Started TRT brief background


New member
Hello wanted to “journal” my experience maybe this will help others.
I’m 35 years 6ft 2” 222lbs

Short History- I’ve always had a ton of energy since a young boy (I mean I was the most active kid in class)
I’ve done very well for myself financially have a great family most people would say I have a very good life on the outside

But the last 10 years my libido dropped, very little energy always tired, moody, I have great business ideas but don’t follow thru lack of focus and energy

Saw a shrink on and off couldn’t really pin point what was wrong with me Took AD for a couple years I feel they made me more tired etc.
Stopped taking them a few months ago

Came across this site read others stories sounded similar to mine so I got courage to visit TRT Clinic
Got tested here are my results

Prostrate Specific Ag .04 ng/ml
Testosterone Serum 390 ng/dl
Estradiol 6.9 pg/ml
Hematology 16.1

I decided to move forward with treatment today

150 mg of testosterone
HCG I don’t remember the level

PA advised my testosterone level might rise to 700-800 first 2-3 days and then drop down

Next visit is in 1 week
Will update any advise is greatly appreciated
150mg a week ain't bad. See if you can do your own injections and do 2 a week as close to 75mg as you can. Spaced 3.5 days apart roughly. Specific type of test may change that. Like testosterone cypionate I'm on. Monday morning and thurday

Monitor estrogen and blood counts. Red blood cell production can lead to elevated levels and potential issues long term.

I would push for a low of 700-800. The day of an injection get blood test first. Measure lowest point.

HCG is a good idea. Keeps testicles idoling incase you ever had to come off. It also gives some of us elevated mood. It increases my libido about 10 hours post injection.

Estrogen control might be needed.
As stated above, follow through with comprehensive blood tests. Try for injecting every 3.5 days, if you are on Test Cypionate.

HCG is a good idea...
^^^^yes.....what they said :)
Agree with frequent injections, get regular blood work to monitor test and estrogen, also in the future you may see a rise in estrogen and need an AI.
Please do as you say and update us on your journey. We learn from each other's experiences. Give it time and see how it effects your symptoms. Let us know what you notice as you go along (mood, energy, libido, focus). I would expect all of those to improve.
Looking forward to updates......good luck bro
How do you feel op? have your test levels gone up? Hows your diet going?
Are you satisfied with your current docs treament?