Starkraven's journal


135 for 12
155 for 8
185 for 8

just went light to get the feel again, also did some floor pulls prior to, to get the form but next week no floor pulls and just heavier SLDL
135 for 10 x 2
185 for 7
225 for 6

then weighted abs on a machine
10+2.5 for 8-10 x 3

dumbell rows
75 for 7
80 for 7

no curls for girls, actually i forgot about them lol
Starkraven said:
the test is long acting. it is testoviron (test e).
with test e i usually feel it in 1 week, but i have used suspension before and it hits in 1 hour. i will start the arimidex either tomorrow or wednesday just to let the test settle in. unless it aromatizes as soon as its in the body.

i will try what you suggested but i just dont feel warm enough to go from bar to 135. ill do 1 warm up with the bar instead of 2. also, going from 185 to 225 is a big jump, no? it would have felt heavier if i didnt do the double with the 205. unless you think im off? i did a couple minutes on the bike to warm up and i stretched. i havent been doing the bike or stretching in a while. anyway, i did leg extensions after that, 3 sets of 20 reps increasing each weight i forgot to mention. but next week i wont do them though.

i had a good workout and felt great after i did my 2 worksets.

you will not feel test E in one week. it dont work like that, esp 250mg/w.

and at a low dose you prolly not gonna need a-dex.
i took another shot today so thats 500mg for the first week just to kickstart things.

how many reps should i stick to with the SLDL considering its a movement done in a slow controlled manner? i usually go right below the knee, and how far apart should legs be? i space em a little wider than shoulder width.
Starkraven said:
i took another shot today so thats 500mg for the first week just to kickstart things.

how many reps should i stick to with the SLDL considering its a movement done in a slow controlled manner? i usually go right below the knee, and how far apart should legs be? i space em a little wider than shoulder width.

go down til your hams tighten up. that may be to the floor or knee level. keep your head up and back flat or slightly arched upwards. do not round off on these.

reps can vary on these from 1-20. depends on what you doing them for.

leg spacing varies as well.
hey pullin, i feel kinda depressed lately. its like ever since i started ive been feeling down to be honest. and i also noticed my sex drive even fell a bit. is it the arimidex or what? i took 250mg test on monday, then i took .3mg arimidex wednesday, and i took 250mg test friday (yesterday) along with .5mg arimidex. i just feel like shit sort of, like im noticing some change and i dont like it much. feel depressed, emotional, etc. if this is the case, ill come off and train naturally. hopefully those two shots didnt shut me down already i can easily recover but somethings not right. i have another thing on my mind too, maybe im not ready for this right now i just dont know. i feel different though.
at this point in your lifting id sugest training clean. wait til you hitting some bigger numbers. just stop what you doing. put ti up and itll be there in 6 months to a year when you better suited for it.
yeah i feel like shit man. i have another problem but dont feel like talking about it much.

so i think ill drop it and resume when im better suited for it. i dont think it messed up anything.
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good call..

anyways hams are sore from yesterdays workout so thats cool. cant wait for mondays squat day. should i aim for 230 for 2 worksets for as many reps as possible? probably 4-5.
235 it is. for 2 worksets of how ever many reps i do.

should my warm up be like you suggested but with an additional 5 pound plate on each side for my worksets?
sorry i didnt update. dont ask.

i did the 235 for 1 set of 4 reps last monday.

but yesterday i did squats 225 for 2 sets of 4 reps. my diet hasnt been great, as in not enough food. still clean but not enough nutrition.

today i did db flat
70s for 5 x 3 sets

weighted dips
45 pound plate attached for 6 reps x 2 sets

side laterals
25s for 10
27.5 for 8-10
22.5 for 12

i dont count reps on these really. just dont go real low or real high but keep it between 6-12

and then tricep pushdowns with the rope
60 for 6-8 x 3 sets

i stopped the gear and everything. i havent touched it since the last shot which was 2 fridays ago. i just dont want to use it. i do but i dont. im afraid of ruining my endocrine system and i hate when my sex drive falls. i hate the crash afterwards, it isnt worth it until my levels fall below normal and im forced to be on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). i actually have a higher libido naturally and this has increased in the last couple years even after doing cycles. im 22 years old, i do want to get the most i can get but i really think the gear isnt the answer here. it is my diet/training. more diet. im too damn lazy to cook. i dont mind eating the plain ass food believe me. but its really annoying especially cooking steaks. so i just stick with eggs (4-6 whole per day and about 6 whites), chicken breasts (boiled, i just leave em there for an hour), and protein powder. carbs are only oats. red meat tastes good but too lazy to BBQ every day. and when working i can never drink enough water since i would have to piss alot and i think i should get a new job although the problem is i have trouble getting a job. i need to start school this year, i cant make $7/hour forever.
takes 10 minutes to cook a fat ass steak in a frying pan. eating is part of the deal whether you juicing or not. in fact it is the most expensive part of training.

i first did some stiff legs, but more for warming up the hammies/low back. i stretched them good too, i usually never do.
i then did work sets up to 290 for an easy 4 reps, i should have done another set but i didnt. lol. i have less trouble getting the weight off the floor, but i did not fail at 4, i would have probably failed at 6 though.
prior to that i did 275 for 4 reps, more of just warming up.

i warmed up like this:
95 for 12
135 for 12 x 2 sets (SLDL)
185 for 5 DL
225 for 5 if i remember
255 for 3
275 for 4
290 for 4

and my low back felt perfectly fine. like i didnt feel like i pulled something or anything like that. usually i would go home and wouldnt be able to freakin bend over. the next day would be the same. i really think the SLDL has great carry over and helped a ton. it could also be that i stopped pulling heavy every week. i didnt pull heavy in 3 weeks and wont for probably the same amount of time. back to SLDL next week.

barbell rows
135 for 10
155 for 8
175 for 7
i need to move up on these but they seem lighter.\

curls for girls
pyramiding up to 30s and back down to 25s for 6-10 reps each hand.

felt great. i think the stretching definately helped. and doing 1-2 SLDL sets before pulling helped stretch out the hammies.
should i attempt to pull 300 next heavy pull or go for 315? i wont do it for another 3 weeks so...and i dont want to move up only 10 pounds. ive been around 275-290 for over 2 months but thursdays pull felt easy, i didnt go to failure so i really gained strength but its never enough. i figure go heavy on SLDL 2 worksets for 2 more weeks, along with my dumbell/barbell rows and abs, ill be able to pull it for a good 3. my guess is my hammies were just weak. i never worked them much except for SLDL and what the DL gave me. im sure the ab work helped too.