Starting back up after injury/surgery


I am banned!
So 10 months ago I was 7 weeks into my first real bulking cycle (600mg test 400mg deca and 4iu day hgh) and was feeling great (had put on over 30 lbs).. And I was at the gym shoulder shrugging 225 and when I set down the bar I completely blew out a chunk of disc into my spinal chord.. I went from being swole, eating big and lifting 5 days a week to being crippled and bed ridden for months and eating nothing but pain pills to get by. And I crashed having to stop mid cycle..

Well surgery repaired my spine.. I can feel my legs and walk again and drive and do normal shit again. However 10 months of being injured bed ridden and sedentary I lost all my gains and fitness. Unfortunately I can't lift heavy anymore.. But I want to get back to that feeling of loving to be on cycle and eating and the can't wait to hit the gym and attack it feeling.

Any advice from anyone starting back up after a major injury or surgery???
Is it true that deca and test in small amounts can help with the healing process and help stop muscle wasting due to injury?
My stats and info may help.. Age 36
I was always a cardio guy ( runner and cyclist).. Weighed 147 at 5'10".. Then I got on trt and decided to stop cardio and just lift. I bulked up to 180 in 5 months. See pic below. Having good results I decided to commit and do a real cycle. But then got injured

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Time and rehab fix or repair injuries. Period.
Deca helps us old guys with worn out joints.
Start back lifting, then after 6 8 10 12 months gear up if your back is g t g. i m o
Slow and steady wins the race. I have gone through several surgeries and setback, mostly with knees though. Back is a whole different deal, but the same premise. Ease back into it and the old redneck's advice is solid too.
My stats and info may help.. Age 36
I was always a cardio guy ( runner and cyclist).. Weighed 147 at 5'10".. Then I got on trt and decided to stop cardio and just lift. I bulked up to 180 in 5 months. See pic below. Having good results I decided to commit and do a real cycle. But then got injured

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Those pics are 5 mos of TRT and a 7 week cycle?
Jumpin back on the sauce too soon and you risk reinjury. Take it slow and build up over 6 months toa year. Then maybe it'll be time to hop on some gear
Those pics are 5 mos of TRT and a 7 week cycle?

NO just 5 mos of TRT... Took after pic before I decided to go on a 12 week cycle that ended at 7 weeks due to injury .. Just wish I'd had a chance to finish the bulk cycle at 12 weeks and take an after pic then (TRT and lifting was good to me for 5 mos)

Patience patience.. I agree. But being outta the gym for 10 mos feels like I wanna come back all out.. But take it easy is the hard part (prob why I got hurt to begin with).
Now I need to figure out how to gain my strength back and start bulking without being able to lift heavy.
That is amazing for only 5 mos of TRT.

That's what I was going to say. Roush, what was your TRT regime? I couldn't see an issue with jumping back on TRT doses. It would make you feel a lot better and help the healing process. But that's only my opinion. Teutonic has had a heap of injuries so I'd follow his advice. I'm not sure if he's referring to gearing up after 6-12 months as in running a cycle, or gear up as in continue with TRT.
That is amazing for only 5 mos of TRT.

Thanks.. I was easily diagnosed with low test at a total test of 166 nl.. But switching from doing cardio work outs to heavy lifting and big diet prob was the biggest change in those months.. The increase from 166 to 1200 total test prob added to my ability to lift and eat and retain nitrogen for muscle gains. So I got good results from TRT and lifting.. But at the end of those months and good results I decided to get on a real cycle and 7 weeks in my strength, determination, work out stamina, really spiked and I was feeling great ( was this feeling and benefits the result of being on the first real cycle, or the results from having more natural results and working hard for 5-6 months).
I will never know due to me injuring myself mid cycle, but mentally I loved the way I felt mid cycle (first cycle).. And I'd like to get that feeling back ASAP
That's what I was going to say. Roush, what was your TRT regime? I couldn't see an issue with jumping back on TRT doses.

My TrT regime before I got on cycle and hurt was--
200 mg test C every 5 days
.25 AI E3d
500 iu Hcg per week

I recently got on to TrT again.. 150 mg test C per week.. .25 AI day after injection.. That's it.
But.. I'd really like to just start lifting and get on a light cycle again. Though prob a mental thing with loosing out on my first
My TrT regime before I got on cycle and hurt was--
200 mg test C every 5 days
.25 AI E3d
500 iu Hcg per week

I recently got on to TrT again.. 150 mg test C per week.. .25 AI day after injection.. That's it.
But.. I'd really like to just start lifting and get on a light cycle again. Though prob a mental thing with loosing out on my first

So originally around 300mg per week of test, and now only 150mg? Why not continue on the original TRT plan? It was a relatively high dose of test for TRT but if it worked for you and you were being monitored closely then I can't see an issue. I wouldn't jump on a full cycle just yet. Let your body recover. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing and you'll be able to get back to where you were pre-cycle. Patience is a virtue :)
The doc that did my blood work for my pre surgery physical told me everything was too high and to basically cut it in half.. So that's why I'm at 150 per week, but I felt way better at 200 mg every 5 days. Prob will go back to that regimens after getting blood work done.

Muscle memory is what I'm banking on.. It's been 10 months since I've worked out. Did bench press yesterday for the first time,, strength is way down! Usually worked out with 275 x 8 reps.. I barely put up 165 x 8 yesterday.. That's a 40% decrease in strength!
Though it is more weight then when I first started lifting in the first place.
With muscle memory how long would one expect it to take to get his strength back if I'm consistent with my training (though easing my way into it)? Would 4 months be a decent goal?
I've had 3 slipped discs and I know your pain. Not being able to even walk fucking sucks! When I started back up it took me about 3-4 months to get back to what I was naturally. just start slow and focus on form more than ever. Don't push it too hard for the first month then start slowly pushing yourself harder. even if you're back to normal after the four months you should still wait at least another two before you start to fully cycle. trt will take you pretty far on it's own. it's better to be safe than sorry ESPECIALLY with the back. good luck to you, brother. be safe.
I've had 3 slipped discs and I know your pain. Not being able to even walk fucking sucks! When I started back up it took me about 3-4 months to get back to what I was naturally.

How did u work out legs? Doc told me to never do squats or leg presses again.. So I'm not sure how I'm gonna build mass without squats.
Being I'm not able to lift heavy- is working with lighter weights to failure on every set the next best option..(I'm trying to bulk and add weight and strength).

Also.. Anyone know the shelf life of deca and test? I've got prob 10 vials of prescription grade sealed and in the fridge (sitting there for the last 11 months)
Thanks guys
Thinking of running 250 mg of test every 5 days and 300 mg week of deca ..

Help jump start my coming back after surgery and reverse some of the muscle wasting from being bed ridden so long. I've got 1500 dollars worth of pharmacy gear here set to expire.. Figured low dose will help me come back, not overdue it, and not waste all this gear. And the increase of nitrogen retention, red blood cells, and water to the joints may all help with beginning to lift again.
Note: 250 test is only 50 mg over my original TrT protocol .. 300 mg deca may not be high enough for any major gains, but enough to be ran 16 weeks and definitely enough to reverse my muscle atrophy from surgery

Any benefits to running a low does cycle long term with my TrT to help me bounce back other than the not letting all my gear go to waste?
It'll be good for longer than eleven months and as far as training back and legs I just did back extensions to get a good pump in the back and started with light squats. when those felt good and I could go kind of heavy I started with light deadlifts. as long as you don't rush it and really focus on form you should be alright. like I said, the best way to not hurt from injuries is by staying active and packing on muscle around the injured site.
I wouldn't worry about it expiring, as long as it's been stored inside then it will last years. I run TRT and about 150-200mg per week Deca for 16-20 weeks at a time for my joints.
Take care of yourself dude. Life is short dont waste it by keep injuring yourself. I am king of injury. Have had over 250 stitches in my life (30 of which were across my throat). cracked cheek bone. broken collar bones. broken wrist. broken ankle. torn rotator cuff (ended my baseball career before it even started). take it real slow buddy. i would honestly recommend doing pilates, yoga, swimming in a hardcore way for a few months. Then practice doing all the exercises you know with low weight and make sure the range of motion has redeveloped. Then slowly increase the weight. Ask yourself,, "do i want to be in the same place in 2 years?" if not then do something similar to the above concept. It has worked for me to learn to take what my body allows. Do not trade what you want most for an amped up moment.