Weds - arms/abs/calves
warmup - indoor track
Tricep "triset" - did a warmup round then pretty quickly got at it since I was sleepy and wanted to get my blood pumping asap
1. rope pushdown - 15 reps, four working sets...no pausing just pumping with full ROM
2. weighted bench dips - 15-20 reps with 45lbs plate on lap, to near-failure...four sets as well
3. pronated grip DB kickback - four sets of 6 reps per arm with a slight squeeze/flex at the top of each
skullcrusher - two sets of 10, heavy with a good stretch in the hole
superset single DB seated tricep extension - 8-10 reps fairly heavy, again to get a good stretch on the tricep
supported/weighted hanging leg raise - four sets of 15 reps with a 15lbs DB between the feet, knees virtually straight out the whole way
EZ bar curl - three sets of 15, then five sets of 10 reps with only 10sec rest between each set (quite the pump!)
(regular) DB hammer curl - five sets of 10 reps per arm (alternating) nice and slow with a full ROM
cross-body DB curl - three sets of 12, ended with a dropset
calf-killer calf raise - four sets, three each (per set) of 10reps + 10sec hold
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight, to failure immediately following calf raise sets...so four sets with 60/55/55/50 reps approximately
AM Cardio:
30min LISS - stair mill...at least there was a motoGP race to catch up on
Muscle insider put up some more pictures, as always they're the ones I feel I look the worst in but c'est la vie:
Aug 15 / vic cup MI pics - Album on Imgur
Finally...I'll start my account of the weekend with an overview of the timeline to give an idea why I keep saying how busy it was...I'm weary just thinking about typing it but man it was fun!
-6:30am up and finish packing, no gym (planned) but at work for 8:00am
-9:30 back home to drop off my car & catch a ride to the airport for 10:30am flight
-11:00 flight finally left (slightly delayed)...made the connection in calgary because it waited for us
-2:00pm (BC time) landed in Victoria, 66Chevy was waiting for me because of the flight delays
-2:45 spray tan appointment at host hotel was booked (by the tanning company, not me)...so straight there from the airport (~35min drive)
-Chev had to go to a lacrosse game but my sister was able to leave her (job1) shift early and picked me up around...
-3:00 she (youngest sister) was waiting in the lobby for me after my first coat of spray tan
-3:15 went to the grocery store & bought ricecakes, distilled water and PB/jam...pounded nearly all of the 4L distilled water jug between...
-3:30 and 5:45 in addition to 4L earlier in the day + assorted coffees...then my sister got called in for a shift (job2) so I drove her there and had to proceed straight to the hotel for the...
-6:00pm athlete's meeting, where I checked in, found my music CD (phew) and weighed in (215.5 as mentioned, lol...LOTS of water in me)
-6:15 finished the last of my water (much to the dismay of some parched looking competitors)
-7:00 took 1/2 tab dyazide and from there on was peeing every 30-60mins...
-8:00 met another friend (who I was staying with) at my Bin4 for my burger meal, it was pretty decent especially with a fried egg on top but friend wasn't a huge fan of his meal
-10:00pm drove back to his place and talked with him and his girlfriend for a bit, in between peeing and getting my stuff ready for the next day
-10:30 or 11pm I finally shut 'er down and went to bed
-I had set alarms for 12am, 2am and 4am...subsequently woke up to pee at those times (and only those times, luckily) and munch a few ricecakes each time
-4:30am my sister picked me up so I could drive her to the airport (she was flying back to edmonton to attend my fiance's bachelorette party sat and bridal shower sunday)
-5:00am realized she'd left me with $3 worth of gas and a windshield caked in birdshit...very difficult to see in the dark with that setup and wasn't even sure I'd make it back for my...
-5:45am second tanning appointment (again little option here) at the hotel...got sprayed much darker this time and headed back to my friends' place to pee, snack and nap before the...
-8:30ish prejudging...stopped for a double espresso on the way, was pretty happy with how dry I looked and just wanted some caffeine in me...I used it to wash down a 1/4 tab of dyazide actually
-9:00-11:00 prejudging, BB was done by 10:00 but Chevy's friend's girlfriend was competing in bikini so I hung around the expo area and wandered in and out of the auditorium until it was done
-12:00 pulled chicken/bbq bunwich @ hank's unoriginal BBQ...great place if you're ever in YYJ, nice atmosphere (love the pearl jam posters) and food was fantastic...and the smells were amazing
-1:00-3 wandered around downtown Victoria looking like a hobo in my scrubs just soaking in the awesome town / atmosphere...sometimes you need to relax a bit and this was perfect
-3-4 napped at my friends' place
-4-5 choreographed and practiced my posing routine
-5:30 drove back to the theatre for the evening show...the start was delayed (as night shows almost always are) but it was alright...as mentioned I ended up taking 1st in my class and (likely) 2nd overall
-9:30-10ish Chevy's friend's girlfriend was finally done her bikini class, placed well enough to qualify for provincials but not as well as she'd hoped but was still in good spirits so we headed over to the cactus club
-10:30-12ish ate dinner (had some kind of cajun burger, yam fries which were what I really wanted and key lime pie) then slowly made my way back to my other friends' place
-12-2am too wired to sleep, chatted with those friends who'd gotten up to talk and congratulate me and slowly packed my stuff
-3am still couldn't sleep...walked over to the 24hrs grocery store, bought sushi and frozen greek yogurt (faux icecream that I really enjoy) and went back home
-4-5am nap/sleep until my alarm went off...
-5-6:30 wake up, finish packing, eat and rush to the airport...locked my sister's car up in short term parking and got on my plane (wasn't even the last one! hah)
-10:30 Edmonton time...finally back in YEG, brother in law was kind enough to pick me up and we grabbed a coffee since I had to stay awake to meet my dad at...
-12:00 pulled a bunch of parts out of my old A4 that I wanted to keep for the S4, since later that day my coworker had a car hauler booked to help me get the A4 down to the auction...
-2:00 hit the gym with my brother in law,
full body workout I believe with some cardio...
-4:30 home, quick nap before heading to my parents ~30min drive for...
-6:00 family dinner since my sister (the one who lives in Victoria) was leaving and I needed to give her car keys, plus visiting etc...
-8:00 drop myself off at my coworker's place (fiance drove herself home) and pushed his racecar (blown engine) off the car hauler and up his long ass driveway...
-9:00 load the A4 onto the car hauler (much easier said than done when your car has ~2" ground clearance and the widest allowable wheelbase it seems)
-10:00 prep a few meals for monday...roll into bed and sleep poorly
-4:30am gym alarm...wake up, pin modgrf1-29+ghrp2, start eggwhites and coffee, pack gym bag
-4:45am pin HGH, start cream of rice and prep intraWO drink, poop
-5:00am eat eggwhite omelette, cream of rice, drink coffee and read the whole internet
-5:15am hit the road...time for the gym
LEG DAY...and so it continues...had to start a half hour early in order to get outta there and make my next commitment...
-8:00am meet coworker at auctioneer, unload A4...try to drive to work without crashing the S4 (fatigue)