SP's on/off-season log

Weight 222

Another noon+ sleep-in...afternoon gym session and post-dinner cardio session

Sun - back/abs (optional - omega beam wk4)

"Giant set"...no rest between exercises, only between sets/circuits
1. smith bent-over row
2. DB pullover
3. two-arm DB row
4. band chest/face-pull

Two warmup rounds, pyramiding weight up...then four working sets:
1. 4sets x 8reps x 275lbs...no pausing just constant motion
2. 4 x 8 x 90lbs...short ROM for constant tension
3. 4 x 8 x 60lbs (per arm)...quick flex/hold on each rep
4. 4 x 8-10, with a 1-2sec flex/hold on each rep

1. one-arm supinated pulldown
2. away-facing behind-the-neck wide grip pulldown
3. two-arm neutral grip pulldown (with individual handles)

Same deal as before except just one warmup round then four working sets
1. 4sets x 8reps x 70lbs (per arm)...hard flex at the bottom of each rep
2. 4 x 8 x 160lbs
3. 4 x 8 x 70lbs

regular crunches - four sets of 30, short/tight ROM to keep tension on the abs

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - stair mill

Few pictures from posing tonight, took a video as well but it'll take awhile to upload - pictures, though, in the meantime: sep27/2015 <2wks out - Album on Imgur

Damn brother love seeing you creep up in weight. Looking good, what do you think your weak spot is? Just curious what your thoughts are? Every bodybuilder has one

Arms for sure, especially when I get really lean they end up looking quite small proportionally

My stage weight is around 215 now @ 6'...thighs are probably 28-29, waist 29-30 and I'd be surprised if my arms are much bigger than 18 unfortunately
Weight 224

Well...went to bed really really late. Bad idea. Woke up to my gym alarm, said...NOPE...back to bed, called in a faux-dr's appt to work then hit the gym around 11am

My stomach was acting up a bit, possibly why my weight is up so much but still not ideal at this point

Mon - legs (main - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

seated leg curl - did four pyramiding weight/feeder sets, then three solid sets of 12 to near failure...on the 4th set went for a 'maniacal drop set'...so 12 reps x 180lbs, then dropped the weight and did 8x150lbs, then finally 8 more @ 120lbs

HSPL 45 degree incline leg press - pyramiding weight up doing sets of 8 until I basically knew I wouldn't get 8 more reps, then finished with a killer "challenge set"
8x 360
8x 495 (I decided to go up by 3 plates at a time rather than two today)
8x 540
8x 675
8x 810
8x 945
8x 1080 -> I knew 1170 or 12xx wasn't going to happen for 8 reps so this is where I stopped

**challenge...begin!** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzE-U8_Q5RQ

8x 1080
-helper peels off 180 (4 plates)
8x 900
-lose another 180
8x 720
-pause for 5sec locked out
5x 720
-pause 5s
4x 720
-pause 5s
3x 720
-pause 5s
2x 720
-pause 5s
1x 720 (three times with 10s pauses)

quad-focused (platz-style) hack squat - three sets of 15-20 reps, actually did this between my straight 8x1080 set and the challenge set on the leg press while waiting for someone I could ask to help with the drop-setting

MTS-V Squat (used in place of a machine squat) - two feeder sets then three straight working sets, and a fourth dropset...video @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFsENIR1npw
8x 190
8x 240
8x 290 (working sets)
8x 290
8x 290
---then the dropset
8x 290 + 6x 240 + 3x190+2x190+1x190 (rest/pausing to get the final reps out!)

hard/deep 30sec stretch on the quads after I collapsed from the dropset

bulgarian split squat - "drop set of death"...watch JM torture this poor IFBB pro to the tune of Renegades: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUa_m9seXdA

For me it looked like this with no breaks between, lined all the DBs up and grabbed one after the other:
8x45lbs + 8sec iso-hold
8x35 + 8s hold
8x25 + 8s hold
5x15 + 3-4s hold (per leg...didn't quite get the 8 reps / 8sec iso on the final lightest weight on either leg...)

DB SLDL - 4 sets of 8, coming all the way and squeezing glutes on each rep...pyramided weight slightly (80lbs/85/90/90)
Brother, youre looking great. So much progress in the last while. You are making up for my sheer laziness the past month lol. Keep KILLIN' it!

Thanks - how've you been big wheeler?

Weight 227

Jesus fucking christ...I don't even know. Afternoon weigh in, full of coffee and carbs but still, that's fucked

Tue - chest/delts/abs (main - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

flat DB press - sets of 8, pyramiding weight up until I couldn't get 8...actually I ran out of DBs so I just did three sets with the biggest ones then moved onto the *challenge set*
- dropped weight by 20% then did 8 reps going only 3/4 ROM, dropped weight another 20% then did 8 more full ROM reps

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps respectively

incline BB press - similar to the first exercise, pyramiding weight up in sets of 8, only difference was that I did these rest/pause-style with a 1sec pause above the chest
6x275...no spotter, kind of pussed out and racked it

flat BB press - four working sets of 8, quicker tempo with no pausing on these and shorter rests between sets...stuck with 4 sets x 8 reps x 275lbs, 75-90sec rest periods

cable flyes - three sets of 15 with a 1sec flex at full contraction on each rep

rear-delt cable pull-aparts - four sets of 15, also with a 1 sec flex/hold at full contraction
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps immediately following each set of pull-aparts

rope crunches - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps again per set...quite heavy on these

side lateral DB raise - four sets of 8 reps with a 1sec flex at the top of each rep...slightly lighter weight to allow strict form and a good contraction/hold

front BB raise - two sets of 12...was keeping my eye on the stair mill and had to bail before my third / final set

PM Cardio:

30min LISS - stair mill, more intense than usual...kept HR in the 140-150 range for most of the 30mins other than warmup/cooldown
Been good brother. Been takin' it easy the past 6 weeks. No gear, little training, just eating however. Body was worn out so needed a rest. A well deserved rest lol. All is good though man. Only dropped 5 lbs. Other than that alls good.

Hows life treatin you?
Been good brother. Been takin' it easy the past 6 weeks. No gear, little training, just eating however. Body was worn out so needed a rest. A well deserved rest lol. All is good though man. Only dropped 5 lbs. Other than that alls good.

Hows life treatin you?

Honestly work's fucking killing me, I want to kill someone or sleep 90% of the time I'm there, and the other 10% I'm hungry. Once this show's done I think I'm going to get a bit more serious about shopping around for other opportunities...

Weight 225

Got up early, ate, went to the gym and threw up...no idea what brought that on, but I did a bit of light cardio, just walking around the track hoping my stomach would settle down but still felt queasy. Went to work and slowly improved/felt better as the day went on - hit the gym in the evening and got things done. Pretty happy I didn't look at the workout ahead of time, this was high fucking volume for a mountain dog workout, something like 30 working sets and then I added calves and abs - whoops.

Wed - back/abs/calves (main - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

one-arm BB row - two warmup sets, four heavy/grindy work sets of 8 reps per arm...deep/full ROM with full lat extension and contraction
superset regular crunches - four sets of 30, short ROM for constant tension

various grip pulldown - 10-12 reps per set, heavy weight but strict form...two sets of wide grip, two sets of medium/neutral grip, and two sets of narrow/neutral grip

prone smith row - I did one warmup/feeder set and four working sets of 12 reps - basically this except in a smith not power rack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54-F314ea9I

seated calf raise - four sets, increasing reps each time...first 10 full ROM + 10 partials out of the stretch position + 10sec stretch...then the same scheme but 12, 14 and finally 16 reps for the second, third and fourth sets

prone DB shrug - four sets of 12-15...had to improvise because this was supposed to be on a chest-supported row machine, but used a bench on the same angle as previous exercise w/ DBs

Then it was time to do a "Tri-set"...four rounds of these three exercises for 12 more working sets:
1. Straight arm pulldown ***8211; 10 reps per set, with strict form
2. Pulldown with individual handles ***8211; 8 reps...couldn't get an actual pulldown station so I leaned back and angled my body to achieve the same angle/tension on a regular cable station
3. Plate shrugs ***8211; 20 reps with a pause at the top of each one, using 45lbs plates

PM Cardio:

30min LISS - stair mill...same deal as last night, went pretty damn hard...hit some poses afterwards, showered and "now we here".

A few pics from this morning, wasn't feeling great but snapped them anyways: Sep29/2015 - <2wks out - Album on Imgur

I actually dried out during the day and when I finished cardio I did a bit of posing and felt as though I looked a lot better in the mirror, or maybe it was just the lighting...who knows - we'll see I guess
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Weight 224

ZZzzzzz....barely slept at all last night but surprisingly had a good workout...I'm already fading here at work though after my first nap and it's still an hour before lunchtime

Thu - arms/abs/calves (main - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

tricep rope pushdown - three warmup sets, pyramiding up towards four working sets of 12 reps with a hard flex on each rep

superset incline DB curl - supinated grip, also three warmup sets then four working sets of 8 reps with 3 second eccentrics

hanging leg raise - four sets, 16/17/18/20 reps per set

seated tricep pushdown machine - one (or two?) feeder set(s) and four work sets of 10 reps, increasing weight on each work set but keeping reps at 10

superset bicep curl machine - two warmup sets, four work sets of six reps...so quite heavy and increasing weight on each set also

standing calf raise - three 'calf killer' sets...10 reps followed by 10 sec iso-hold, three times consequetively to make one set

superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, got about 60/55/50 reps per set, respectively

reverse grip ez-bar curl - four sets of 12 reps to target the brachialis and brachioradialis

superset flat skullcrusher - four sets of 12, moderately heavy weight to allow a deep stretch on each rep

rope crunches - three sets, 16/17/18 reps all heavy

AM Cardio:

30min LISS - stair mill...same old story; almost done season 1 of daredevil...glad I finally listened to people and got started on it - very decent show
Weight 225

Fri - legs (optional/volume - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

seated leg curl - two warmup sets, six heavy working sets of 10 reps each
superset bodyweight SLDL - just 10 nice and slow to stretch the hams and get more blood flowing between leg curl sets

adductor machine - two warmup sets, four heavy working sets (full stack) of 10 reps also

highbar ATG squat - two easy feeder sets then pyramiding weight up in sets of six until I couldn't get six explosive reps
10x bar
10x 135
6 x 185
6 x 225
6 x 275
6 x 315
6 x 335...slowed down a bit here, probably should've stopped but went for a few more sets
6 x 355...grindy for sure, but solid
6 x 365...also grinding
5 x 385...nearly failed on my fifth, racked it here...definitely down a bit strength-wise here at 1 week out :(

seated leg extension - using the HS isolateral machine, four sets of 15 straight reps going for a good pump on these
superset quad stretches - 20-30sec hard stretches after each set of leg extensions

cooldown - indoor track...didn't have a lot of energy today, so spent a little more time than usual cooling down but gave cardio a bit of a break
Here's the diet I've set up for the first half of my final week pre-competition:

Meal 1 (preWO) 40p/25c/10f
-1/3c cream of rice
-1.5scp iso100 strawberry isolate
-1/4c frozen mixed berries
-1tsp natural PB

++ 1c coffee w/ splash of milk & stevia to wash down:

-1.25mg letro (recently switched from aromasin)
-100mg winstrol (up from 50mg/d)
-20mg halotestin (up from 10mg/d)
-25mcg t3/cytomel (down from 50)
-20mcg clenbuterol (down from 40)

Then it's off to the gym...while lifting I'll drink a cut down version of my usual intra workout drink
intraWO: 25p/25c/0f
-25g hydrolized casein
-25-50g HBCD (based on bodypart trained...50g max rather than 100g just for this week)
-5g glutamine, 5g beta alanine, 5g citrulline malate, creatine was dropped 1mo out

When I finish lifting, if it's not leg day I'll do cardio...either way once I get to work I have post workout meal
Meal 2 (postWO) 40p/25c/10f
-1/3c oats
-1.5scp casein
-1tsp natural PB

Quick nap and move on to pre-made/prepped meals which are really boring and small for the last week
Meals 3/4/5: 60p/20c/5f (each, x3 meals)
-1/3c jasmine rice
-1c asparagus
-8oz white fish (tilapia, sole, haddock etc)
-soy sauce & mustard

Evenings will simply be an eggwhite omelette...
Meal 6: 40p/5c/10f
-1c eggwhites
-1 whole egg
-2oz lean ground turkey
-veggies (mushrooms, bell peppers, grape tomatoes and onions)

Daily totals (1 - 0.5wks out) = 325p/140c/45f (~2265 cal)

I'll drop the intraWO on tuesday & be right around 300p/115c/45f (~2065 cal)

...to be continued...
Weight 222

So I guess because I squatted a million pounds last night, my legs look like bullshit today...ugh. All the separation is gone from vastus lateralis / sartorius especially...

At posing practice this morning, my friend/posing coach said "brother you're going to win your class at least, but what the fuck happened to your legs? Some midget middleweight is going to take your overall"

Went from posing practice over to meet my brother in law / training partner at Denny's...ordered oatmeal and coffee, added casein from my trunk for a ghetto preWO meal.

Sat - chest/delts/abs (optional - omega beam wk5)

warmup - indoor track

chest "tri-set"...did two warmup rounds then four working sets, no rest in between the exercises but took a break between rounds to catch my breath and recover
1. HSPL chest press - banded, using moderate weights...all sets were 10 reps with a hard flex/squeeze at full contraction on each rep
2. DB hex press - pause on chest and another hard flex at the top of every rep...8 reps on this exercise
3. stretch pushups - bodyweight, to failiure...did 15 for each warmup set, then the working sets were approximately 25/20/16/12 reps

hanging leg raise - four sets, with my usual 16/17/18/20 rep scheme

rear delt cable pull-aparts - four sets of 20, with a hard flex/squeeze on every rep...by the third and fourth sets I had to do a few rest/pause reps to get all 20
superset rope crunches - four sets, heavy...same rep scheme as the hanging leg raises (16/17/18/20)

side lateral DB raise - one warmup and four working sets, work sets were very strict form...12/10/10 reps...then went up quite a bit weight-wise for the last set and relaxed form a bit, for 8 reps
superset over-and-backs with band - 10 reps after each set of side laterals

front BB raise - two sets to failure with minimal rest

I decided not to do any cardio, at least not right away to see if it helps my legs...I'm hoping it's mostly inflammation and maybe some water blurring the separation...

The first half of these pictures are from 8am then the second half are from 10am this morning, before and after posing practice, basically: Oct3/2015 ~1wk out - Album on Imgur

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Weight 208

Wellll...a couple of things. I slept well, 12+ hours except for a brief intermission to eat around 9am then back to bed until the afternoon.

I went to find some different coloured trunks for the show, but they didn't have the right size...so I ended up buying some presents for my sister's birthday (the one who's competing) instead...Walden farms cancer juice, variety pack of questbars etc.

We met up for a workout and some posing practice, at a way different gym than usual and they have a dial-style scale rather than digital - and it weighed FAR different than what I've been seeing (see above...?)

Hit the gym later on for a bit of cardio, the stairmills were in use so I just cranked out some laps on the track listening to what may be my new posing tune https://youtu.be/vCadcBR95oU

Sun - back/abs (optional - omega beam wk5)

warmup - treadmill

Same workout as last weekend, started with a "giant set"...just one warmup round then four working sets
1. smith bent-over row - 12 reps for the warmup round, then 2 x 8 x 275lbs, 1 x 8 x 295 and 1 x 8 x 315 work sets
2. DB pullover - 20 light reps to warmup then 8 x 90lbs work sets
3. two-arm DB row - warmup with 50lbs DBS, then 8 x 55 work sets with a hard flex on each rep
4. banded chest/face-pull - heavy band, 8-10 reps on work sets with a 1-2sec flex/hold on every rep

Mountaindog1 example @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWdfsg8XN5s&list=PLA808445EA052D63A&index=54

Then on to the usual "tri set"...again one warmup round, but only three work sets
1. one-arm supinated pulldown - work sets were 8 x 70lbs per arm, with a hard flex of the lower lat at the bottom at full contraction
2. behind the neck / rear-facing wide grip pulldown - two work sets of 8 x 160lbs, dropped the weight to 140lbs for the last set to get all 8 reps cleanly
3. rear double bicep / neutral grip lat pulldown - 8 x 70lbs...simulated with cables - looking to achieve this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu-UIvqg7-M

Bonus...abs/arms "tri set" added before posing:
1. regular crunches - three sets of 30 reps with short ROM
2. cross body DB curl - three sets, 15x30 + 12x35 + 10x40
3. tricep push down - 20 reps with a flat bar, then two sets of 15 reps with a rope

PM Cardio:

25min LISS - indoor track...fairly easy pace ~120bpm, trying to "squeeze the hamstrings/glutes" while walking...I'm sure I looked pretty cool

Two quick pictures from this morning, well...afternoon since I wasn't up until 12:30: Oct4/2015 <1wk out - Album on Imgur
Fantastic work. Good job man.

Thank you sir, appreciate the encouragement :)

Weight 226

Yep so...going to say that scale was just a little off yesterday...

Got a really poor sleep so I skipped AM gym, went straight to work and napped quite a bit during the day...home after work for a nap, then gym for legs...posing, and finally cardio

Mon - legs/calves (bastardized dorian/HT session)

warmup - indoor track...longer than usual, even did some pre-game stretching (as per dorian's recommendation, not part of my usual game plan)

1. lower back stretch - 1 set of 6 reps, each side
2. hamstring stretch - keeping legs straight, 1 set of 6 reps
3. glute stretch - 1 set of 6 reps

Quad portion...

What was prescribed:
seated leg extension - 1 warm up set of 15 reps, 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps then 1 working set of 10-12 reps to failure, increasing desired weight (1 min rest between sets)

What I did, for this and basically most of the other exercises:
seated leg extension - 1 warm up set of 15 reps, a second warm up set of 15 reps with slightly more weight, then 1 working set of 25-30 reps to failure using the same weight as the second warmup set...still using the 1 min rest between sets and adding some quad stretching too

HSPL incline leg press - 2 warm up sets of 10-12 reps, then 1 working set to failure with only 1 min rest between sets
12 x 270lbs (warmup)
12 x 360lbs (warmup, then...)
40 x 360lbs (repped to very-near failure)

Platz-stance/style hack squat - 2 warm up sets of 10-12 reps, increasing weight on the second set then keeping the same for the 1 working set of 30 reps to failure, plus some rest/pause reps & one minute rests between sets

seated calf raise - three sets, 16/12/10 reps respectively...first set was 16 full + 16 partials + 16 sec stretch, second and third using the same scheme but heavier weight + lower reps
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, 60/55/50 reps approximately

Hamstring portion...

seated hamstring curl - 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps, then straight into 1 working set to failure...approximately 30-35 reps, plus another 5-10 partials from the stretch position

standing calf raise - calf killer style, doing the 10 reps + 10 sec hold x 3 per set
superset dorsiflexion - bodyweight to failure, 60/55/50 reps approximately

barbell SLDL - 1 warm up set of 10-12 reps, then 1 working set to failure...30 reps with strict form, flexing the glutes on each rep

PM Cardio:
20min LISS - stair mill, moderate intensity (130-135bpm) flexing the hams/glutes as much as possible rather than quads

Did quite a bit of posing, helped a friend as well with it which tends to be useful (teaching usually helps solidify concepts, for me at least)

A few pictures when I got home, end of day so pretty full of water (not so much food though, unfortunately...): Oct5/2015 - 5 days out - Album on Imgur
Weight 225

Piss-poor sleep again, early gym though...probably back tonight for some light cardio and more posing.

Tue - upper-body/abs circuit

warmup - indoor track

HS pin-loaded wide grip/double bicep pulldown machine - turns out the gym DOES have one of these...did four sets pyramiding weight up and keeping reps in the 12-15 range

smith incline press - two warmup/feeder sets of 12, then a working set of 20 (with the weight from the second feeder set) and two drops, removed weight and got 12 then another almost-20 reps with even less weight

hanging leg raise - three (or four?) sets as usual, 16/17/18 (and 20 reps...I really can't recall if I did the fourth set though)

rear delt cable pull-apart - three sets, first two pyramiding weight up and dropping a few reps then a third heavy work set with rest/pause reps to get a full 20 with moderately-heavy weight

straight-arm/lat pushdown - one warmup set of 12 reps then a working set of 20 hard reps with the same weight

tricep rope pushdown - two feeder/12-rep sets, increasing weight on the second set then keeping it the same for the third (working) set and repping all the way to 20 reps with a bit of body language on the last few

side lateral DB raise - one set of 12 with moderate weight and a 1-2sec flex/hold at the top of each rep, then a working set with quite heavy weight...still 12 reps but no pausing at the top

front BB raise - two sets of 12, minimal rest...just using an empty Olympic barbell to above eye-level with very strict form

cross-body DB curl - two sets of 12-15 reps per arm, alternating..quite heavy on the second work set

Posing...still trying to decide which song to use this time! Torn between a few salt n pepa songs (don't you judge me...), beastie boys/fatboy slim "body movin" remix and/or possibly a RATM or mellon collie song.
Weight 221

Slept in, long day at work...almost punched someone's head off etc but made it to the gym eventually & threw some random exercises together for another upper body circuit

Wed - upper-body/abs circuit #2

warmup - indoor track

HS supported/seated row - two sets of 12, increasing weight then working set of 20+ with the same weight as the second set

rear delt/reverse pec dec - first set of 12, then second set of 25...great pump

HS seated shoulder press - one set, neutral grip for 12 reps then a second set of 18-20 reps with regular grip to near-failure

side lateral cable raise - one set of 12 in front, with a 1sec pause at the top, increase weight and another set of 12 behind-the-back, and finally a third set of 20 in front agian

one-arm cable push-down - 12 reps, then 12 reps with a 1sec flex/pause on each rep, and finally a set of 20 reps stopping just short of failure

two-arm overhead bicep cable curl - using the cable cross station, three sets of 12/20/25...increasing weight and reps each time

rope crunches - three sets of 18/19/20 reps, respectively

More posing...decided that I will just go with https://youtu.be/aQ-XULIuOJQ?t=11s from approximately 0:10 to 1:20...

PM Cardio:

20min LISS - stair mill
Weight 222

Surprise, surprise...not much sleep last night - crazy I know. Took me a solid hour to get going, chatted with the fitness desk girls forever while trying to gather my motivation...then when I finally picked up some weights this weird brown guy with tapered sweatpants was mean-mugging me and my "50-60% intensity" workout plan went out the window =\

Thu - full body circuit

warmup - indoor track

OHP - two feeder sets, one working set of 8 reps fairly heavy

supinated-grip alternating DB curl - two sets of 12, slow and controlled to get a nice pump going

flat BB press - I went a bit overboard on this...ended up coming pretty close to a PR
20 x bar
20 x 135
12 x 225
12 x 275
8 x 315 x 3sets...no spotter, just felt really strong for some reason...

superset with bent over BB row - two feeder sets, two working sets and finished with a dropset all in the 8-12 rep range

highbar ATG squat - was pretty serious about these too...
10 x 135
10 x 185
10 x 225
10 x 275
10 x 315
8 x 365 (no belt...thought about getting it but didn't...)
10 x 405
10 x 455 (grindy, but still full ROM on all reps...honestly not having the belt on seemed to HELP...)
10 x 405 (spent quite a bit of time under the bar here, obviously)

CGBP - three sets, one warmup and two work sets

superset DB shrug - two working sets of 20 reps with a 2-3sec flex/hold at the top of every rep

Was getting late (actually really late) and still wanted to do a bit of cardio so I called it a day there, lots of compounds obviously...didn't really isolate the delts but I hit them really well yesterday and calves are always fine for me plus I don't want cramping issues so that's fine, too

AM Cardio:
25min LISS - indoor track, moderate walking with the 'glute/ham squeeze' thing when I thought of it at least

Did some posing, actually had a few people asking me questions again...didn't mind except I was in a rush so I had to be slightly more abrupt than usual...and two quick pictures @ http://imgur.com/a/OV7Bg
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