SP's on/off-season log

Well shit, the shows still what, 6 or so weeks away or so and youre at 7-8ish that's pretty good, I cant see being low enough being a problem as long as your full and dry as well. I was actually going to do that show as well, but the hernia surgery axed those plans.
Well shit, the shows still what, 6 or so weeks away or so and youre at 7-8ish that's pretty good, I cant see being low enough being a problem as long as your full and dry as well. I was actually going to do that show as well, but the hernia surgery axed those plans.

What hospital did you have your hernia surgery at, out of curiosity? Just wondering because a nurse friend mentioned a bodybuilder who "DOES STEROIDS" that came in for that exact surgery, recently, and mentioned they were hoping to do the Oct show
Weight 209

Mon - chest - 8-12 reps
45min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets each
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
incline DB press - three drop sets
weighted chest dip - three sets
superset bodyweight dip - three sets
flat BB bench - four sets - wow this was underwhelming / borderline embarassing...not going to go into it though lol. Didn't drop anything but could barely lift anything either
superset flat DB flyes - three sets
DB pullover - one set
-skipped rope tricep pushdown for tricep burnout, needed carbs

Tue - back1 - 8-12 reps
35min LISS - incline treadmill
wide grip pullup - three sets - 12/12/12 reps
superset wide grip lat pulldown - three dropsets
bent over barbell row - three sets
superset machine row - two sets
weighted decline situp - four sets w/ 45lb plate
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Unmodified version of a contest prep cycle/plan I put together, based on responses from more experienced contestants.

My actual doses are going to be a bit lower, especially the tren / mast and winstrol but it's the same concept.

When I have a chance I will format and post my updated, actual plan for the last seven (or probably six by then) weeks.
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What hospital did you have your hernia surgery at, out of curiosity? Just wondering because a nurse friend mentioned a bodybuilder who "DOES STEROIDS" that came in for that exact surgery, recently, and mentioned they were hoping to do the Oct show

LMAO, 'DOES STEROIDS' I got it done at Northern Lights Regional up North here bro, don't think it was me, but that kind of a coincidence hey?!
LMAO, 'DOES STEROIDS' I got it done at Northern Lights Regional up North here bro, don't think it was me, but that kind of a coincidence hey?!

Nah this would've been capital health region, either sturgeon or royal alex I'm thinking.

But yeah I had to hold back a chuckle when that part came out...they had that look like they were sharing a super dark secret with me.

Glad you got it done and it sounds like you're recovered/recovering well.

My gyno surgery was pretty easy too, but I'm not fond of the scar tissue beneath the skin at the incision sites...if it's not cleared up in a few months I'm either going back to the surgeon or going somewhere else; it's as simple as I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT MY FUCKING NIPPLES anymore. The glands are gone and I'm still bothered by it lol.
Nah this would've been capital health region, either sturgeon or royal alex I'm thinking.

But yeah I had to hold back a chuckle when that part came out...they had that look like they were sharing a super dark secret with me.

Glad you got it done and it sounds like you're recovered/recovering well.

My gyno surgery was pretty easy too, but I'm not fond of the scar tissue beneath the skin at the incision sites...if it's not cleared up in a few months I'm either going back to the surgeon or going somewhere else; it's as simple as I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT MY FUCKING NIPPLES anymore. The glands are gone and I'm still bothered by it lol.

Ya thanks man, you were back pretty quick after your surgery weren't you? How long did it put you out?

And ya I can understand where your comin from by that bothering you. My hernia was in the middle of my abs, shredded abs but a lump right in the middle it all I saw when I looked in the mirror, lol drove me fuckin mental. If you went back it would it be a plastic surgery job or just a reg procedure?
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First stop would be the PS who did it in the first place, after that I have a feeling any surgeon could take care of excessive scar tissue, but still a PS or better yet a boob-specialized PS would be the ideal
Weight 209

Wed AM - delts pt.1 - 10-12 reps
45min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three drop sets w/ extra drop on third set
lateral DB raise - three dropsets + extra drop on third
lying leg raise - one set
-> had to get to work...hoping to finish this afternoon/evening. Had a good pump going though.
Weight 209

Wed AM - delts pt.1 - 10-12 reps
45min LISS - incline treadmill
internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
superset hanging leg raise - four sets
seated DB press - three drop sets w/ extra drop on third set
lateral DB raise - three dropsets + extra drop on third
lying leg raise - one set
-> had to get to work...hoping to finish this afternoon/evening. Had a good pump going though.

Wed PM - delts2 - 10-12 reps
lateral DB raise - two dropsets
superset lying leg raise - four sets
front barbell raise - three sets, and static rep each set to finish
smith shrugs - three sets, behind the back then in front
Weight 208

Thur - legs - 12-15 reps
35min LISS - incline treadmill
Seated quad extension - three pause sets
Highbar ATG squat - three sets
SLDL - three sets
Seated calf raise - five pause/drop sets
-skipped leg press, hamstring curl

Going on vacation for a week starting with a wedding tonight and tomorrow, then a motorcycle trip to the west coast. Going to focus on hitting macros and avoiding sodium/junk/alcohol, and get as many workouts in as possible. Probably full body routines.
Weight 211

Not sure if I trust the 80yr old scale here but that's what it says, lol

Fri - chest - 8-12 reps
25min LISS - stair master - Christ that felt more like hiit
Flat BB bench - three sets, dropset with dumbbells
Hanging leg raise - four sets
Incline DB press - three dropsets
No dip station:(
DB flyes - three dropsets
Lying leg raise - four sets

Kind of shitty equipment but enough plates to get things done- DBs only go up to 80 though :(

Edit: went back and did some more cardio, leg press and calf raise mid afternoon
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Weight 211

At least it's consistent, same reading as yesterday at least. Woke up late so had to rush/shorten my workout in order to fit pinning in before leaving from the hotel for my motorcycle trip.

Sat - back1 - 8-12 reps
30min LISS - stairmaster
Heavy(ish) deadlift - four sets - even with all the little plates I could only get around 400lbs on the bar
Bent BB row - three pause sets
-had to bail unfortunately, hoping to track down a gym Sunday evening though

Week 7 ends tonight, 6 begins tomorrow!
what's the reason for cardio at the beginning of your workouts?

for bodybuilding purposes (lower bf, retaining lean body mass) doing it at the end of your workouts would be more effective... I asked because maybe you're training to be smaller or...
what's the reason for cardio at the beginning of your workouts?

for bodybuilding purposes (lower bf, retaining lean body mass) doing it at the end of your workouts would be more effective... I asked because maybe you're training to be smaller or...

Fair question - I've done a lot of reading but in this case the answer is more of "that's how I've always done it" than a particular reason. I had an (online) coach for awhile and while bulking that's when he also suggested a small amount of cardio so I honestly just didn't change out of habit and alight reinforcement from the coach as well.

If I had more time I would split the cardio completely, do 35-45 AM then workout later in the day but due to the drive to the gym, and my work/extracurricular activities it's much easier to schedule a 120-150 minute block of time at 6am than 60mins(incl shower) and 90+ minutes later

In your opinion, just switching the order (weights then cardio) would make a pronounced difference?
Fair question - I've done a lot of reading but in this case the answer is more of "that's how I've always done it" than a particular reason. I had an (online) coach for awhile and while bulking that's when he also suggested a small amount of cardio so I honestly just didn't change out of habit and alight reinforcement from the coach as well.

If I had more time I would split the cardio completely, do 35-45 AM then workout later in the day but due to the drive to the gym, and my work/extracurricular activities it's much easier to schedule a 120-150 minute block of time at 6am than 60mins(incl shower) and 90+ minutes later

In your opinion, just switching the order (weights then cardio) would make a pronounced difference?

just switching the order will make a noticeable difference/improvement
Weight 206

Different scale, PM weight...interesting.

Sun - back2 - 8-12 reps
50min LISS - incline treadmill
Wide grip bodyweight pullup - three sets
Superset wide grip lat pulldown - three dropsets
Bent BB row - three pause sets
Seated cable row - three dropsets
Superset bicep curls - two burnout sets
Weight 206

Dingy gym at university of Victoria...they're building a new facility though which they badly need. No cardio equipment to speak of, so either a walk tonight or treadmill/stairmaster/elliptical depending on where I'm staying

Mon - delts - 10-12 reps
Internal/external shoulder rotation - three sets
Superset hanging leg raise - four sets
Seated DB press - three dropsets, extra drop on third set
Side DB lateral - three dropsets
Superset lying leg raise - four sets
Rear delt cable pull apart - three dropsets
Front BB raise - three sets plus static reps
DB shrugs - one set (DBs weren't heavy enough to be worthwhile)

Edit: got my cardio in on an incline treadmill after dinner, propped the front up and gaver. No display but 35 mins of sweat (or tears lol)
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Weight 202

Had to re-weigh myself a few times...mind you this was after a pretty substantial bowel movement, but it was also in the afternoon...likely dehydrated since I had no problem slamming back 3L water during the workout

Tue - arms - 8-12 reps
Ez bar curl - standing, three sets with a few cheat reps
Rope tricep pushdown - three dropsets
Ab/crunch machine thing - three heavy (15rep) sets
Triangle tricep pushdown - three sets with pause reps
Alternating DB hammer curl - two dropsets

45min LISS - incline treadmill - watched the new 300 movie over the last few cardio sessions, overall decent/worthwhile at least while tread milling/stair mastering