I am banned!
So 10 months ago I was 7 weeks into my first real bulking cycle (600mg test 400mg deca and 4iu day hgh) and was feeling great (had put on over 30 lbs).. And I was at the gym shoulder shrugging 225 and when I set down the bar I completely blew out a chunk of disc into my spinal chord.. I went from being swole, eating big and lifting 5 days a week to being crippled and bed ridden for months and eating nothing but pain pills to get by. And I crashed having to stop mid cycle..
Well surgery repaired my spine.. I can feel my legs and walk again and drive and do normal shit again. However 10 months of being injured bed ridden and sedentary I lost all my gains and fitness. Unfortunately I can't lift heavy anymore.. But I want to get back to that feeling of loving to be on cycle and eating and the can't wait to hit the gym and attack it feeling.
Any advice from anyone starting back up after a major injury or surgery???
Is it true that deca and test in small amounts can help with the healing process and help stop muscle wasting due to injury?
Well surgery repaired my spine.. I can feel my legs and walk again and drive and do normal shit again. However 10 months of being injured bed ridden and sedentary I lost all my gains and fitness. Unfortunately I can't lift heavy anymore.. But I want to get back to that feeling of loving to be on cycle and eating and the can't wait to hit the gym and attack it feeling.
Any advice from anyone starting back up after a major injury or surgery???
Is it true that deca and test in small amounts can help with the healing process and help stop muscle wasting due to injury?