SP's on/off-season log

Just checkin in brother!!

Hey used to drink my egg white all the time and then stopped due to a guy I know getting severely sick from doing so. Ive always wondered about pasteurised and non pasteurised whites. When drinking them raw do you want to get the pasteurised ones?? I realize keeping them refrigerated keep that bacteria from growing, but can both still contain salmonella?.

Any eggwhites you can buy in a carton SHOULD be pasteurized (no salmonella, even if they get warm) but I keep mine cool/refrigerated just because the taste seems even less offensive / more neutral when they're cold

There's probably a 10,000 times higher percent chance of getting sick from restaurant food than something pasteurized, especially if you keep it cold on top of that
Any eggwhites you can buy in a carton SHOULD be pasteurized (no salmonella, even if they get warm) but I keep mine cool/refrigerated just because the taste seems even less offensive / more neutral when they're cold

There's probably a 10,000 times higher percent chance of getting sick from restaurant food than something pasteurized, especially if you keep it cold on top of that

Ya got sure, funny you said that my mother actually got a parasite from rating at a restaurant.

I might go back to drinking the whites actually, soooo much easier to get them in that way, i can only eat cooked for so ling before i start to gag at the site of them, lol.
Weight 226

Sun - chest - 8-12 reps
10min LISS - track
external/internal shoulder rotations - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets - 16/17/18/20 reps
flat BB bench - warmup plus three drop sets
incline DB press - three drop sets
superset lying leg raise - three sets - 30 reps each
flat DB flyes - three drop sets
superset triangle tricep pushdown - three sets
LISS cooldown w/ bodyweight dips - two sets - 12 reps each

Mon - back pt. 1 - 8-12 reps
20+min LISS - incline treadmill
wide grip pullup - three sets - 10 reps each
superset wide grip pull down - three drop sets - 8x160 + 8x120 + 8x85
decline weighted situps - three sets - 25 reps x 45lb plate

-Got to the gym late, felt really weird (for no reason again, decided to take some prami last night...then some melatonin four hours later when I couldn't sleep as usual ...ugh)

-Hope to hit the gym after work if I'm feeling OK for deads, barbell row and seated row. Otherwise will do that tmr.
Weight 226

Tue - back pt.2 - 8-12 reps
10min LISS - incline treadmill
deads - three sets
superset machine row - two sets
bent over barbell row - three pause sets, ended with dropset
seated cable row - two drop sets
superset ezbar bicep curls - two burnout sets
Weight 227

Wed - delts - 10-12 reps
10min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets - 16/17/18/20 reps
seated DB press - three drop sets
side DB lateral - three drop sets
superset lying leg raise - three or four sets, not sure - 30reps
smith shrugs - three sets, behind/in front - 12/12x275 each, dropset third set
front barbell raise - three sets with static rep - 12x60, 12x70, 10x70 w/ 10-12sec x 35lb static each
Weight 226

Thu - arms - 8-12 reps
skipped cardio
EZ bar curl - warmup plus three sets - 12x 110-120
superset rope tricep pushdown - three drop sets - 12x72.5+8x52+8x32 each
hammer-crunch machine - four sets - 35x90, 33x100, 30x110, 28x120
hammer DB curls - three drop sets
superset triangle pushdown - three pause sets
cable pull aparts - three drop sets
Fri/Sat weight 227

Fri - legs - 10-15 reps
20 min LISS - incline treadmill
seated quad ext - three pause sets
highbar ATG squat - three sets - 12x275 each
seated calf raise - five pause sets - 10-20 reps, 100-200lbs - calf cramps pretty bad
superset SLDL - three sets - 12x225 each
supported, hanging leg raise - one /slow/ set

Sat - chest - 8-12 reps
Went camping, had very little time...skipped cardio
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
flat bench - warmup plus three drop sets
incline DB press - three drop sets
cable flyes - one drop set
had to bail for camping =\... did some pushups to failure later on

Sunday - rest day

Weight 224

Must be dehydrated from camping; can't lose 2-3 pounds eating BBQ all weekend doesn't make sense =\

Mon - back - 8-12 reps
20min LISS - incline treadmill
deads - three sets - 10x315, 8x405, 8x405 (belt + straps)
superset machine row - three sets
bent over barbell row - three pause sets - 12+6x185, dropset for 3rd set
wide grip pull up - three sets - 10-12 reps each
superset one-arm DB row - two drop sets
wide grip lat pull down - one drop set
superset lying leg raise - three sets - 30 reps each
seated row - three drop sets
Weight 225

Tue - delts - 10-12 reps
25min LISS - incline treadmill
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three drop sets
lateral DB raise - three drop sets
superset lying leg raise - three sets
smith shrugs - behind and in front - three sets
front barbell raise - three sets plus static reps
Weight 224

Was actually 222.4 when I first stepped on the scale after cardio and some warmup weights...freaked me the fuck out so I sipped water, found out I was pretty thirsty then re-weighed myself 30 mins later...came in at 224 which was slightly more reasonable. It's HOT here...for the praries at least, it's humid as fck and 30-31C air temp ("feels" like 36-38 celcius ffs) Drinking V8 juice, tons of water and my usual coffee today.

Weds - arms - 8-12 reps
30min LISS - incline treadmill
ez bar curl - three sets w/ cheat reps
superset rope pushdown - three drop sets
calf raise - four sets
superset DB hammer curl - three drop sets
rear delt cable pull apart - one drop set
triangle pushdown - three pause sets
superset hammer crunch machine - four sets
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It does, they sell a low-sodium version which I prefer (still has a shitton of potassium which seems to help with my cramps/pumps too)...low sodium is relative though, still like 180mg/ 350ml can I believe though
I just realized the last competition of 2014 is in 10.5 weeks...Contests and Events - Alberta Bodybuilding Association

Normally contest prep is 16 weeks of course, but I'm not necessarily as far out/fat as most people would be @16wks because I can't afford enough food to get fat apparently...so, I could start at wk 10-12 (dropping carbs, slowly increase cardio) and hopefully get lean enough to compete but I have a few problems...

-I would diet down to the 208-212 range (for 5-7%) which would make me tiny for the heavyweights (198+) and there's almost no way I could get down to 198. Even though this is provincials, the 198+ dudes are more like 230-240 on stage.
-I suck at posing (no experience, could work on it but...lol)
-No coach atm

So obviously I'd likely get stomped in 198+...which is actually fine, as long as I don't embarrass myself.

On the other hand I don't want to rush it, so I'm sort of thinking "ok just go and spectate, compete next year"...but the first competition of 2015 isn't until June which is super doooper far away =\

Lastly, I have most of the drugs I'd need, but the ones I'm missing would be over a grand which is not a small chunk of change either.
I don't know your experience with it but if you want to get below 198 you could try dropping water pre contest, I know a few guys your size who can drop 20 pounds or so in a few days then gain it all back the day after.

My advice would be to go compete & learn from the experience.
You get to see how your body reacts to carb loads, depletion techniques, water/electrolite manipulation, etc.
It also gives you the opportunity to network & gain invaluable advice and contacts.

For future contests bro, always get a coach - it really helps dial in your contest prep with no last week worries like some guys get :)
Weight 226 - PM weight however, so not completely accurate

Last day of 5200 cals...contest or not, cut starts tmr...229 was the closest I got to 230 so I won't call it a complete fail but next time I know to plan minimum 5k...probably more like 5500 on back/leg and possibly chest days. Calipers still show 9% but they were around 1% low when I had a bod pod scan...so I'll say 10 for now.

Thu - legs - 12-15 reps
10min LISS - incline treadmill
seated quad extension - three pause sets - 15+9+6x240
highbar ATG squat - three sets - 12x275
seated calf raise - four pause sets - 15x100-150lbs each
incline leg press - three sets - 12x720
SLDL - three sets - 15x225
prone hamstring curl - two drop sets
Weight 223

Cut begins...starting moderately, decreasing carbs week by week, going to hold protein steady at 450/d and maybe cut that very slightly the last month depending on how close I am.

Fri - chest - 8-12 reps
30min LISS - incline treadmill
external/internal shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
flat barbell press - warmup plus three drop sets
incline DB press - three drop sets
superset lying leg raise
weighted chest dips - two sets
followed by bodyweight dips - two sets

-need to add: flyes, tricep burnout...will try to get that done this evening
Weight 224

Sat - back - 8-12 reps
25min LISS - track
Superset wide grip pull-ups - three sets - 12reps each
Bent over row - three pause sets, drop set on third set
Seated cable row - three drop sets
Deadlift - three sets - belt and straps
Superset machine row - three sets
Weight 223

Sun - delts - 10-12 reps
25min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three drop sets, extra drop on third set
superset lying leg raise - four sets
lateral DB raise - three drop sets
smith shrugs, heavy - three sets, behind back / in front - drop set on third set
superset front barbell raise - three sets, plus static reps
rear delt/cable pull aparts - three drop sets
behind the neck barbell press - three sets
Weight 222

Mon - arms - 8-12 reps
25min LISS - incline treadmill
Ez bar curl - three sets+cheat reps
Superset tricep rope pushdown - three dropsets
Triangle pushdown - three sets with pause reps
Decline weighted sit-ups - three sets
DB hammer curl - three drop sets
Weight 221

Tue - legs - 12-15 reps
15min LISS - incline treadmill
seated quad extension - three pause sets - 15+8+6x240
highbar ATG squat - three sets - 12x275
seated calf raise - five sets - 15x145
SLDL - three sets - 12x225
leg press - two pause sets - 15+3x540
leg press calf raise - two sets - 15x540