Starting 3rd week test prop, need advice


New member
Tomorrow will be my the start of my 3rd week of Test prop. 50mg/ed. This is the first time I've used prop and from everything I've read, I should be feeling something by now. This is my 3rd cycle. 1&2 were Sustanon (sust) at 500mg/wk and now my prop. I'm 41 been training off and on since my late teens. Been at it hard the last 3 yrs. I'd estimate my bf at 17% but I can dig out my calipers if need be. I have never been more spot on with my diet ever. I have never eaten this clean. Eating at least 4300-5000 kcal a day. My weight is 240lbs. I calculated my tdee at 3300 kcal. The prop I'm pinning is testolic by TP pharmaceutacals. My sex drive on Sustanon (sust) was insane and so was my blood pressure. However, I have zero libido and my bp is actually under normal ranges. I am taking cycle support supps but I thought I should see some fluctuation in my bp. I'm questioning the efficacy of the prop I have. Quads hurt to pin but delts and glutes don't bother me much. I'm wondering if I should give it more time or up my dosage to 75mg/ed. I ordered more amps from my friend. Am I being paranoid or could my gear be bunk?
Tomorrow will be my the start of my 3rd week of Test prop. 50mg/ed. This is the first time I've used prop and from everything I've read, I should be feeling something by now. This is my 3rd cycle. 1&2 were Sustanon (sust) at 500mg/wk and now my prop. I'm 41 been training off and on since my late teens. Been at it hard the last 3 yrs. I'd estimate my bf at 17% but I can dig out my calipers if need be. I have never been more spot on with my diet ever. I have never eaten this clean. Eating at least 4300-5000 kcal a day. My weight is 240lbs. I calculated my tdee at 3300 kcal. The prop I'm pinning is testolic by TP pharmaceutacals. My sex drive on Sustanon (sust) was insane and so was my blood pressure. However, I have zero libido and my bp is actually under normal ranges. I am taking cycle support supps but I thought I should see some fluctuation in my bp. I'm questioning the efficacy of the prop I have. Quads hurt to pin but delts and glutes don't bother me much. I'm wondering if I should give it more time or up my dosage to 75mg/ed. I ordered more amps from my friend. Am I being paranoid or could my gear be bunk?

Might be bunk gear but there are so many other things this could be. What's you AI/dosage? That could kill the libido quick. On top of this I personally never "felt" prop when I was on solo. At 2 full weeks it should be in full affect though.

Hey Niroc,

It takes time for some folks depending on how they respond. Give it another week or so to see if you notice and changes/differences.

On a side note, you may want to look into your diet a little further. A "Spot on" diet as you mentioned would not consist of a massive range such as 4300 to 5000 calories. It would be, well... spot on. Honestly I'm not sure why you're bulking at 17%, but either way, I'd be careful with that much caloric surplus. No matter how clean your diet is, it's still a surefire way to increase your fat cell sizes.

Best of luck.
The only way to know whats up with your test is to go get labs drawn. If its the real stuff, your Total Test should be high and sounds like Estradiol could be way up too (which might explain libido issue). Are you running an AI?
I am currently not running any Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I have aromasin and letro on hand. Figured I'd wait for symptoms. My last cycles gave me moderate gyno symptoms but I know pinning prop ed has fewer sides. I'm actually down from 265lbs and trying to get my size back. I had a herniated disc in March and it showed up again in May. Just trying to recup my hard work. I can get bw whenever. I had it scheduled but cancelled was going to go mid cycle. What are my options at this point? Like I said, no exp with prop but I definitely felt my Sustanon (sust) cycles. Maybe I'm just paranoid?
As far as my diet goes, it's tough eating regularly doing the type of work that I do. Especially trying to eat with such high heat lately.
Prop kicks in way faster and would aromatize faster... thats why I'm suggesting bloodwork at this point, especially given your previous sensitivity to estrogen.
Prop kicks in way faster and would aromatize faster... thats why I'm suggesting bloodwork at this point, especially given your previous sensitivity to estrogen.

I agree but my source is supposed to be legit. I am just going to have it done and know for sure. Suppose I'll keep pinning till I get results back. Thanks for the input and I think your are on the money with this advice.