-3:00 she (youngest sister) was waiting in the lobby for me after my first coat of spray tan
-3:15 went to the grocery store & bought ricecakes, distilled water and PB/jam...pounded nearly all of the 4L distilled water jug between...
-3:30 and 5:45 in addition to 4L earlier in the day + assorted coffees...then my sister got called in for a shift (job2) so I drove her there and had to proceed straight to the hotel for the...
-6:00pm athlete's meeting, where I checked in, found my music CD (phew) and weighed in (215.5 as mentioned, lol...LOTS of water in me)
-6:15 finished the last of my water (much to the dismay of some parched looking competitors)
-7:00 took 1/2 tab dyazide and from there on was peeing every 30-60mins...
-8:00 met another friend (who I was staying with) at my Bin4 for my burger meal, it was pretty decent especially with a fried egg on top but friend wasn't a huge fan of his meal
-10:00pm drove back to his place and talked with him and his girlfriend for a bit, in between peeing and getting my stuff ready for the next day
-10:30 or 11pm I finally shut 'er down and went to bed

-I had set alarms for 12am, 2am and 4am...subsequently woke up to pee at those times (and only those times, luckily) and munch a few ricecakes each time
-4:30am my sister picked me up so I could drive her to the airport (she was flying back to edmonton to attend my fiance's bachelorette party sat and bridal shower sunday)
-5:00am realized she'd left me with $3 worth of gas and a windshield caked in birdshit...very difficult to see in the dark with that setup and wasn't even sure I'd make it back for my...
-5:45am second tanning appointment (again little option here) at the hotel...got sprayed much darker this time and headed back to my friends' place to pee, snack and nap before the...
-8:30ish prejudging...stopped for a double espresso on the way, was pretty happy with how dry I looked and just wanted some caffeine in me...I used it to wash down a 1/4 tab of dyazide actually
-9:00-11:00 prejudging, BB was done by 10:00 but Chevy's friend's girlfriend was competing in bikini so I hung around the expo area and wandered in and out of the auditorium until it was done
-12:00 pulled chicken/bbq bunwich @ hank's unoriginal BBQ...great place if you're ever in YYJ, nice atmosphere (love the pearl jam posters) and food was fantastic...and the smells were amazing
-1:00-3 wandered around downtown Victoria looking like a hobo in my scrubs just soaking in the awesome town / atmosphere...sometimes you need to relax a bit and this was perfect
-3-4 napped at my friends' place
-4-5 choreographed and practiced my posing routine
-5:30 drove back to the theatre for the evening show...the start was delayed (as night shows almost always are) but it was alright...as mentioned I ended up taking 1st in my class and (likely) 2nd overall
-9:30-10ish Chevy's friend's girlfriend was finally done her bikini class, placed well enough to qualify for provincials but not as well as she'd hoped but was still in good spirits so we headed over to the cactus club
-10:30-12ish ate dinner (had some kind of cajun burger, yam fries which were what I really wanted and key lime pie) then slowly made my way back to my other friends' place

-12-2am too wired to sleep, chatted with those friends who'd gotten up to talk and congratulate me and slowly packed my stuff
-3am still couldn't sleep...walked over to the 24hrs grocery store, bought sushi and frozen greek yogurt (faux icecream that I really enjoy) and went back home
-4-5am nap/sleep until my alarm went off...
-5-6:30 wake up, finish packing, eat and rush to the airport...locked my sister's car up in short term parking and got on my plane (wasn't even the last one! hah)
-10:30 Edmonton time...finally back in YEG, brother in law was kind enough to pick me up and we grabbed a coffee since I had to stay awake to meet my dad at...
-12:00 pulled a bunch of parts out of my old A4 that I wanted to keep for the S4, since later that day my coworker had a car hauler booked to help me get the A4 down to the auction...
-2:00 hit the gym with my brother in law, full body workout I believe with some cardio...
-4:30 home, quick nap before heading to my parents ~30min drive for...
-6:00 family dinner since my sister (the one who lives in Victoria) was leaving and I needed to give her car keys, plus visiting etc...
-8:00 drop myself off at my coworker's place (fiance drove herself home) and pushed his racecar (blown engine) off the car hauler and up his long ass driveway...
-9:00 load the A4 onto the car hauler (much easier said than done when your car has ~2" ground clearance and the widest allowable wheelbase it seems)
-10:00 prep a few meals for monday...roll into bed and sleep poorly

-4:30am gym alarm...wake up, pin modgrf1-29+ghrp2, start eggwhites and coffee, pack gym bag
-4:45am pin HGH, start cream of rice and prep intraWO drink, poop
-5:00am eat eggwhite omelette, cream of rice, drink coffee and read the whole internet
-5:15am hit the road...time for the gym
-5:30am LEG DAY...and so it continues...had to start a half hour early in order to get outta there and make my next commitment...
-8:00am meet coworker at auctioneer, unload A4...try to drive to work without crashing the S4 (fatigue)
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Weight 217

Thu - back/abs (volume/pump)
warmup - indoor track

seated cable row - medium width neutral grip attachment, two warmup sets and five work sets...slightly increasing weight each time, keeping reps at 10

DB pullover - four sets of 10, constant tension on the lats (short ROM)

various-grip pullup - wide pronated, wide neutral, narrow chin and narrow neutral, one set of each with just bodyweight to failure...approx 16/15/13/12 reps respectively
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

supinated grip one-arm pulldown - five sets of 10 per arm, leaning back slightly and squeezing the lat hard at the bottom of each rep

DB shrug - three sets of 20 with a 3sec flex/hold at the top of every rep

lots of posing work...don't want to forget the things I saw & wanted to improve on, posture during the FDB for example, lat spread in general (without a mirror especially) and wider stance/leg spacing for front relaxed especially

AM Cardio:
30min LISS - stair mill...*spoiler alert*...rossi tied for 1st; lorenzo technically ahead...I just want one more win for vale & a graceful retirement ffs

Got some meat back on my cheeks (both - lol) but still feeling pretty tight...definitely eating a few extra treats the last few days though

The spraytan half gone / half on-but-patchy makes my midsection look a bit looser than I think it really is but I'll see by this weekend it should be gone & I'll know better: Aug 19/4 days post show (resized) - Album on Imgur
You finished your cycle up now bud?
What's the plan for the next few weeks with nutrition and gear?

I did my last tren/mast pins on thursday before the show & hadn't had any test in me for over a month

I pinned a couple millilitres of t400 while trying to decide what to do...that was ~5 days ago now, other than that it's just been peptides & GH...

Likely I'll let the t400 trickle away to nearly nothing, might do another CC before our mini honeymoon (aug 29-sep2 I believe) then run short esters into the october show

At that point it'll be...5 weeks away, approximately...so if we say "competition day" is at the end of week 5/start of 6 I'm planning something like this:

1-2: testA 350/wk, trenA 350/wk, mastP 350/wk + aromasin 12mg EOD
3-4: testA 175/wk, trenA 525/wk, mastP 350/wk + winstrol 50mg/d & letro 1.25mg/d
5-6: trenA 525/wk, mastP 350/wk, winstrol 100mg/d + halo 20mg/d & letro 1.25mg/d

Calories were about 2750-2900/day (depending on what bodypart was trained) for the last week prior to the show, and in reverse order about 100cal/d higher for the month leading up to it

I'll reverse out of that at double the pace until the end of the honeymoon (this week has been a target of ~3-3.1k/d, next will be 3.1-3.3 etc) and probably do the same thing

Though I may be a little more aggressive with carb restriction and see if I can cut the cardio requirement down even more...last time I didn't touch stair mill until a 3-4wks out
-4wks out: 3x/wk
-3-2wks out: 4x/wk
-1-show: 5x/wk

This time I'll see about keeping it in the 2-3x/wk range and being a bit 'meaner' with myself on smaller bodypart / cardio-less days...currently I only manipulate carbs/cals via intraWO carbs but I can easily strip them from pre & postWO meals as well

My total diuretic usage for the last show amounted to 1 tab of dyazide (and 1/4 of that tab was used on Sunday to help manage water 'rebound') so I will repeat a very similar protocol

May add T3 back in @ 50mcg (same as last time) but won't need clen...possibly some E/C but it's never done much for me tbh
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Weight 216

Fri - legs (main/heavy)
warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - 3 warmup sets, 12 reps pyramiding weight up...then four sets of 8 good reps increasing 5lbs per set but keeping the 8 reps

highbar ATG squat - lots of warmup sets then slowly pyramiding weight up until I was worried about not hitting 5 reps (no spotter tonight)
5x385 (stopped here, wasn't sure about 405 without a spotter...hormones are still tanked too & joints are a bit creaky)

HS isolateral leg extensions - two sets of 20, with a 2sec pause/flex on each rep...insane pump from this setup

HS 45 degree incline leg press - one feeder set, then four working sets of 10 reps...no lockout, pump tempo and slightly increasing weight (one plate per set)

BB SLDL - four sets of 8, using 25lbs plates for extra depth/stretch...added weight on each set too

cooldown - indoor track, spent quite awhile lapping but wouldn't quite call it LISS...nice long cooldown though & felt great then hit some poses in one of the mirrored studios afterwards

Few more pictures I found on my phone from last weekend: http://imgur.com/a/37t2u

And a few shakey cam vids from the "best" angle (make that worst obviously)

Jose's routine: https://youtu.be/bbFclhMrank

Jose & Paulo: https://youtu.be/f2woL6rMLCE
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I recently had my easiest contest prep, along with the least amount of macro restriction and cardio required using the lowest doses I've ever tried (for prep) and wanted to list this out for anyone interested:

My memory's already getting foggy, but my diet and "cycle" basically this while I was cruising around @ 225-230 / 10% bf, trying to decide what to do...training mountain dog style, 7x/wk:
-Fri: legs + calves (heavy)
-Sat: chest/delts + abs (heavy)
-Sun: back + calves/abs (heavy)
-Mon: legs + calves (pump/volume)
-Tue: chest/delts + abs (pump/volume)
-Wed: arms + calves/abs
-Thu: back + abs (pump/volume)

Macros were around 350p/350-450c/85f at this stage and only adjusted (dropped) slightly until 4 weeks out...carb fluctuations were based on bodypart trained (amount of HBCD used intraWO)

- wks 12-9: 250mg testE e3d
- wks 12-9: 100mg trenE e3d
- wks 12-9: aromasin 12mg ED

- 12-9: modGRF1-29 + GHRP-2 @ 100mcg each ED
- 12-9: genericGH @ 5iu ED
- 12-9: T4/synthroid @ 100mcg ED

Decided to do the show (victoria cup) more like 7weeks out, but for simplicity's sake I've laid it out as an 8 week prep.

I started at approximately 225 / 9-10% bf

At this stage macros dropped slightly & were around 300p/325-375c/75 until bigger adjustments starting 4 weeks out...carb fluctuations were still based on bodypart trained (amount of HBCD used intraWO primarily)

- 8-5: 200mg testE EoD
- 8-5: 150mg trenE EoD
- 8-5: 150mg mastE EoD
- 8-5: aromasin 25mg ED

- 8-5: modGRF1-29 + GHRP-2 @ 100mcg each ED
- 8-5: genericGH @ 5iu ED
- 8-5: T4/synthroid -> swapped for T3/cytomel @ 50mcg

Show was approaching and I felt great, nearly ready to be honest and hadn't even started cardio yet...I added stair mill to bring in the glutes/hamstrings...at this point I was approximately 215 / 7-8%

Sodium stayed high all month (4-6000mg/d) but moderately on Friday (day before the show, 2-3000mg) and macros dropped slightly each week:
- 4-3: 300p/275-300c/75f
- 2-1: 300p/250-275c/75f
- "peak week": 275p/200-250p/75f...I reduced my carbs a bit mid-week then brought them back up friday until cutting water then started 'carbing up' lightly over the night and morning pre-show

- 4-show: dropped test
- 4-show: 100mg trenE EoD
- 4-show: 150mg mastE EoD
- 2-show: 100mg trenA EoD
- 4-2: letro 1.25mg ED and 1-show: letro 2.5mg ED

Added orals
- 3-2: winstrol 50mg ED and 1-show: winstrol 100mg ED
- 2: 20mg halo ED and 1-show: 30mg halo ED

Peptides/GH/thyroid/fat burner(s)
- wks 4-2: modGRF1-29 + GHRP-2 @ 100mcg each ED (dropped 2 weeks out)
- wks 4-1: genericGH @ 5iu ED (dropped 1 week out)
- wks 4-show: T3/cytomel @ 50mcg + clen (4: 37.5mcg/d 3: 75mcg/d 2: 75mcg/d 1: 37.5mcg/d and dropped 3-4 days out from the competition)

Interestingly, the last four weeks I first dropped down to about 206-208 by 2 weeks out...then slowly crept back into the low 210-214 range while getting even leaner...approximately 215 / 5-6% when I weighed in
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Weight 217

Sat - chest/delts/abs (main/heavy)
warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - five pyramid/feeder sets, four or five work sets...deep stretch at the bottom but only 3/4 of the way to lockout for constant tension - went something like this:
8x100 (had to go find heavier DBs...)
7x125 (failed on #8...bleh)

unsupported/hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps

HSPL banded chest press - warmup and five sets of six reps, pyramiding weight up slightly on each successive set

incline BB press - two feeder sets, three heavy/work sets of 6-8 reps (8x225, 8x245, 6x275)

stretch pushups - two sets, bodyweight to failure with minimal rest (30 then 25 reps)

bent over rear lateral DB raise - four sets of 15 strict reps

over-and-back BB press - 8-12 reps, short ROM for four working sets
superset rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps...heavy on these

leaning cable side laterals - four sets of 12 per arm, leaning away ~30 degrees from the cable machine, holding on with the opposite / non-working arm

bachelor party this afternoon,...go karts, sushi then lazer tag...going to nap then pop some ephedrine & hope I can stay awake
Weight 218

Bachelor party went hella good, actually...good turnout (16ish guys) and fun times gokarting, eating sushi, lazer tagging and then demolishing some https://www.facebook.com/pages/Double-Take-Doughnuts/903030126420757

Sun - back/abs
warmup - indoor track

one-arm BB row - two warmup and four work sets, eight clean but heavy reps per arm
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

narrow-grip lat pulldown "stretchers" - five sets of 10 reps, really love this exercise

mid-shin rack dead + shrug combo - interesting exercise, pulling pretty heavy from mid-shin then three shrugs and repeat = one rep...pyramiding weight up each set, five sets of six reps

incline DB shrug - doing these for the first time (since I skipped them last week) four sets of 10 reps, these are quite nice actually once you get used to the setup and find correct DB weights
superset regular DB shrug - three sets of 15-20 reps with a 3sec pause/flex at the top of each rep

crossbody DB curl - four sets of 8-12 reps per arm (thrown in for some extra arm work)

PM Cardio:
30min LISS - indoor track (moderate pace)

Feeling....about a week out, as I think I should lol: aug 22/23 - one week post show ("7 weeks out") - Album on Imgur
Weight 218

Was up pretty late last night working on wedding stuff, soundtrack/playlist and finalizing slideshow etc...so I skipped my 5am gym alarm and pushed everything to 7/8am - still made it though

Mon - legs (optional/volume)
warmup - indoor track

Triset (done instead of the giant set because of machine locations...)
1. smith front squat for eight reps
2. HSPL incline leg press for ten reps
3. HSPL hack squat (regular stance) for 8 reps with a slowwww descent (working sets 2 plates/side + moderate stance)

Did two warmup rounds with light then moderate weight, four workings sets with no rest between 1, 2 and 3 then finished off with one heavy set of each exercise (with calf raises in between)
1. warmup with bar, then 45 per side, working sets were 8x185 deep + a final 8x225 fifth set
2. warmup with 4 plates per side, then working sets of 8 reps with 6, 7, 8 and again 8 plates per side...finished with a heavy set of 8 x 12 plates per side
3. warmup with just machine then one plate per side, working sets of 8 reps (again with the slow descent) and 1 plate, 1.5 plates, then two plates per side for the last two sets...burned out with failure reps and same two plates per side

seated calf raise - "calf killer" style, 10 reps + 10 seconds hold three times = one set, four sets total (starting after the fourth triset)
superset bodyweight dorsiflexion - to failure, immediately after the calf killer sets...got about 60/58/55/55 reps

"FST-7"-style leg extension and leg curl - since I didn't have easy access to the leg extension machine to turn the triset into a giant set I decided to make them a bit more interesting to finish things off

seated leg extension - seven sets of 10-12 reps, 40sec rest between each set....slight flex at the top of each rep, crazy pump/burn by the fourth or fifth sets

seated hamstring curl - seven sets of 10-12 reps also, with 40-50sec rests between sets, no pausing just a constant curl / extend / repeat...hamstrings were still recovering from Friday and felt pretty burnt after this

cooldown - indoor track, moderate walk for about 10-15 mins...may come back for some cardio tonight if I have time

PM Cardio:
20min LISS - indoor track (moderate pace)
20min LISS - stair mill (moderately-intense pace)

10mins of arms, pump stuff mainly and some posing before the gym closed...hungry as hell today, appetite hasn't been that high despite the low-ish cals so maybe my estrogen's coming back a bit (and I'm feeling more 'normal' is what I'm getting at)
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Weight 220

Late PM weight, so again I don't really put too much..."weight"? Stock in it...I'll see how things look in the morning, though.

I showed up basically on time this morning (6am) with everything but humalog in me, realized I was completely beat even after 2c black coffee with 20mcg clen so I changed back out, went to work and napped until lunch.

Did some things, napped and ate then hit the gym this evening...great, probably best chest/delt workout I've had in a month - just a bit of humalog and suspension for preWO and holy shit, pumps weren't just feeling good I was cartoon mode/3D in the mirrors

Literally caught a few people looking at me, which I can honestly say I either never notice or just doesn't happen...but a 220lb BB in contest shape who's lifting moderate weights, not making a lot of noise but looking a lot heavier than I weighed in at...

TuePM - chest/delts/abs (optional/pump-volume)
warmup - indoor track

flat DB hex press - two warmup sets, four work sets of 12 reps...increasing weight by 5lbs each time and felt great the whole time...this is where the pump began

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps

HSPL flat chest press - approximately six sets, increasing weight each time until I couldn't get ten good reps...rarely do these without bands anymore, weight wasn't bad surprisingly after the hex pressing:
10x45 (1 plate per side)
10x100 (getting heavy/working here)
9x125 (last few reps were pretty grindy...kind of works out to about a 295 or maybe 255 bench depending on how the machine is weighted, though)

machine flyes (pec dec) - four sets of 10 reps, slightly increasing weight each time (mostly because I wasn't sure how much I could/should do) and ended up nearly maxing out the stack
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps after each set on the pec dec

bent over rear lateral DB raise - four sets of 20, strict form
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps after each set of rear delt raises

leaning side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10 per arm, pretty strict form on these too...delts were painfully pumped by this point

six way DB raises - three sets of 10-12, ground these out with little 10lbs DBs and minimal rest between sets

cooldown - indoor track

Posing between sets and a few minutes afterwards...did I mention that's the best pump I've had in ages? Wish I looked/felt that big all the time...
Weight 218

Long. Fucking. Day...looking forward to having a few off for the wedding and honeymoon...I think it's going to be easier to find a new job than to catch up on all the shit that is piling up on my desk at work to be honest....

WedPM - arms/abs
warmup - indoor track

one-arm DB curl - two feeder sets of 15 reps, then three heavy working sets of six reps per arm with 3 second decent, holding the DB supinated until the bottom then twisting almost pronated to get a good stretch & more blood into the lower bicep

rope crunches - five heavy sets, 16/17/18/19/20 reps respectively

EZ-bar preacher curl - three sets of 12, 3/4 ROM (not quite all the way down) with a hard squeeze/flex at the top of each rep

reverse-grip EZ-bar curl - three sets of 10 full reps and 10 partials (only halfway up)

straight BB curl - two burnout sets, each set was 10 reps then a 20sec rest, 8 reps + 20sec rest and finally 6 reps

rope tricep pushdown - two warmup sets of 15, then four working sets of 15 with a pause/flex at the bottom of each rep plus 5 additional straight pump reps (20 reps * 4 work sets)

bench dips - four sets to failure, about 15-20 reps with a 45lbs plate on my lap

decline leg raises - three sets of 25

CGBP - three sets of 8, 2 second descent then as quick/explosive of an eccentric as possible

Posing as usual, nothing crazy...playing around with some transitions

PM Cardio:
15min LISS - indoor track
20min LISS - stair mill