Stacking / Training


New member
Hello everyone ,

I am on my first cycle so lets get this discussion started . I've read almost everything possible and now I have a few questions. Little back ground on me is I have been training for about 4 years and this past year has by far been my best in the gym. I went from working out 2-3 times a week staying fit , to working out 6 days a week and making the gym apart of my daily regiment . I go to the gym for me myself and I, and I am doing this cycle for me myself and I. Sadly worked as an assistant manager at G N C and know a good amount on supplementation, plus have my NASM cert in personal training .

I am 22
8%body fat



1) For ALL the bright minds on this website , if you could go back to your first cycle what would you take and stack to make the biggest gains ?

2)How important is supplementation while on test ? You're Beta-Alanine ,HMB , Monohydrate , multi's , fish oils , aminos ,ect .

3) What is the best form of training for bulking on test? Isolation traing , power lifts , high rep (15-20) med rep (8-12) low rep (5-8) .

This past winter I did cell stimulus training , implimented a 1RM and training up to it. Doing 70% ,80, 90, then back to your 1RM to a total of 8-10 reps . Made the best strength gains I have yet but zero in size or mass . This past month I change my work out up to high intensity and lower weight with high reps and I gained 8lbs in one month! After working out with Phil Heath at arm brust it makes me wonder if high intensity , high reps breaks more fibers then mid rep higher weight.

Anyways ....

Here is my plan as of right now I am :
16 week cycle

Test E
1st shot 250
Shots 2-10 (first month) 300-325 every 3 days ...Monday, Thursday ,Sunday , Wednesday ect
Trying to put in just under 1,000 every week

After the first month I want to stack hard because I am trying to only cycle once and want the best gains .

Months 2 and 3 I may do another test with a shorter half life , can't decided between a test prop or d-Bol . I'd like to stick away from oral for my liver but want the best gains too . Also planned on using tren .

So months 2 and 3
Test e 300
Test prop / dbol

And month 4 I am gonna slowly wean myself off of test and prepaid for my post cycle on clomid .

Right now I am eating 3,000-4,000 calories a day keeping it close to 50/40/10 (c/p/f)
Taking multi's fish oils protein and aminos intra work out.

Sorry if this all seems like a jumbled page of questions but I work 3 jobs , coach a hockey team , and still work out 6 days a week roughly . So I just wanted to put everything I can out there .
You stated that you've read everything possible about AAS cycles but that's not true. You are so off that I don't even know where to begin. No disrespect but if I were you, i'd go back and read all the sticky's and "first time cycle" threads before you hurt yourself, no joke...
yeah man u need to do more resaerch ,but before the research u need to learn to diet . If u cant grow naturaly , u wont grow on cycle , steroids dont justadd magic weight on you , u need to eat . right now i think thats the issue here .
First cycle test only periid do a 500mg pin 2ice a week mon and thurs and make sure your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is in line and post cycle therapy (pct). Read stickies and you should get all the info on Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and pcts
I think he meant to say 500mg a week. Most long ester is dosed at 250 mg/ml so that would likely be a 1cc or 250mg pin every mon and thurs resulting in 500mg a week.