New member
I had to find a different link for the second, "not available in my country" lol but this it the right one?
I had to find a different link for the second, "not available in my country" lol but this it the right one?
sp said:On Friday (oct 9th) I weighed in at 223.5 with decent amount of water in the athlete's meeting, my first impressions were essentially "holy shit the light heavies and heavies/supers classes are big and ripped"
Saturday AM...I hadn't slept more than ~15 hours in the last five days I am guessing, and really didn't feel physically 'ready' somehow but made it to the theatre
I placed third in what I consider to be a pretty deep field of 15-20 guys in good to great shape, so that wasn't a huge disappointment (but of course I'd have rather 1st + overall...who wouldn't though)
During the day I got to talk to IFBB Pro Ron Paltrow for a little bit, got a few pictures and such - it was not my first time meeting him, but it was the first time talking for more than a few seconds and I found him very smart, laid back, and humble.
Dexter was the guest poser at the night show, because it was all bikini and MPD competitors I didn't have any problems finding and talking to him for awhile, managed to get a picture with him too...
My friend came in middle of the light heavies' weight-wise, but could (should've) been down to middles honestly...he did well despite his conditioning, I'll take the blame for assuming he only had 30 to max, 40lbs to lose...not 50+
One of my sister's competed and took third place in her bikini height class as well, very excited about that especially since I was her coach for everything except posing - feels just as good if not better than my own placing
Two friends from the area who post on other canadian boards competed and did well too, so it was overall a great weekend other than extreme fatigue![]()
the amount of progress you continue to make is motivating bro... keep it up
jm said:(...) I like to do them by letting the dumbell go all the way so that my arm is fully extended, rest for 1 second, and then curl up. I would never do this early in the routine for fear of injury. Your bis should be nice and pumped now though. I use an incline utility bench, the kind that you would use for incline dumbell presses. It***8217;s a steeper angle, and you can get that stretch safely without your arm hyperextending. (...)
Weight 224
Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk6)
warmup - indoor track
slight-incline DB press - just two 45lbs plates under one side of a flat bench, did three warmup sets then three working sets using full ROM...deep stretch at the bottom and tight squeeze at the top of each rep
incline smith press - high reps for a burn, no warmup just 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 reps per set (target), which I think I got about 25x135, 19x185, 13x205 and 6+2+2x225 with ~90sec rest between sets
hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively
HSPL machine press - feeler set, four working sets of 6 reps with a 3 sec hard flex/squeeze on every single rep
flat cable flyes - not exactly sure what is intended here but I went with cables at directly shoulder height and pushing straight forward...ten reps with a 1sec flex/hold on every rep for three work sets
rear lateral DB raise 'swings' - three sets of 25 with heavy weight, straight arms...slightly reduced ROM due to the 'swing' specification
superset over-and-backs with band - five to eight reps after each set of swings, crazy burn/pump
side lateral cable raise - four sets of ten reps per arm with a one sec flex/hold at the top of every rep...last set was behind the back
rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps again
front BB raise - two sets of 10 straight reps, shoulders were on fire and completely done
I've ordered and should be getting some slightly better photos now where I don't look quite as bloofy/watery...
Awesome picture!! Man you made so much progress Snow its unreal. Even though 1st is the goal you ahould be proud with 3rd as well. I would have liked to get down there to see you but was working unfortunately .
Ive just fired up again and its showtime. Gonna use your progress as a lil motivation brother.