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can some one go over the form of squating for me? i have been doing them for a while but think that i never really got the form down perfect because if i try to go even moderatly heavy i feel unsafe, and strain on my lower back.

i have an inzer body builder belt that i wear when not going super light? should i keep wearing the belt or is it true that i my midsection is missing out from using it?

i feel at the bottom of the squat my back rounds as i go back up. then also standind for a sec and breathing for my next rep with the weight on my back feels weird, am i fine as long as i am looking up? thanks

also i havent been leg pressing either because my lower back feels like its coming off the bench when the weight in lowered. Does this mean i have my feet postioned wrong or does it mean im going down to far. thanks
simpllyhuge said:
can some one go over the form of squating for me? i have been doing them for a while but think that i never really got the form down perfect because if i try to go even moderatly heavy i feel unsafe, and strain on my lower back.

HEre is a link to a good raw squat. http://www.ironasylumgym.com/videos/cac06latt725squat.wmv

Here is a link to some videos.

i have an inzer body builder belt that i wear when not going super light? should i keep wearing the belt or is it true that i my midsection is missing out from using it?
YOu have to decide when to put it on. I put mine on at about 225-275.

i feel at the bottom of the squat my back rounds as i go back up. then also standind for a sec and breathing for my next rep with the weight on my back feels weird, am i fine as long as i am looking up? thanks
YOur back shouldn't round out

also i havent been leg pressing either because my lower back feels like its coming off the bench when the weight in lowered. Does this mean i have my feet postioned wrong or does it mean im going down to far. thanks
going down to far. Have someone watch for 90 degrees from the side and then locate a spot on the wall to concentrate on. Watch for the sled to break that spot and then pres.

when you feel your back is slipping up from the leg press, stop before that happens and press up.

either your back/hips comes up first or bad posture. try boxing to correct
A couple of hints to help you keep good form.

Find a spot on the wall--high up, to focus on this will help you keep your back from rounding.

Only wear a belt on the heaviest sets otherwise try to get used to not wearing a belt, the same goes for knee wraps.

Get a spotter--even if all they do is stand behind you it builds confidence in the heavier lifts and he can coach you on your form.

Don't use a smith machine if you are trying to get used to good form, smith machine is not the best for squats.

Don't forget breathing, I see a lot of people holding their breath while doing squats--deep breathing is very important.
Agree with all the comments above.
Also deadlifts will help to your mid section strength. Hypers, GMs, and SLDL too.
Box squats have helped my squat form a lot. Louie Simmons says it's because it teaches you to move your head first and it's hard to explain it if you haven't tried it but it makes sense now. Box squats have been the best thing I have ever tried.
what are box squats? isnt that where u put a box under your ass to make sure u only go down to a 90 degree angle. i think when my back rounds its more a balance issue because i went and inch too low. im gonna work on my form with very light weight and high reps.
also when ur working on your form check your knees so they dont go forward past your toes.
ok thats an idea, i will try to post a video of me squating. be gentle thou because my squats are sad. i dont really go heavier than 225. Since i bought low top hiking boots thou i feel that the slight tilt forward they have and the support feel alot better than squating in flat nike's

thanks every one for taking the time.
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if you arent sure how deep you are going , get a low box and kiss it for a split second and come up. I am sure a 10 inch box will do.
i use 8 inch steppers, which would be 2 steppers and 4 inch per steppers and they're already difficult. box it, video it and post up