SP's on/off-season log

Log is turning into a book! Good stuff so far!

Do you track your workouts on your phone or in a note book? Im still using a notebook and Im the only one.

Thanks man, it's a picture book hah...lots of links to imgur photos as well

I don't write anything down in the gym, I just track my workouts here...

A few hours (usually less than a day) afterwards I type out what I did, what I weighed etc

Weight 223

MondayPM - legs (omega beam wk8)

warmup - 10mins indoor track + 10mins spin bike

seated hamstring curl - two warmup, three straight work sets of 10 reps then a fourth with partials to failure at the end...leaning forward over the quad lock to take the lower back out of the equation

highbar ATG squat - sets of 10, until I lost enough reps to only get 6 then added as many partials to the last set
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
8 x 365
6 x 385 + 6 partials

leg press - four feeder sets of 15 reps increasing weight until 15 reps were quite difficult, then four additional working sets
1. 10 x 540 doing 1.25s (1 full rep and one quarter rep out of the hole equals one 'count'...so done 10 times)
2. 10 x 540 doing 1.5s (1 full + 1 half rep = 1...)
3. 10 x 540 doing 1.75s (1 full + 1 three quarter rep = 1)
4. 20 x 540...nearly double time just repping them out, ended up getting about 22 or 23 reps

kneeling hamstring curl - four sets of 8 per leg, doing all hamstring curl reps then immediately into the bulgarian split squat for that leg before switching and doing the same for the other

superset bulgarian split squat - immediately following the kneeling hamstring curls

DB SLDL - three sets of 8, using moderate weight and perfect form...nice and slow to finish off the hamstrings and get a nice stretch

seated calf raise - four sets of 15 slow, controlled full ROM reps followed by 10sec iso hold

superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure after each set of seated calf raises
Weight 225

Only had time/energy for a quick arms workout tonight after a long ass day at work

Legs are SORE holy shit, reminds me of training as a natural...probably because I am - whoops!

Need to take it a bit easier, maybe...

TuePM - arms/abs (omega beam wk8)

warmup - indoor track

rope pushdown - four sets, pyramiding weight up doing 20 reps per set

supinated DB curl - four sets of 10 doing both arms at the same time
superset bicep curl machine - 6 full reps and 3 partials towards the top

v-bar pushdown - four sets of 15, heavy with clean form

supported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15
superset rope crunches - four sets of 15 immediately following each set of leg raises

EZ-bar 'cheat' curls - went heavy on these, 10 reps per set, just two sets

incline Tate press - first time doing these so I took it easy on the first set then two working sets of 10 reps

Did a bit of posing, actually, and a few cooldown laps on the track...stretched my legs out a bit (they're killer sore from the two leg workouts recently) and headed home to eat...
googled it yesterday, looks interesting, will try it myself!

It's good I think you'll like it! Honestly I liked the JM press variation on CGBP better, try that one sometime too...

Weight 225

Took a complete rest day yesterday to try to get myself caught up and reduce some muscle soreness...

Had a decent sleep in the new bed, not long enough but it was pretty solid nonetheless.

ThuAM - chest/light delts/abs (omega beam wk8)

warmup - indoor track

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/19 reps respectively

flat DB press - did about 4 feeder/warmup sets of 15 with increasing weight on a steeper incline, then working sets of 8 reps on a low incline increasing weight until I could barely get 8 reps

smith incline press - four sets, first was 12 reps with 6 partials, then increasing weight on each set...10 full reps and 5 partials, 8 full / 4 partials and finally 5 full +2 partials on the last set (335lbs)
superset over-and-back with band - 10 reps between smith press sets

high cable flyes - four sets of 12 increasing weight on each...flex/squeeze for 1-2sec on every rep at full contraction

lateral DB raise - three sets of 12 with strict form, going slightly above eye level on every rep

front DB raise - two sets of 10, alternating arms

...off to work, planning to go back tonight for...back attack

Few quick 'progress' shots from this morning before hitting the gym: Oct 29/2015 ~3wks post show - Album on Imgur
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Try the decline CGBP, thank me later ;)

10-4 rubber ducky :D

ThuPM - back

warmup - indoor track

HSPL chest-supported row - pyramid sets, 20/16/12/10/8 reps using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plates a side respectively

rope crunches - three sets of 15

bodyweight pullup - five sets to near-failure, two wide grip, two narrow / neutral grip, and one supinated (chins)

DB shrug - three sets of 15, heavy with straps, 3sec hold/flex on each rep
superset over-and-backs with band - three sets of 10

DB pullover - three sets of 10

DB dead-stop row - three sets of 8 (per arm)

Posing...quite a bit, maybe 15-20mins worth - as always, it was THAT that really worked up a sweat compared to the heavy ass weights!
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Weight 226

Super early workout with my friend/posing coach, crushed legs pretty hard...

Fri - legs (optional / random exercises)

warmup - treadmill

seated leg extension - four sets, 12-15 reps each with increasing weight

seated hamstring curl - four sets, also 12-15 reps with increasing weight

adductor machine - five sets, one warmup and four working sets of 12

highbar squat - warmup / pyramid sets then one pretty rough dropset
10 x bar
10 x 135
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
10 x 365
...dropset: 8x405 (rest/pause on the last three reps) then 8x315, 8x225, 8x135 and a few sissy squats before I basically failed/fell over

incline plate loaded leg press - five sets of 8, heavy with various foot placements to target different areas of the hams / quads

seated calf raise - four sets of 15

DB SLDL - three sets, slightly increasing the weight and 12/10/8 reps respectively
Weight 224

Slept in ~alot~ today until mid-afternoon, felt pretty good...went to a halloween party for some preWO chocolate & roast beef then hit the gym with my old posing coach / now friend(?)

Sashimi with some maki as a treat afterwards...now watching the Man from Uncle on the coach and posting this from my phone :)

Sat - delts (optional/random exercises)

warmup - treadmill

side lateral cable raises - four sets of 12, first with a 1sec hold at the top of each rep, second and third sets with increasing weight but keeping 12 reps, and fourth set behind the back

dips - four sets of 12
superset upright row - four sets of 12

rear delt machine (reverse Pec Dec) - four sets of 15 with a 1sec flex/hold on each rep
superset over-and-back with band - 10 reps after each set on the pec dec

side lateral machine - two pretty intense dropsets, 10 reps each at 60, 50, 40, 30, 20lbs, then a 30sec isohold at 10lbs...followed by 15 reps with added tension on negatives (partner pushing down on the plates)

smith behind-the-neck press - five sets, one easy and four with slightly increasing weight, 10-12 reps per set

Noticed this on the Pec Dec while doing rear delts and thought it was funny enough to be picture-worthy:

Weight 224

SunAM - chest/abs (optional/volume)

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - a few light sets of 15 with increasing weight, then 12, 10 reps as the weight got heavier and finally three working sets of 8 reps, constant tension (no lockout) with 125lbs DBs
superset over-and-backs - with tough band, 10 reps after each set of presses

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

flat BB bench - 5x5 scheme, few feeder sets then five working sets of 5 reps except I only got four on my last set with 355 on the bar, no one to spot and wasn't sure about the last rep

incline smith - three sets of 12, only 60sec rest between sets, more for the pump than anything here

high cable flyes - four sets of 15/12/10/8 reps with increasing weight, 1sec flex on every rep (except the last set, was too heavy to get a real flex/hold)

cable crunches - four sets of 20-25 reps per set

chest dips - two sets of 12 bodyweight dips
superset wide pushups - bodyweight to failure immediately after each set of dips

cooldown - indoor track, not quite cardio but a decent length (~15-20min) brisk walk

Took these today...when I looked at them I'm a little concerned I see the beginnings of a hernia (?) on my lower right abdomen...: Nov 1/2015 - 3wks post show - Album on Imgur

Weight 225

Didn't sleep much but had a good leg workout early this morning, nonetheless...

I'm going to leave work after lunch and get this (hopefully not) potential hernia/abdominal thing looked at, as well as the posterior deltoid that's been bothering me

Mon - legs (main - omega beam wk9)

warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three pyramiding warmup sets of 15 reps each, followed by three straight work sets of 10 reps and a fourth dropset of 10 + 10 + 10 reps and finally a 10sec forced-tension iso-hold
superset bodyweight SLDL - just basically toe touches, 10 - 15 between hamstring curl sets to stretch and get more blood in there

adductor machine - one easy warmup set and four heavy work sets of 12 reps each (full stack)

HSPL incline leg press - pyramiding up sets of 8 until the weight was quite hard (could probably only get 2-3 more reps) then did four work sets of 8 reps each
superset smith machine squat - feet out in front, 3 sec concentric and slow (not explosive) controlled 1-2sec eccentrics...8 reps per set following the four working sets of leg press

seated calf raise - three sets, each one was 12 full-ROM reps, 12 partials from the stretch position and 12 sec stretch
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure following each set of calf raises, got 55/50/45 reps per set respectively

walking lunges - three sets of 10 per leg, slow and controlled

BB SLDL - three sets of 8-10 reps, fairly heavy and only 3/4 ROM (not locking out) for constant tension on the hamstrings

cooldown on the track...
Went back to the gym for a bit Monday night with mrs.SP to keep her company during cardio and do a few arms sets & posing practice

MonPM - arms/abs (pump)

warmup - indoor track

BB curl - two easy warmup sets
superset reverse EZ-bar curl - two high rep sets (20+ each)

rope pushdown - two or three warmup sets, and five working sets...slightly increasing the weight, doing 12 reps with a flex at the bottom until the weight was quite heavy and had to omit the flex

supinated DB curl - four working sets of 12 reps, then two more heavy sets of 8 reps per arm
superset hammer DB curl - on the last few 12 rep working sets and 8 rep sets I added another 8 hammer curl partials to really pump the biceps

CGBP - moderately heavy but very slow and controlled reps..three working sets of 10 reps each

supported hanging leg raise - 15 strict reps for three sets
superset rope crunches - 15 reps following each set of hanging leg raises

posing - about 10-15 mins worth, focusing more on the lower body portion (flexing legs, spiking toes/calves etc)

PM Cardio

10mins LISS - indoor track (brisk walk)
15mins LISS - spin bike (140+ bpm)
Weight 224 (AM) and 222 (PM)

Hit the gym twice today, had a good back workout in the morning then went back and did a bit of fullbody with my brother-in-law, some cardio and stretching

TueAM - back/abs (omega beam wk9)

supported chest machine row - three high rep warmup sets just to get some blood flowing

meadows' row ***8211; 2 warm ups and four working sets of 8 reps...very heavy on these, could barely get the 8th rep on the 3rd and 4th set

DB row - 4 sets of 8 reps per arm, not deadstop variety just regular / constant rowing

DB pullover - 4 sets of 10, constant tension / short ROM as usual

various grip pullups - using the assist machine, moreso to slow down the movement than assist (just 15lbs setting) ...two sets wide grip, two sets narrow grip, all to failure

hyperextensions - didn't have my band(s) with me so I did three bodyweight sets of 25, nice and slow
superset decline leg raise - three sets of 25

TuePM - "full body sans-chest/delts" and abs

warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - four sets of 15, slightly increasing the weight on each set, keeping the weight moderate since I went pretty hard on legs yesterday
superset bodyweight SLDL - 10 nice, slow reps after each hamstring curl set

standing calf raise - four calf-killer sets, three times 10 reps + 10sec iso-hold per set, four working sets
bodyweight dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, after each set of calf raises...about 60/55/50/45 reps

seated leg extension machine - five sets, increasing weight and slightly decreasing reps on every set
superset adductor machine - one warmup and three working sets of 12 reps (full stack)

seated row - three sets of 20, moderate weight with a focus on the rhomboids more than anything else

neutral-grip pulldown "stretchers" - three sets of 12, heavy and slow

tricep v-bar pushdown - again, three high-rep sets of 25 3/4 partials

PM Cardio:

30min LISS - indoor track (brisk walk)
10min HIT - spin bike
Weight 224

I didn't have a tonne of time tonight so I split chest from delts and made sure I was thorough; tomorrow I'll likely hit delts because I have arms planned for saturday evening with a buddy...

Wed - chest/abs (omega beam wk9)

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - five or seven sets of 12, increasing weight until I could barely get 12 reps...not locking out, just 3/4 to 5/6 extension for constant tension

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

flat BB press - five sets of 6 reps, fairly explosive off the chest

machine press - four sets of 8 with a 2sec flex/squeeze at lockout on each rep, finished the fourth set with a triple dropset

chest dips - bodyweight to failure, only about 3/4 of the way up but deep for a maximum stretch on every rep

cooldown - indoor track, again not exactly cardio but a brisk 10-15 mins walk around the track

Well...the doctor had said just monitor, if there's pain etc come back and see him...whatever that was seems to be gone right now at least...

Weight 224

I didn't have a tonne of time tonight so I split chest from delts and made sure I was thorough; tomorrow I'll likely hit delts because I have arms planned for saturday evening with a buddy...

Wed - chest/abs (omega beam wk9)

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - five or seven sets of 12, increasing weight until I could barely get 12 reps...not locking out, just 3/4 to 5/6 extension for constant tension

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

flat BB press - five sets of 6 reps, fairly explosive off the chest

machine press - four sets of 8 with a 2sec flex/squeeze at lockout on each rep, finished the fourth set with a triple dropset

chest dips - bodyweight to failure, only about 3/4 of the way up but deep for a maximum stretch on every rep

cooldown - indoor track, again not exactly cardio but a brisk 10-15 mins walk around the track

Well...the doctor had said just monitor, if there's pain etc come back and see him...whatever that was seems to be gone right now at least...


Definite improvements in the upper chest mate, which is surprising as it seems you do predominantly flat work...
Definite improvements in the upper chest mate, which is surprising as it seems you do predominantly flat work...

The last few chest days definitely do seem to have quite a bit of flat chest work, but I tend to focus more on incline by and large...I have a feeling some of the visible difference has to do with posture too, or 'posing' as it were (:

Either way, thanks brother!

Weight 226

ThuPM - delts/abs (omega beam wk9)

warmup - indoor track and various delt raises with high reps and light weights

rear lateral DB raise - four sets of 20 reps, more 'swing' than tight form which ends up giving quite a pump

supported hanging leg raise - four sets of 15
superset rope crunches - four sets of 15 following each set of hanging leg raises

seated lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, strict form going up to 10 and 2 oclock on each rep

front BB raise - three sets of 10, each rep above eye level

seated smith press - five sets, pyramiding weight up and dropping reps to compensate

cooldown - indoor track, 10-15mins as usual (lately)
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Weight 224-225

Different scale than usual (trained at LA fitness) but that seemed about right so I'm not doubting it too much

FridayPM - legs (optional/volume)

warmup - spin bike / 10mins moderately hard

seated hamstring curl - six sets, pyramiding weight up...15 reps for about the first three or four then dropped a few reps down to 12 and 10 for the last, heavier sets

adductor machine - four sets, all 15 reps but pyramiding weight up slightly

highbar ATG squat - one feeler set then three heavy work sets (3 x 12 x 315)....then some fat guy in 5% nutrition swag (no, not me lol) was squatting four plates so I had to...one decent-depth 8x405 set

HSPL incline leg press - four sets of 12 reps, pretty heavy with a decent rest in between sets and some quad stretching
superset leg press calf raise - 20-25 reps after each set of leg press

seated quad extension machine - four sets, pyramiding weight up slightly again, keeping reps in the 12-15 range but reducing the flex/hold from 2sec per rep down to almost nothing as the weight got too heavy (full stack)

Post workout sushi...I wasn't paying for once, and really took advantage...I'm conservatively guessing I broke $100 worth of sashimi and maki rolls with ease