Starting an Overdue Helladrol Cycle


New member
My First Helladrol Cycle.
Ordered all the stuff right before ban. Finally ready to start. Thoughts or concerns and any advice on what supplements should/shouldn't be taken together. Thanks

1-10 Dymatize Mass Builder
1-10 Creatine Mono
1-6 Helladrol 75/75/100/100/100/125
1-6 HCGenerate 5 caps daily (when?)
1-6 N2Slin 2caps twice a day before carb heavy meals(shakes?)
1-6 Test Infusion 3 caps twice a day
3-6 Forged Liver Support 2 caps twice a day
4-6 Forma Stanzol 5 pumps twice a day

7-10 Clomiphene"Clomid" 25/25/25/25
7-10 Forged Liver Support 2 caps twice a day
7-10 DAA Power Chews 4 tabs prior to workout
7-10 Forma Stanzol 5 pumps twice a day
7-10 Unleashed 6(3morning-3night)/3morning/3morning/3morning
7-10 Forged Post Cycle 1 cap twice a day