SP's on/off-season log

Weight 219

Well...it was an interesting morning, some things happened that resulted in my workout being delayed but I managed to get to the gym, get all the actual leg work done and shower/get to work only slightly late...

Fri - legs (heavy - omega beam wk3)

warmup - indoor track

standing leg curl - three warmup sets, interspersed with laps on the track then onto the working sets....essentially adding weight in small increments until 8 strict/good form reps became very challenging (and more weight would result in bad form)
superset with HSPL incline leg press - medium stance, doing sets of 10 and increasing the weight (by one plate PER SIDE this time rather than one plate!) until it was very tough to get all 10 reps

The actual sets looked something like this:

leg curl || leg press
12x40 || 10x90 (2 plates / 1 per side)
12x50 || 10x180 (4 / 2)
12x60 || 10x270 (6 / 3)
8x70 || 10x360 (8 / 4)
8x80 || 10x450 (10 / 5)
8x90 || 10x540 (12 / 6)
8x100 || 10x630 (14 / 7)
8x110 || 10x720 (16 / 8)
8x120 || 10x810 (18 / 9)
8x120 || 10x900 (20 / 10)
8x120 || 10x990 (22 / 11)
8x120 || 10x1080 (24 / 12)

machine squat using MTS-V squat machine - the program called for a "tru squat" machine (if available) which when I looked closer is quite similar to the life fitness brand (? I believe?) "mts-v" machine I've used once or twice at my gym
superset prone hamstring curl - nothing fancy about these, just sets of 10 with good form

Again the rep scheme/format I ended up using was a bit unconventional while I figured out the correct weights so rather than trying to describe it this is just (as best I can remember) a transcript of what I did:

mts-V || leg curl
12x130 || 10x100
12x190 || 10x120
12x250 || 10x140
8x265 || 10x160 (started calling them "working" sets around here)
8x280 || 10x160
8x280 || 10x160
8x280 || 10x160

seated leg extension - four working sets of 10 reps per set with feet dorsiflexed (pointed up towards the calves) to focus the upper thigh
superset sissy squat - four sets also, bodyweight to failure...I don't do these often, but especially when done to failure they're pretty beastly...reps were approximately 15/15/12/10 per set, respectively

cooldown - indoor track, only had time for a lap & no stretching which I kind of like doing on leg day now that I've gotten into the habit...might go back later for some calves & easy cardio though, could possibly foam roll/stretch then

Took a few more pics, guess it's time to dig out the posing suit & start shaving again @ 4wks from the show: Sep 11/2015 - 4wks out - Album on Imgur
Weight 218

Sat - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk3)

warmup - indoor track

HSPL chest press - ended up working in with someone so a few less warmup sets than usual, but approximately 3 warmups and 3-4 pyramiding work sets of 8 reps w/ 1sec flex/squeeze at the top of each rep
superset hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps as usual

reverse-banded incline BB press - one warmup, three pyramiding work sets of 8 reps...failed (well, racked it before failing) on a fourth set (335lbs) after six reps

flat DB press - three working sets of 8 reps with 3/4 ROM (no lockout, constant tension) plus four short partials...these were super hard especially after the heavy preceding exercises

bodyweight chest dips - three sets of 10
superset wide grip pushups - three sets to failure...got approximately 20, 16 and 12 reps per set

bent over rear lateral DB raise - three sets of 25 reps, strict form

rope crunches - four sets with slightly lighter weight than usual but holding the rope farther out from my head...16/17/18/20 reps

side lateral cable raises - three sets of 12 reps per arm, with a 1sec flex/hold at eye level on every rep

seated behind-the-neck press - using the smith, one feeler set and four pyramiding work sets of 12/10/8/8 reps...not quite full lockout at the top (5/6ths of the way) for constant tension

Didn't have time for cardio...went out and visited with friends at their campsite instead, had a great sushi dinner then sat around drinking diet rootbeer with them until midnight - crazy the kinds of things you enjoy once you're old and married :)
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Weight 217

Hit up a different gym than usual with my buddy who came into the city, was a good workout and nice to get a workout in with some new blood

Sun - back/abs (main - omega beam wk3)

warmup - indoor track

two-arm (simultaneous) front DB row - used DBs instead of kettlebells, three warmup then three regular working sets of 8 reps, followed by a fourth triple dropset

wide grip lat pulldown - warmup, then four sets of 10 reps with forced negatives...extra force/stretch on the 10th rep of each set

smith row - two pyramid/feeder sets and four working sets of six heavy reps...nothing fancy, just medium grip, careful form & heavy weight

DB pullover - the usual also with these, but three sets of 12 reps rather than the usual 8-10 with shortened ROM to maintain constant lat tension

hyperextension - bench was busy, ended up going for a bit of a walk/exploring the facility...

hanging leg raise - three sets of 16, forearms were pretty sore/pumped and skipped the fourth set
Weight 221

Not that it makes a huge difference but while I was re-reading john's mountain dog ebook before sleeping at the campground the other night, I realized I've been positioning the dedicated arms day a bit differently than he suggests.

What I've been doing is:
Legs (main/heavy)
Chest/delts (main)
Back (main)
Legs (optional/volume)
Chest (optional/volume)
Arms (main/only dedicated day)
Back (optional)

Whereas the suggestion from the mountaindog himself is:
Legs (main/heavy)
Chest/delts (main)
Back (main)
Arms (main/only dedicated day)
Legs (optional/volume)
Chest (optional/volume)
Back (optional)

Obviously not a huge change, but I decided I'd switch things to accomodate it anyways.

However, I like my Friday / Monday leg days...so in order not to throw that rotation off, I am repeating fri - sunday's workouts this mon/tue/weds

I'll insert arms thurs and proceed into optional days for the weekend, and start week 4 next week

TLDR; my new rotation (unless I'm sick or have to miss a day for another reason in which case I'll just shift everything forward until I can double something up & get back to it)
Mon - legs (main) + arms (2nd workout in the PM, IF I didn't get it done Sunday & time allows...if not, try to add abbreviated session post-legs)
Tue - chest/delts/abs/calves (main)
Wed - back/abs (main)
Thu - arms/abs/calves (main)
Fri - legs (volume/pump..."optional")
Sat - chest/delts/abs/calves (volume)
Sun - back/abs (volume) + arms (2nd workout, PM if possible, if not do it after back in the same workout)

Mon - legs (repeat main leg day from omega beam wk3, very similar to friday's workout)

warmup - indoor track

HS iso-lateral kneeling hamstring curl - 4 warmup sets, increasing weight on each...then dropped the weight slightly and into working sets where I increased the weight until 8 reps with good form were very challenging and kept it there while the leg press weight kept increasing
superset HSPL incline leg press - starting at 1 plate per side, 10 reps per set and adding 1 plate per side (2 plates total) on each set until I could barely get 10 reps

In practice it looked like this:
leg curl | leg press
8 x 20 || none (ham warmup)
8 x 30 || ""
8 x 40 || ""
8 x 50 || ""...last warmup
8 x 40 || 10x90 (2 plates)
8 x 50 || 10x180
8 x 60 || 10x270
8 x 70 || 10x360
8 x 80 || 10x450
8 x 90 || 10x540
8x100 || 10x630
8x110 || 10x720
8x120 || 10x810
8x120 || 10x900
8x120 || 10x990 (stopped here, could've ground out a heavier set but reps were getting very tough to keep good / deep ROM... a bit short of Friday for some reason)

MTS V-squat machine - used this bad boy again, had a better idea of the weight to use but still did two warmup / feeder sets
superset prone hamstring curl - unfortunately the machine didn't get any closer so it was still a ~20sec walk between the two every time

V-squat || prone curl
8 x 150 || 10x100
8 x 210 || 10x130
8 x 270 || 10x160 <- working sets start here
8 x 270 || 10x160
8 x 290 || 10x160
8 x 310 || 10x160

HS isolateral leg extension - three sets of 10-12 reps with foot dorsiflexed towards the shin (targetting the upper quad)
superset sissy squat - bodyweight (fairly obvious I think) to failure, approximately 20 reps on each set immediately following the quad extensions

AM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill...typically don't like doing cardio, especially postWO on leg day but I wasn't able to get it done over the weekend

And didn't want to risk missing it later today as I have quite a bit of running around to do this evening...

As expected, that was a tough ~30mins (including warmup/cooldown) due to the relatively challenging leg workout beforehand
Weight 223

Not too sure what's been up with my weight lately, I'm going to watch it more closely along with my water & sodium for the rest of the week and see if I can figure out why it's yoyoing that much.

A few pounds +/- are always expected but up 5-6 in a day (same time of day etc) is unusual since yesterday was fairly typical...

Tue - chest/delts/abs/calves (main - omega beam wk3 repeat)

warmup - indoor track

HSPL chest press - pyramiding weight up, doing sets of 8 reps with a lockout + 1sec flex on each rep until I couldn't get all 8 reps...then finished with partials on the last set
8x90 (1 plate per side)
8x140 (1.5 plates per side..?)
8x180 (2 plates a side)
8x230 (2.5 plates a side)
6x250 (didn't quite get the last two reps, but banged out about 20 partials from the stretch position)

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

incline BB press - sets of 8, pyramiding weight up again...no spotter and didn't want to set up the cage with pins or bands so I was a bit conservative
7x245 (pussied out and racked it, wasn't sure about the eighth rep)

seated calf raise - five sets, each set was 12 full ROM reps then 12 partials from the stretch position and a 12sec stretch
superset bodyweight dorsiflexion - to failure after the last three sets of calf raises, approximately 70/45/40 reps (first set seemed so easy!)

flat DB press - three sets of 8 reps with no lockout, just a deep stretch on each rep then 3/4 extension and back down followed by 4-6 partials (on each set)

rear delt cable pull-aparts - four sets of 20-25 reps, focusing on targeting the rear delts and trying not to engage the rhomboids etc

cable crunches - four sets of 20 reps each, slightly lighter weight (100lbs) and holding the rope much farther out from my head than usual

side lateral cable raise - four sets of 12 with a 1sec pause/hold on each rep at eye level, behind the back to help isolate the medial head of the deltoid
superset front BB raise - two sets of 8, quite heavy....just found a barbell on a rack someone had left 25s on & decided to use it for 'fun'

seated behind-the-neck press (smith machine) - three sets of 8, heavy with a shortened / medium ROM...just below the top of the skull and up to nearly full but not quite lockout

No cardio this morning, slept in a bit and took my time putting my lunch together and made some food for mrs.SP to go with the coffee I usually leave for her in a travel mug

Should have time to get it done this evening, possibly some posing as well...

edit: I did make it back to the gym for some cardio and a bit of posing after work...

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - indoor track (moderate pace walking ~110-120bpm)
25min LISS - stair mill (140bpm) plus warmup and cooldown, then some posing...still haven't shaved or dug out my posing suit

Was thinking about getting another posing suit for muscle beach, actually...might be easier than finding this one with all the shit...I mean wedding gifts piled into our condo right now
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Weight 223

Well...same weight so that's something...right now, my macros look like this:

sp said:
4 to 3 weeks out

300p/275c/75f (base day)
-25c (arms, light chest/delts and light back days)

Meal0: (typically around 2am...tough habit to break) 1/2 carton eggwhites + 2x ricecakes+PB/jam 35p/25c/10f
Meal1: (preWO) 1scp isolate, 1/2c cream of rice, 1/2c frozen berries, natural PB 25p/35c/10f
intraWO: 1scp hydrolized caseinate + 50-75g glycofuse (depending on bodypart) 25p/50-75c/0f
Meal2: (postWO) 1scp casein, 2/3c oats, natural PB 30p/40c/10f
Meal3: 6oz chicken breast or white fish, 1/2c white rice, inconsequential fibrous veggies, soy sauce/mustard 45p/25c/10f
Meal4: same as 3 45p/25c/10f
Meal5: same as 3 45p/25c/10f
Meal6: I target 50p/25c/15f here and lately get it either from big bowl of kale salad with added veggies, cottage cheese and a quest bar (seperately) or an eggwhite omelette with a few whole eggs and ezekiel toast

Wed - back (main/heavy - repeat of Sunday's omega beam wk3)

warmup - indoor track

two-arm kettlebell row - used actual kettlebells this time; which made it more difficult (from a weight-moved perspective)...still did two warmup sets, three straight working sets of 8 reps then a fourth set with two drops to finish
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

medium-width neutral grip pulldown - three or four sets of eight reps, heavy but with clean / relatively strict form...no forced negatives or extra stretching done this time

smith machine row - two feeder sets then four heavy working sets of six reps, narrow grip (just outside the knees) and really focusing on using the lats/back to pull and arms only as hooks

DB pullover - four sets of 12, shortened ROM as usual for constant tension on the lats....went pretty heavy on these

banded hyperextension - three sets of 15
superset DB shrug - three sets of 16 (heavy) with a 2-3sec pause/hold at the top of each rep...on the second set I did one drop with another 10-12 reps and on the final set I did two drops with 12 reps then 8 reps on the third set of DBs

AM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill

Did a bit of posing while waiting for a stair mill to open up...decided I'm happy with my condition at this point but still curious about the scale

Tonight I'm going to shave, dig out the posing suit and try to take some pictures afterwards or tomorrow AM and get some feedback
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Weight 224

Barely slept last night, between doing work, procrastinating about it (reading about the kai debacle etc) and finding other semi-important tasks to do I was up until almost 2am (gym alarm goes off at 5am) and I'm definitely feeling it today...

Thu - arms/abs (calves....main - omega beam wk3)

warmup - indoor track

triceps 'triset': no breaks between 1, 2 and 3...then a 90sec break before starting the circuit again - four 'rounds' total (12 working sets)
1. rope pushdown - warmup then four straightforward sets of 12 reps
2. overhead tricep extension - four sets of 10
3. bench dips - bodyweight to failure, using the sit-back and flex triceps method from last week...typically got 8-10 reps before failing on these

skullcrusher - three sets of 12, first set over the forehead, second set above the head and third set above the head with an even deeper stretch

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

biceps 'triset': same as the first one, no break between the individual exercises and only a short rest period between rounds...three rounds total (9 work sets)
1. ez-bar curl - warmup then four sets of 8 with a hard flex at the top and moderately slow descent
2. supinated DB curl - both arms at the same time, keeping palms up and slow, 2 second descents for 8 reps per set also
3. reverse-grip ez-bar curl - 8 reps to burn out the forearms

bodyweight narrow-grip chinup - two sets to failure, got 12 then 10 reps since everything was burned out after the trisets (and back workout yesterday)

ab superset - supported/hanging leg raise then rope crunches, did four sets of these...15 reps on each

At that point I needed to get to work to finish something up, so no morning cardio but I will likely head back to do some posing and cardio tonight

I think I managed to upload a sketchy quality video of some posing from last night; there were other people in the room so I didn't want to strip down to posing suit or play music & ended up just running through some mandatories

It sounds silly but to see myself well in those mirrors I actually need to wear my glasses (and I wasn't) so I couldn't tweak things as much as I wanted...and obviously, my posing (still) needs work so I welcome input/critiques as always :D

edit: back to the gym after some dinner (kale salad w/ cottage cheese) and a nap...ran short on time and didn't get much posing done before I got the boot unfortunately

PM Cardio:

15min LISS - indoor track (fairly quick warm up)

30min LISS - stair mill
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Looking good bro. I feel like I am gonna look up one day your ass is gonna be 260lbs at the same level of conditioning. Might days of trying to get bigger are over, but every now and then guys like you inspire to want to slap on another inch on my quads or quarter inch on my legs
Weight 223

I can't keep up this sub-3hrs sleep thing, going to take an epic nap today but still...at least it's the weekend. Maybe job hunting if I have time...

Fri - legs/calves (volume/optional - hamstring focus)

warmup - indoor track

'Giant set' - only a long enough break between exercises to get from machine to machine, not long enough to 'recover'
1. seated leg curl - two warmup/feeler sets and four working sets of 10 reps
2. SLDL - warmups then four working sets of 8 reps, only coming 3/4 of the way up to keep tension on the hamstrings
3. smith machine lunges - 8 reps per leg, foot positioned relatively forward to focus the hamstring & glute
4. smith wide-stance lunges - sets of 6 with toes pointed out to really target the posterior chain

I'm not sure if it's the tren, lack of sleep or I'm just generally turning into a giant pussy but those working sets kicked the shit out of me...needed a solid 2-3+ minute break after then 2nd and 3rd sets, then slightly dropped the weight on the 4th set
1. warmups were 10x100 and 10x130, working sets: 10x160 (x3) + 10x145 (last set)
2. 8x135, 8x185 warmup sets then 8x225 x 3 work sets and 8x185 for the final set
3. 8x50 (25 a side), 8x70 per leg then working sets of 8x90 x 4 (didn't have to reduce this weight)
4. 6x50 + 6x70 warmups then four sets of 6x90...only thing was I did take about a 10sec break to stretch my lower back before the 3rd and 4th sets (after the lunges)

All in all those felt like a sneaky, mean version of HIT disguised as weight training...when I did the same workout in Banff on my honeymoon a few weeks ago (on no gear, especially no tren) it wasn't nearly as tiring

prone hamstring curl - three sets of 12x170lbs, finished the third set with partials to failure (approximately 18-20 from the stretch position)

standing calf raise - three sets using various drop set, partials and stretch techniques to make them difficult (different on each, just know they were tough!)
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, immediately after each set of calf raises

cooldown - indoor track, just did a few laps with some light, manly lunges to stretch out the hammies and try to preempt any cramping later on today

Took a few pictures before I left this morning, still haven't shaved obviously but found my posing suit: Sep18/2015 3.x weeks out - Album on Imgur

Interesting opinion piece/article that I read a few months ago:

Just realized he finally wrote part 2:
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Weight 222

Slept a little more last night, still tired so I'm really seriously considering a second nap today (not my usual M.O on the weekend)

To celebrate my slightly-better-sleep I bashed the shit out of my leg on the corner of our table when I went to make coffee this morning...hard enough that blunt force actually opened a gash; sigh...

Sat - chest/delts/abs (volume/optional)

warmup - indoor track

chest "tri-set" - usual plan here, no purposeful rest between the exercises, but a few minutes rest between working set 'circuits'
1. HSPL chest press (banded) - two warmup sets, four working sets of 8 reps
2. flat DB hex press - two warmup/pyramid sets and four work sets of 8 reps using 70lbs DBs
3. wide "stretch" pushups - bodyweight to failure, got about 20/16/12/10 reps respectively

hanging leg raise - four sets of 16/17/18/20 reps

shoulder "giant set" - no warmups just straight into work sets here...four working rounds total
1. rear delt / reverse pec dec - 12 reps per set with a 2sec flex/pause on every rep
2. seated side lateral DB raise - 8-10 reps per set, nice and slow controlled reps for a huge burn
3. band pull-aparts/face pulls - 10 reps per set, flexing the rear delts hard at full contraction
4. seated DBs press - 8-12 reps per set, relatively moderate weight ...just increased the reps on a few sets to ensure I was near-failure each time

ab superset - 15 reps of supported hanging leg raise then 15 reps of rope crunches, three working 'rounds'

No cardio this morning, I may still go this afternoon but I'm contemplating a nice nap instead

I did take a picture this morning in my favorite saturday going-to-the-gym outfit

hey sp, I checked the OP but I I'm wondering how much GH you'v been using?
By memory it was 4-5iU ED but....that may have been 15 pages ago
hey sp, I checked the OP but I I'm wondering how much GH you'v been using?
By memory it was 4-5iU ED but....that may have been 15 pages ago

Hey - you're right, 5iu/d...down from 10iu/d but because of my peptide protocol (fasted GNRH/GHRP -> add HGH at peak) I feel as though I'm getting better results now than with double the GH previously (subjectively speaking)

Weight 216

PM weigh in, actually quite late in the day - I only left the gym because it was closing.

Had my first great, long sleep in a long time.

I woke up starving after six hours, cooked some eggs and ate them while half asleep...then went back to bed for another six hours

I feel pretty good but wish I didn't have to work tomorrow of course, spent the afternoon food and furniture shopping, family dinner then gym

Just cooking up some whitefish at the moment, mmm - that's what I'm talking about ;)

Sun - back/abs (optional/volume - omega beam wk3)

For almost all of the exercises, there were three working sets and the rep scheme was 12, 10 and 8 on each set respectively with increasing weight on every set

warmup - indoor track

one-arm BB row - warmup and three working sets, as always using 25lbs plates for better/deeper ROM, 12x75 (3x25), 10x85, 8x100lbs

regular crunches - four sets of 30 reps, shortened ROM for constant tension

meadows' row - three work sets, 12x100, 10x115, 8x125 (5x25lbs plates)

standard lat pulldown - 12x160, 10x180 and 8x200...went from medium, wider to widest grip per set as well

narrow/neutral grip pulldown - same weights and rep scheme but slower tempo for even more tension

rope facepulls - pulling directly towards the face and focusing the rhomboids with a 2 sec flex on each rep, three work sets

DB pullover - three sets, 12x80, 10x85 and 8x90

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill...killer session, was already tired by the time I finished warming up but cranked out another 25

By the time I was almost done on the stair mill, the gym was literally closing unfortunately & wasn't able to do any posing at all - TOMORROW! I hope...
Weight 218

Since I still had to meal prep after the gym my sleep wasn't as long as I wanted / feel like I could've used but at least it was relatively solid...I'll try to be in bed earlier tonight and I'm about to take my second nap so hopefully I'll be catching up on my sleep deficit shortly

Mon - legs (main - omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - two warmup and four working sets, didn't have a partner today so instead of forced eccentrics I did 4-5sec slow eccentrics on four working sets (8 reps each) and finished with 16 partials from the stretch position on the final working set

highbar ATG squat - sets of 8 pyramiding up in weight then finished with a challenge (drop) set
8 x bar
8 x 135
8 x 185
8 x 225
8 x 275
---> challenge set: 8 x 315 -> drop to 8 x 225 -> drop and repped out @ 6 x 135 (pause) then 5 x 135...ran out of gas (mostly air/lungs not energy to be honest)

HSPL 45' incline leg press - I misread the instructions and made it a little more difficult, by virtue of faux-occlusion...rather than stretching for 30 sec AFTER the whole thing, I stretched for 30sec between each (I'll explain)

10 x 450-> 30sec hard quad stretch, 15sec breather then straight into
10 x 450-> same stretch / breather ->
10 x 450-> same ->
10 x 450-> " ->
10 x 450-> one last hard quad stretch for good measure

What I should've done (was supposed to do) is the sets of 10 with an actual 45 sec break (no stretching) in between, then stretched hard after doing all five...the hard stretch obviously restricts blood flow though not as badly as actual occlusion training but certainly enough to impede recovery in that short 45sec window between 'sets'

SLDL - using a barbell, just four relatively standard/straight sets of ten reps...coming up to 3/4 or 5/6th of lockout then back down to keep tension on the hamstrings

seated calf raise - four working sets, each set was 10 full ROM reps, then 10 partials from the stretch position and finally a 10sec stretch
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight, immediately after each set of calf raises...got about 60/50/45/40 reps

15min cooldown - indoor track...wasn't a fast/spirited enough walk to call it cardio but felt good to get/keep blood flowing and I wasn't in as big of a rush so I just lapped for a bit while listening to an older starnes/meadows podcast

posing...got a bit done, again onlookers in the room so I didn't bother getting my posing suit on but I've incorporated as many of the suggestions/feedback received as I can (I think) so I will try to go back tonight, if possible with mrs.SP & get some pictures and/or video as a followup
Weight 221

So this was an evening workout, but I actually went to the gym in the morning, got changed and started warming up...my stomach was quite queasy and I just felt beat up so rather than half-ass my way through the workout I went home and took a nap before work. I don't like evening workouts due to how busy the gym is, but I think in this case it was the right call...while I was starving and flat by the end of the workout, I felt good pretty much throughout...pushed some good weight and had a decent pump going for awhile.

Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 8, stopping 3/4 of the way up and getting a deep stretch at the bottom...ran out of DBs before I failed which was kind of cool
8x100 <-started "working" here (taking more than 30sec rest between sets)
8x125 (heaviest at that gym)

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

incline BB press - pyramiding weight up again, sets of 6 instead of 8 this week...nice slow eccentrics so the weight wasn't too impressive
5x265 (failed on sixth)

pec dips - bodyweight, four work sets doing 10 at a time then straight into...
superset stretch pushups - to failure, with a few partials if possible and an iso hold/stretch...got about 20/15/12/10 reps per set

rear delts/reverse pec dec - three sets of 15 with a 1sec hold/flex on each rep
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps immediately after each set on the pec dec

smith seated shoulder press - one feeler and three heavy work sets, 10 reps nice & slow again focusing on the anterior delts mainly

front BB raise - three sets of 12, controlled and up past eye level on every rep
superset rope crunch - three sets of 20 (heavy)

posing - I was FLAT AS HELL, holy man...I don't think I've ever noticed myself looking that shitty - the workout was actually great so I guess I was just spent/depleted by this point

I took a few (hopefully less-crappy-than-last-time) camera phone videos but it's taking awhile to upload them...I'll either update this post or just append them to my log tomorrow

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - indoor track...couldn't get a stair mill, so I settled for a brisk walk on the track - felt a bit 'lazy' but honestly was pretty tired and SUPER hungry by this point

1/2 - https://youtu.be/6Iw_AcJA0gE
2/2 - https://youtu.be/K9iM4I1ZZCU
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Weight 220

Sleeping better for sure, just not long enough...waking up starving though, have to resist the urge to stuff my face because then I feel bloated and crappy at the gym

Wed - back/abs (main - omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

hammer strength supinated-grip high row/pull-down - three feeder sets and four working sets, 10 reps each and an additional 10 partials from the stretch position on the last working set

pronated wide-grip lat pulldown - three sets of 8, strict form and a fourth working set of 8 full reps plus 8 partials again
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30

DB pullover - four sets of 12, shortened ROM for constant tension on the lats

one-arm BB row - six sets of 8...using 25lbs plates as usual for a deeper stretch of the lats at full extension/bottom of the motion

rope chest/face-pull - four sets of 12, with a 1 sec squeeze/flex on each rep

bodyweight hyperextension - two sets to failure, about 35 and 30 reps respectively
superset DB shrug - two sets of 15 with a 3sec hold at the top of every rep

AM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill...I don't know why or what made this so hard but five minutes in I wasn't sure I'd make it to ten...eventually I got my 25 but it was definitely a struggle - I think my lower back was quite tight ("pumped") from the hyperextensions which didn't help
Nice mate, starting to perfect this shit now....

My only suggestion would be to pivot a bit more on your side chest - try and get both pecs into view for the judges...

Other than that, your weaknesses are catching up fast. Great work pal!

Thanks buddy, appreciate the suggestion and compliments.

More/better pics & videos to come, this weekend at the latest....

Weight 220

Had to get to work early so no gym this morning, but managed to get there before the evening rush and finished arms before the everyone showed up then snagged myself a stair mill

Thu - arms/abs (omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

tricep rope pushdown - three (or four?) warmup sets and four working sets of 12 straight reps
superset one-arm cable pushdown - four sets of 8 immediately following the rope pushdowns

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

seated rope overhead extension - four sets of 10, this isn't the easiest thing to setup but worth it once you get it right...I did a few warmups before the working sets: https://youtu.be/GQGndNEklFE

standard barbell curl - three working sets, pyramiding weight up and dropping a few reps each time - 12/10/8 reps respectively

rope crunches - four sets of 25

supinated DB curl - three sets of 8, with a three second descent/eccentric
superset hammer DB curl - 8 more reps without pausing after the supinated angle curls...crazy burn from this combo

one-arm DB preacher curl - three sets of 6-8 reps, careful with the bicep tendon but going for a good ROM (not quite full extension though)

DB shrug - three sets of 15 with a 3sec flex/hold at the top of every rep

PM Cardio:

30min LISS - stair mill...this was much easier than last night, despite spending even longer on the torture machine...just had an off day yesterday I suppose
Weight 221

Decent sleep, got to bed pretty early but maybe too early because it took me awhile to wind down & actually zonk out...woke up feeling fairly rested though, so much so that I haven't even taken my first worknap yet

Fri - legs (optional/volume - omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

seated leg extension - two warmup sets and six working sets:
First three were toes curled up towards the shins (lower thigh focus)
1. 20reps x 2sec flex/hold at the top
2. 20 x 1sec flex/hold (added weight)
3. 20 x no pause but a quick flex (added more weight)
The fourth, fifth and sixth set had toes pointed out like a ballerina on pointe, to emphasize the upper thigh
4/5/6 - just pumping, no flex at the top but added even more weight beyond the third set

adductor machine - one warmup and five working sets, slightly increasing weight each time up to the full stack...12 reps per set

barbell front squat - sets of 12, pyramiding weight up until I couldn't get 12 reps...still frustrating that I have to do the x-arm method rather than racking it properly
12 x bar
12 x 95
12 x 115
12 x 135
12 x 155
12 x 185
12 x 205
10 x 225 (didn't fail but wasn't too sure about the last two reps so I racked it...)

hip extension machine - not sure what else to call it, you stand on one leg & hook your opposite knee on the pad up at bellybutton level and push it back behind your straightened/standing leg...did one warmup and four working sets of 12

standing calf raise - four sets, calf killer style...doing 10 full reps then 10 sec hold, 10 full reps and 10sec hold and one more 10 reps + 10sec hold per set (total of 30 reps / 30sec holding each set) and finished each set with a 10sec stretch at the botto
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, immediately after each set of standing calf raises...got about 60/50/45/40 reps

prone hamstring curl - four straight sets of 15 heavy reps to finish off the hamstring

AM Cardio:

30min LISS - brisk walk on the indoor track, it's definitely no stairmill session but they were constantly in use and I don't really like doing postWO stair mill after a serious leg workout, anyways...the walk was good to keep blood flowing in the legs though

When I woke up I took a few bathroom-posing-trunk-selfies, to be honest these were pre...dump...and I was feeling a bit bloated but they are what they are: sep25/2015 - 2.1wks out - Album on Imgur

Last edited:
Weight 222

Slept in like crazy this morning...woke up around 10am starving, made some eggs and ate a poptart (was planning to hit the gym) but decided to 'lay down for a few minutes' first...4 hours later (around 2pm) I finally rolled out of bed again, made some coffee and headed out...

Sat - chest/delts/abs (optional/volume - omega beam wk4)

warmup - indoor track

machine press - using wide/neutral grip out past the handles, pyramiding weight up in 10lbs increments until I couldn't get 10 good reps
10 x 70 (per side)
10 x 80
10 x 90
10 x 100
10 x 110
10 x 120
10 x 125
10 x 130
8 x 135 (stopped here)

incline DB press - low incline, high reps just to get a pump going...three sets of 15 reps

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

flat DB hex press - four sets of 12, squeeze at the top and slight pause at the bottom on the chest...great for pump also

pec minor dips - bodyweight to failure, got about 25/22/20 reps (I think just three working sets, maybe four though)
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps after each set of dips

pec dec - three sets of 10, heavy with a flex/squeeze at max contraction on each rep
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps following the 10 pec dec reps

rear delt/reverse pec dec - three sets of 30 reps

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, pyramiding weight on each but keeping strict form until the fourth set (with 50lbs DBs a little cheating required)

rope crunches - four sets of 20, heavy

spidercrawls - two or three sets, I was keeping an eye on the stair mill so I can't remember if I actually fit the third/last set in before I snagged it

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill
Damn brother love seeing you creep up in weight. Looking good, what do you think your weak spot is? Just curious what your thoughts are? Every bodybuilder has one