SP's on/off-season log

So, a quick re-cap of yesterday's events...posted elsewhere but just for completeness' sake:

sp said:
On Friday (oct 9th) I weighed in at 223.5 with decent amount of water in me...at the athlete's meeting, my first impressions were essentially "holy shit the light heavies and heavies/supers classes are big and ripped"

Saturday AM...I hadn't slept more than ~15 hours in the last five days I am guessing, and really didn't feel physically 'ready' somehow but made it to the theatre

I placed third in what I consider to be a pretty deep field of 15-20 guys in good to great shape, so that wasn't a huge disappointment (but of course I'd have rather 1st + overall...who wouldn't though)

During the day I got to talk to IFBB Pro Ron Paltrow for a little bit, got a few pictures and such - it was not my first time meeting him, but it was the first time talking for more than a few seconds and I found him very smart, laid back, and humble.

Dexter was the guest poser at the night show, because it was all bikini and MPD competitors I didn't have any problems finding and talking to him for awhile, managed to get a picture with him too...

My friend came in middle of the light heavies' weight-wise, but could (should've) been down to middles honestly...he did well despite his conditioning, I'll take the blame for assuming he only had 30 to max, 40lbs to lose...not 50+

One of my sister's competed and took third place in her bikini height class as well, very excited about that especially since I was her coach for everything except posing - feels just as good if not better than my own placing (:

Two friends from the area who post on other canadian boards competed and did well too, so it was overall a great weekend other than extreme fatigue :)

Sun PM Weight 222

Went to bed around midnight...woke up once at 6am, ate a questbar, back to bed until noon...ate a protein pancake and back to bed until 3pm when our new bed was delivered...eventually managed to stay awake long enough to head to the gym...

Sun - upper-body + squats

warmup - indoor track

supinated grip bicep curl - three sets, pyramiding weight up on each set, 8 reps with 3 sec negatives
superset hammer/cross-body DB curl - 8 reps immediately following the supinated curls

rope tricep pushdown - two light warmup sets and two heavier working sets, 12 reps for all four
superset hanging leg raise - three sets, 16/17/18 reps respectively

DB shrug - two sets of 12 with 2 sec hold/squeeze at the top of each, heavy without straps

side lateral DB raise - three sets of 12, heavy but strict form
superset front DB raise - two sets of 6-8 reps to failure immediately following the side laterals

flat BB bench - three sets, nothing fancy but decently heavy...12x135 (warmup w/ long pause reps) then 8x225 and 8x275
superset highbar ATG squat - three sets here too, pause squats on the first set then straight reps on second and third sets....8x135, 8x225 and 8x315

Somewhat unfortunately, since after 15+ hours of sleep I had lots of energy & wouldn't have minded doing a little bit, I did not have enough time for cardio as I knew I'd need a decent amount to get started on removing the spray tan and didn't want to miss thanksgiving turkey dinner obviously...sorry(not sorry) rec centre shower cleaning crew, thanks for your industrial/high-grade commercial quality showers...

I felt a million times dryer and harder today, just from actually sleeping I think...took a few pictures before washing as much of the tan off as possible: Oct11/2015 post-show - Album on Imgur

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Mrs.SP is a gem, obviously...and also managed to get my posing routine on video :)

The music started a bit early but I sort of caught up and it worked out...

Weight 220

I slept quite a bit, again...so this was an afternoon weigh in / work out

Mon - legs (main - omega beam wk6)

warmup - indoor track

prone hamstring curl - three warmup sets, then four strict working sets of 12 reps
superset seated leg extension - also three warmup sets, and four working sets of 12 reps with toes dorsiflexed (towards the shins)

HSPL leg press - two feeler sets of five reps, then four working sets of eight reps (8x16 plates...so 720lbs? ...light. weight... baby)
superset bulgarian split squat - four sets of 8 reps per leg, finished each set with a 6-8sec isohold (on each leg)

glute kickback machine - not sure if I used the exact correct equipment, I used something like this: http://www.wsports.com/img/prods/large/01800902_hip_flexor_machine.jpg but google suggests that's nothing close to an actual glute kickback machine; I just really didn't want to use the cable with that stupid ankle attachment...four heavy working sets of 12 reps per leg
superset adductor machine - one warmup set and three working sets of 12, pyramiding weight up to the full stack

BB SLDL - three heavy working sets of 8 reps, tensing/flexing the glutes on every rep...last set was a rest/pause type setup with 8 / 4 / 2 / 1 reps and about 2-3sec pauses

I have gathered quite a few (shitty) cellphone pics that I'm not particularly happy with but I'll amalgamate and upload them at work tomorrow, hopefully...
Weight 224

Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk6)

warmup - indoor track

slight-incline DB press - just two 45lbs plates under one side of a flat bench, did three warmup sets then three working sets using full ROM...deep stretch at the bottom and tight squeeze at the top of each rep

incline smith press - high reps for a burn, no warmup just 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 reps per set (target), which I think I got about 25x135, 19x185, 13x205 and 6+2+2x225 with ~90sec rest between sets

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

HSPL machine press - banded...one feeler set, four working sets of 6 reps with a 3 sec hard flex/squeeze on every single rep

flat cable flyes - not exactly sure what is intended here but I went with cables at directly shoulder height and pushing straight forward...ten reps with a 1sec flex/hold on every rep for three work sets

rear lateral DB raise 'swings' - three sets of 25 with heavy weight, straight arms...slightly reduced ROM due to the 'swing' specification
superset over-and-backs with band - five to eight reps after each set of swings, crazy burn/pump

side lateral cable raise - four sets of ten reps per arm with a one sec flex/hold at the top of every rep...last set was behind the back

rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps again

front BB raise - two sets of 10 straight reps, shoulders were on fire and completely done

I've ordered and should be getting some slightly better photos now where I don't look quite as bloofy/watery...

the amount of progress you continue to make is motivating bro... keep it up

Thanks brother, I thoroughly enjoy following your log(s) too - keep at it yourself!!

Weight 224

I got (some) feedback today...wasn't particularly impressed because I don't think he mentioned my real weaknesses and hit some actual 'mehs' or even strengths:

"Hi there hope you had a great thanksgiving. Congratulations n your placing at this years 2015 Muscle Beach. The competition in your class was pretty good overall, making the judging a little more difficult. Your posing and stage presence were really good, and the judges always love to see you guys smile, shows confidence and that your having a good time. Your overall physique is really good but id like you to increase your back width and thickness a bit. A little more in the quads would help too. Over all leaness wasn't bad as you placed third but had you come in a tad leaner thats always a plus. It is a bodybuilding show so overall size does matter so the bigger u can get for next show would definitely help u. I think your physique is great for this sport and id love to see you on stage again. Hope this helps a bit."

I mentioned to a few people if he'd said "bring up your arms, try not to fall asleep on stage and be leaner/freakier next time" I'd be a bit more receptive...

Wed - back (main - omega beam wk6)

warmup - indoor track

pin-loaded DY row machine - three warmup then three hard work sets of 10 reps with a 1sec flex/hold on every rep...then a fourth drop set of 6, 6, 6 reps followed by a 10sec forced stretch

one-arm BB row - four sets of 8 reps per arm

lying DB pullover - short ROM (as usual) for constant tension on the last

DB shrug - three sets of 15-20 reps with a 3sec hold/flex/squeeze at the top of every rep

glute-ham-raise - three sets of 12

superset rack pull - three sets of 6 reps, strict form and moderate weight...crazy back pump

PM Cardio:

20min LISS - very light, just <120bpm walking on the track
ThuPM Weight 224

just managed to get a bit of cardio in, and when I say a bit I mean only 15mins on the stair mill...was zonked and headed home for a quick nap before we went to see The martian

PM Cardio:

15min LISS - stair mill

Didn't get much sleep at all after the time we dropped people off post-movie and got home, just a few hours before my alarm went off again it seemed but I made it to the gym for my (thursday) arms workout this morning (friday)...

Weight 225

Fri AM - arms/abs (omega beam wk6)

warmup - indoor track

"Giant set" of biceps / triceps...was pretty quick between exercises and no big breaks between sets but at the same time, it was my first exercise and I was kind of still waking up...
1. rope pushdown - two warmup sets, then four working sets of 12 reps with a 1sec flex/hold on each rep
2. seated, supinated DB curl - two warmup sets then four work sets of 8 reps per arm, alternating arms on every rep
3. supinated tricep kickback - one warmup and four work sets of 8 reps, with a flex and additional push/squeeze toward the roof at full contraction on every rep
4. reverse-grip ez-bar curl - one warmup and four working sets of 8 reps with a 3 sec hard squeeze/flex at the top of each rep

hanging leg raise - four sets of 16/17/18/20 reps, respectively

bicep / tricep "tri-set"...same description as above, but instead of waking up (slowing me down) I had some good music going and took a few posing breaks...
1. weighted tricep dips - three sets of 8-10, near failuire
2. regular BB curl - three sets of 8
3. skullcrusher - three sets of 10-12 with a deep stretch on every rep
4. hammer DB curl - three sets of 8 reps per arm

rope crunches - three sets, heavy

Did some more posing and a bit of light cardio on the track...going to hit legs with a friend tonight or at least that's the plan if I have the energy!
Fri PM - legs (somewhat random - not mountaindog style)

I met up with a friend, who happened to be one of the judges from the show...he really thinks I can beat that freaky kid if I come in super conditioned to albertas and insisted it'd be a bad idea (at best a waste of time) to do any more shows this year...even though I know that it helps to have a few people I trust telling me the same thing

seated hamstring curl - four or five sets, pyramiding weight up each time

seated leg extension - same as hamstring curl, but added a flex/hold for 2, then 1, then shorter time periods on the first few sets (every rep)

reverse (front-facing back) hack squat - pyramided weight here too, with some partner assistance as we went heavier and heavier...great hack machine (different gym than I'm used to) and cool angle

prone hamstring curl - four sets of 15

superset sissy squat - four sets of 15-20, bodyweight to near-failure immediately after the prone hamstring curls-

adductor machine - warmup and two or three work sets, kind of lost track and started talking at the very end with some people my friend knew

PM Cardio:

20min LISS - stair mill

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So I've been busy this weekend with a family wedding, and pretty sick to boot...quickly recapping workouts though and not whining too much hopefully:

Sat AM weight 224

Chest/abs (quick session)

warmup - few laps on the indoor track

HSPL flat press - about four or six pyramiding warmup/feeder sets then three working sets of 8-10 reps until we couldn't get 8...nice, slow and controlled sets

hanging leg raise - three sets, just 15 quick reps each

flat DB hex press - four sets of 10 with a slight pause on the chest and flex/squeeze at the top of each rep

slight-incline DB flyes - three sets of 8 reps then four additional reps with forced stretch/negatives
superset over-and-backs with band - ten reps after each set of flyes

Had to get moving unfortunately, wedding was a few hours away and didn't get to the gym as early as I'd planned...

Sun PM weight 230

Good evening and morning of eating I guess, really helps push the scale even without anabolics...

Sun PM - back/abs (optional - homemade workout)

warmup - indoor track

side lateral DB raise - four sets, pyramiding weight up...first three sets paused for 1sec a the top of every rep (15/12/10 rep scheme) then went heavier on the fourth but kept decent form, no pause 50lbs x 10reps

superset yates row - four sets, also pyramiding weights; 15x95lbs, 12x135lbs, 10x185lbs and 8x225lbs with excellent form

rear delt cable pull-apart - four sets of 20, flex/pausing on the first dozen or so reps then just finishing off with straight reps to get all 20

superset front BB raise - three sets of 12-15 reps

rope crunches - three sets of 20

over-and-backs with band - three (or four?) sets of 10 reps

DB shrug - three sets of 20 with a 3sec flex/hold at the top of each rep...heavy DBs using straps (and a belt)

superset deadstop DB row - three sets of 8 per arm, heavy also

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - indoor track, moderate pace ~120bpm

First picture was morning of the show, approximately 220-225lbs...probably on the lower end of that scale and second is this evening at 230lbs: Oct 19 (vs 9)/2015 - Album on Imgur

Weight 225

So I was feeling extra run down yesterday and ended up finally seeing a doctor instead of the gym in the morning; he put a rush on my bloodwork and apparently I have/had a pretty serious sinus infection+bronchitis combo going on which would probably explain feeling (and looking) like warmed up shit for the last few weeks...

Anyways, I frontloaded a few extra antibiotics last night and was feeling a bit better this morning so I hit the gym for some legs...

Tue - legs (main - omega beam wk7)

warmup - indoor track + stair mill

slight-incline leg press sled/machine - about 5 or 6 pyramiding/feeder sets and 4 working sets of 8 reps, heavy and deep ROM
superset leg extension - same number of warmup and work sets, also 8 reps per set but these were slow partials with a 2 sec concentric + 3 sec eccentric for a huge burn/pump

highbar ATG squat - 2 feeder sets, then four relatively easy explosive sets of 8 reps with perfect form (just using 315 today)
superset leg extension - skipped the feeder squat sets, but four working sets with toes dorsiflexed hard up towards the shin to focus the upper thigh muscles

DB lunges - moderate weight, six paces per leg...three working sets
superset leg extension - didn't have a partner for the forced negatives so I just doubled the rep count and did 12 slow heavy reps per set

standing calf raise - calf killer style (10 reps + 10sec iso hold * 3)
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure

seated leg curl - three sets of 8 reps, heavy with a hard flex at full contraction on each rep
superset DB SLDL - three sets of 8 reps, slow and controlled, flexing glutes hard on every rep

AM Cardio:
20min LISS - indoor track
Weight 222

Wed PM - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk7)

warmup - treadmill

slight-decline DB press - starting light, increasing until I couldn't get 8 reps...constant tension (no lockout)
15 x 40lbs
12 x 50lbs
8 x 65
8 x 80
8 x 90
8 x 100
8 x 110
2 x 8 x 120 -> ran out of DBs here (heaviest this rec centre had) so I just did an extra set and moved on...

incline BB press - fairly standard pyramid on these too, with a 3 second eccentric on every rep
8 x 135lbs feeler set
10 x 155 (slow and controlled
8 x 185
6 x 205
4 x 225 ...then another set of 10x225 without the slow eccentrics

rope crunches - higher reps than usual, 25 per set for four working sets

machine flyes - five sets of 10 with a 2sec hard flex/squeeze on every rep
superset bodyweight pushup to failure - five sets of approximately 25/20/20/16/12 reps with varying grip widths

reverse machine flyes - four sets of 15, slow and controlled reps

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 10, going up to 10 & 2 oclock with a slight pause on each rep
superset hanging leg raise - three sets, 16/17/18 reps (grip was failing)

front DB raise - three sets of 10, alternating arms on every rep also lifted above eye-level

PM Cardio:

15min LISS - just easy lapping around the track, posted some stuff on reddit so took me awhile to respond to everyone...
Weight 220

Really wasn't feeling it but I managed to have about an 85-90% workout so I'll take it...

Thu - back/abs (omega beam wk7)

warmup - indoor track

DY hammer row - three or four pyramiding warmup sets, then three working sets of 10 reps with a 1sec squeeze on each rep, finished with a fourth set (dropset...6 x 120 + 6 x 100 + 6 x 70 + 6 x 40 then 10sec iso hold)

DB pullover - four sets of ten reps, slightly increasing ROM on every set

T-bar / landmine row - rigged up a cambered bar to a barbell and made it work with 25lbs plates..two warmup sets then four work sets
15 x 50
12 x 75
12 x 100
12 x 125
10 x 150
8 x 175
6 x 200 (all using 25lbs plates for bigger ROM)

regular (floor) crunches - short ROM for constant tension, four sets of 30 reps

ultra-wide grip lat pulldown w/ forced stretch - one regular set then two with my wife pushing down on the negative for extra resistance

rack pulls & barbell shrug - ran out of time to set these up and do them properly, so I just subbed in some bodyweight hyper extensions then headed to the track to do some light cardio

PM Cardio:

30min LISS - indoor track (~110-115bpm)
Weight 220

As usual (lately) I slept in and had to go straight to work so this was an afternoon/evening workout...did quite a bit of light walking but nothing I'd call actual cardio. Ate some sushi by myself afterwards, mrs.SP was out with some teacher friends and didn't expect her home for awhile...

FriPM - arms/abs (omega beam wk7)

warmup - indoor track

Standing DB curl - alternating arms, supinating grip on way up and squeezing the bicep hard throughout the whole ROM...8 reps per arm for four working sets

superset EZ bar curl - using a moderate weight, six reps with 3 second eccentrics immediately following each set of DB curls...1 min rest before resuming and doing another set/circuit

one-arm DB preacher curl - 3 sets of 10...all reps on one arm then switching to the other, only resting 30 seconds between sets. Quoting john:

jm said:
(...) I like to do them by letting the dumbell go all the way so that my arm is fully extended, rest for 1 second, and then curl up. I would never do this early in the routine for fear of injury. Your bis should be nice and pumped now though. I use an incline utility bench, the kind that you would use for incline dumbell presses. It***8217;s a steeper angle, and you can get that stretch safely without your arm hyperextending. (...)

reverse BB curl ***8211; kind of an extended dropset...
-25 reps, set the weight down and count to 20
-20 reps, set the weight down and count to 20
-15 reps, set the weight down and count to 20
-finish with 10 reps

bent over rope extensions - for these you typically put your back against a pad on a tricep machine, lean forward, and extend your arms out and flex tris...they didn't have a pad so I used a cable station and just pushed my tailbone up against the rail semi-comfortably to achieve the same angle...
-2 warm up sets of 20 then 16,
-4 working sets of 12 with a good stretch at the top of every rep

unsupported hanging leg raise - four sets, grip was failing for some reason so I got 16/17/18/19 reps (missed the 20th on the fourth set)

seated dip machine - pyramiding weight up in sets of 8, kept adding weight until you I couldn't get all 8 reps (actually I ran out of machine, but it was close)...four or five working sets

rope crunches - three sets, heavy...16/17/18 reps each

CGBP - three sets of 8, pyramiding weight up...which then morphed into

flat BB press - three sets of 8...kept pyramiding the weight up (8x225, 8x275, 8x315)...you can guess why

cooldown - indoor track
Weight 230

I doubt that's an accurate weight, I was at a different gym than usual (ex-Hardcore, now called axxis) which I love due to some of the different equipment they have but their scale is shady as hell...

Training with my posing coach was fun, he's a smaller guy (nationally competitive middleweight) so I actually out lift him frequently but he's intense as fck and it sure helps once in awhile to put that extra effort out because someone you look up to and respect is watching and maybe yelling about how you've got some more in you, or calling you a name...haha ;)

Sat - legs (quad focus)

warmup - incline treadmill, just a few minutes to get some blood flowing

prone hamstring curl - four sets, three straight sets of 12-15 reps and a fourth with partials tacked on after the full ROM reps

superset bodyweight SLDL - just 10 slow, stretchy reps to get more blood into the hams/legs in general

adductor machine - four or five sets, the usual easy feeler set then four(ish) heavy work sets of 10-15 reps

hack squat - partner's shoulder was bothering him so rather than highbar squatting we used the hack squat here...approximately two feeder sets and three insane work sets, with pause reps near the end
15 x 225, pause, then 8 x 225...kind of an easy warmup then made it harder
20 x 225 straight set
12 x 315 straight set
10 x 405, then 3, 2 and 1 rest/pause rep(s) added...
8 x 495, last two were crazy but unassisted...just helped knowing I had a spot if necessary...two rest pause reps to really finish things off

one-legged quad extension - five sets of 12-15 reps, with a quick flex/hold on every rep

incline plate-loaded leg press - did kind of a meadows-y pair of 'challenge sets' here...first set was the craziest...always 8 reps with no lockout while more plates were loaded:
8 x 225, 5-10sec pause, then...
8 x 315, 5sec pause
8 x 405, 10s...
8 x 495, 15sec pause......
8 x 585...really grinding on these but at least 7 were completely unassisted

Second set was very similar, minus the 585 reps...I just paused after the first 8 x 495, then did another 8 x 495 to finish

superset hard quad stretches, toes back / sitting on the ankles to stretch out the whole tibia / knee ligaments, quadriceps and even hip extensors

standing/kneeling hamstring curl - four sets of 15 reps per leg to hit the hamstrings a bit harder

All in all it was a great workout. Before I left I took some mid-afternoon pictures (full of lunch) and was surprised to be honest...I feel like I look as good or even a little better than at muscle beach two weeks ago. I think the antibiotics are really helping, I feel much dryer / less bloated and more rested than the whole week before the competition...: Oct 23-24/2015 - ~2wks post comp - Album on Imgur

Weight 224

Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk6)

warmup - indoor track

slight-incline DB press - just two 45lbs plates under one side of a flat bench, did three warmup sets then three working sets using full ROM...deep stretch at the bottom and tight squeeze at the top of each rep

incline smith press - high reps for a burn, no warmup just 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 reps per set (target), which I think I got about 25x135, 19x185, 13x205 and 6+2+2x225 with ~90sec rest between sets

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

HSPL machine press - banded...one feeler set, four working sets of 6 reps with a 3 sec hard flex/squeeze on every single rep

flat cable flyes - not exactly sure what is intended here but I went with cables at directly shoulder height and pushing straight forward...ten reps with a 1sec flex/hold on every rep for three work sets

rear lateral DB raise 'swings' - three sets of 25 with heavy weight, straight arms...slightly reduced ROM due to the 'swing' specification
superset over-and-backs with band - five to eight reps after each set of swings, crazy burn/pump

side lateral cable raise - four sets of ten reps per arm with a one sec flex/hold at the top of every rep...last set was behind the back

rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps again

front BB raise - two sets of 10 straight reps, shoulders were on fire and completely done

I've ordered and should be getting some slightly better photos now where I don't look quite as bloofy/watery...


Awesome picture!! Man you made so much progress Snow its unreal. Even though 1st is the goal you ahould be proud with 3rd as well. I would have liked to get down there to see you but was working unfortunately .

Ive just fired up again and its showtime. Gonna use your progress as a lil motivation brother.
Awesome picture!! Man you made so much progress Snow its unreal. Even though 1st is the goal you ahould be proud with 3rd as well. I would have liked to get down there to see you but was working unfortunately .

Ive just fired up again and its showtime. Gonna use your progress as a lil motivation brother.

Thanks brother! And don't worry about missing the show, just plan to come for albertas in June so we can catch up over food :D

Weight 222

Finally built our new bed, which of course takes longer than you'd think...

We also went out for sushi with friends, then some Dairy Queen - been too long since I had a dipped cone, and this was a newfangled waffle cone!

Dropped off mrs.SP at her parents'the gym with my brother in law for a moderate chest / back workout to get myself back on track doing legs on Monday mornings

Sun - chest/delts/back/abs (upper body 'circuit')

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - pyramiding weight up, doing 8-10 reps until it got tough...no locking out, just 5/6ths ROM and a good stretch at the bottom of the movement
15x100 (heaviest DBs on that floor of the gym, didn't feel like hunting down bigger ones)

hanging leg raise - three sets, 16/17/18 reps respectively

smith incline press - did a rest/pause kind of rep scheme here with slightly increasing weights
1. 12reps x 135lbs, 10sec pause, 12x135
2. 10 x 155, 10s pause, 10 x 155
3. 8 x 185, 10s pause, 8 x 185...then kept going with a bit of a dropset so a short 5 sec pause...5 x 155, 5 sec pause, 5 x 135lbs

high cable flyes - heavy weight but good form and a 1 sec pause/flex on most reps...three working sets, increasing weight on each

superset rear delt cable pull-aparts - three sets of 20 reps, moderate weight

seated/supported horizontal row - three sets, increasing weight and decreasing reps on each set

ultra-wide grip pulldown - three sets of 8, with forced stretch/negatives on every rep

superset side lateral cable raises - first set in front with a 1 sec hold on each rep, for ten reps, second set was 12 reps with no pause then third set was 12 also but behind the back

cooldown - indoor track
Log is turning into a book! Good stuff so far!

Do you track your workouts on your phone or in a note book? Im still using a notebook and Im the only one.