

New member
using 450mg /week
Im finishing wk8 and got 5 more to go.
Just wanted yall to know I gained 25lbs so far and I benched my all time high yesterday 315 x 6 !!! my max was only 275 before i started this cycle.!
Squats went up to 365x 8 ! I never did squats untill my cycle lol this stuff works...just wanted to say, HA HA to all the dicks that where hating and tellin me not to use this shit as my first :flipoffha cycle.
Stats 5'11 201 lbs. started at 175.

Will post pics at end of cycle.
gogo4 said:
using 450mg /week
Im finishing wk8 and got 5 more to go.
Just wanted yall to know I gained 25lbs so far and I benched my all time high yesterday 315 x 6 !!! my max was only 275 before i started this cycle.!
Squats went up to 365x 8 ! I never did squats untill my cycle lol this stuff works...just wanted to say, HA HA to all the dicks that where hating and tellin me not to use this shit as my first :flipoffha cycle.
Stats 5'11 201 lbs. started at 175.

Will post pics at end of cycle.

That's great that you're gaining nicely. Just make sure that you have proper post cycle therapy (pct) on hand so that you can maintain a significant portion of your gains...

And by the way, those 'dicks' were just trying to lead you towards a proper first cycle...probably a test only cycle whereby you may have had even greater gains...
Just wanted to congrats! There are numerous people on this forum that are not big fans of Stanozolol from what I can see, but I love it. It works well for me.
yeah the gains are pretty cool, I was going to use it as a cutting cycle at 175lb but my appetite came up so drastic I couldn't take it so I ate away...but clean and gained size like crazy. So far no sides and 8 wks out. I am maybe going to stack it with Winstrol (winny) since i have a bottle of 20ml/100mg around.

Well I have been at 198lb naturally before but not nowhere near as lean as now so some of that muscle memmory kicked in I guess we'll see how it goes.
Yip - I gotta say, I am surprised at people who criticize Stanazolol. I think its a great product for producing lean hard muscle for people who train hard while on it.
gogo4 said:
using 450mg /week

Squats went up to 365x 8 ! I never did squats untill my cycle lol this stuff works...

Will post pics at end of cycle.

What type of leg routine did you do before your cycle?I am not trying to be a dick,but why would you wait to cycle before doing squats?I am very interested in seeing those before and after pics.I agree with you that stanzolol can be very effective.
hal said:
Yip - I gotta say, I am surprised at people who criticize Stanazolol. I think its a great product for producing lean hard muscle for people who train hard while on it.

I'm surprised at the people who underestimate the importance of the liver and cardiovascular system. 450mg/wk for 13 is more than just stupid, it's just plain dangerous. I can all but guarantee you that his liver values are dangerously high and his lipid profile looks like crap. I'm not trying to rip the guy but he needs to realize he won't get away with too many cycles like this before a serious problem occurs.
bleachcola said:
I'm surprised at the people who underestimate the importance of the liver and cardiovascular system. 450mg/wk for 13 is more than just stupid, it's just plain dangerous. I can all but guarantee you that his liver values are dangerously high and his lipid profile looks like crap. I'm not trying to rip the guy but he needs to realize he won't get away with too many cycles like this before a serious problem occurs.

You are definately right brother!
but hey....guess what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are bad for you in general, why use em?
Thats like saying well if you only smoke one pack of cigarettes a day instead of two it won't be as bad. lol

Anyho alot of people recommended (on this site) to do 600mg/wk for atleast 12wks!

I use my herbals every day w /milkthistle etc... but thats all i can do.

About my legs, I only started doing my legs about half of month prior starting my cycle. I never worked out my legs really...always upper body until I realized how amazingly gay and idiotic it looks when you have chicken legs its just a routine I got used to for years and had to break out of. I started to do squats (no deads), presses etc. Now my legs did grow but I must say it seems like they grow in slow motion or alot slower then alot of my other body parts. I am not sure I feel like my legs are genetically retarded. I gained alot of power and strength though just lacking size in em for now.

I do want you guys to know that, I work out extremely hard. I don't go to the gym and chitchat with my buddies, I don't talk on my phone either or shuffle through my ipod. I lift and I lift fucking hard and always have. I belive that its my diet and my hard lifting and mind set that got me there more than the damn eq....its not all just the substance yall!
gogo4 said:
You are definately right brother!
but hey....guess what Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are bad for you in general, why use em?
Thats like saying well if you only smoke one pack of cigarettes a day instead of two it won't be as bad. lol

Anyho alot of people recommended (on this site) to do 600mg/wk for atleast 12wks!

I use my herbals every day w /milkthistle etc... but thats all i can do.

About my legs, I only started doing my legs about half of month prior starting my cycle. I never worked out my legs really...always upper body until I realized how amazingly gay and idiotic it looks when you have chicken legs its just a routine I got used to for years and had to break out of. I started to do squats (no deads), presses etc. Now my legs did grow but I must say it seems like they grow in slow motion or alot slower then alot of my other body parts. I am not sure I feel like my legs are genetically retarded. I gained alot of power and strength though just lacking size in em for now.

I do want you guys to know that, I work out extremely hard. I don't go to the gym and chitchat with my buddies, I don't talk on my phone either or shuffle through my ipod. I lift and I lift fucking hard and always have. I belive that its my diet and my hard lifting and mind set that got me there more than the damn eq....its not all just the substance yall!

That's the kind of attitude that is going to put you on an HBO: True Life Stories -- Families In Crisis episode. Some steroids require a little more care in their use and Winstrol (winny) is definitely one of them.