New member
Weight 222
Another noon+ sleep-in...afternoon gym session and post-dinner cardio session
Sun - back/abs (optional - omega beam wk4)
"Giant set" rest between exercises, only between sets/circuits
1. smith bent-over row
2. DB pullover
3. two-arm DB row
4. band chest/face-pull
Two warmup rounds, pyramiding weight up...then four working sets:
1. 4sets x 8reps x pausing just constant motion
2. 4 x 8 x 90lbs...short ROM for constant tension
3. 4 x 8 x 60lbs (per arm)...quick flex/hold on each rep
4. 4 x 8-10, with a 1-2sec flex/hold on each rep
1. one-arm supinated pulldown
2. away-facing behind-the-neck wide grip pulldown
3. two-arm neutral grip pulldown (with individual handles)
Same deal as before except just one warmup round then four working sets
1. 4sets x 8reps x 70lbs (per arm)...hard flex at the bottom of each rep
2. 4 x 8 x 160lbs
3. 4 x 8 x 70lbs
regular crunches - four sets of 30, short/tight ROM to keep tension on the abs
PM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill
Few pictures from posing tonight, took a video as well but it'll take awhile to upload - pictures, though, in the meantime: sep27/2015 <2wks out - Album on Imgur
Another noon+ sleep-in...afternoon gym session and post-dinner cardio session
Sun - back/abs (optional - omega beam wk4)
"Giant set" rest between exercises, only between sets/circuits
1. smith bent-over row
2. DB pullover
3. two-arm DB row
4. band chest/face-pull
Two warmup rounds, pyramiding weight up...then four working sets:
1. 4sets x 8reps x pausing just constant motion
2. 4 x 8 x 90lbs...short ROM for constant tension
3. 4 x 8 x 60lbs (per arm)...quick flex/hold on each rep
4. 4 x 8-10, with a 1-2sec flex/hold on each rep
1. one-arm supinated pulldown
2. away-facing behind-the-neck wide grip pulldown
3. two-arm neutral grip pulldown (with individual handles)
Same deal as before except just one warmup round then four working sets
1. 4sets x 8reps x 70lbs (per arm)...hard flex at the bottom of each rep
2. 4 x 8 x 160lbs
3. 4 x 8 x 70lbs
regular crunches - four sets of 30, short/tight ROM to keep tension on the abs
PM Cardio:
25min LISS - stair mill
Few pictures from posing tonight, took a video as well but it'll take awhile to upload - pictures, though, in the meantime: sep27/2015 <2wks out - Album on Imgur