Starting Bulking Diet Today!!!


New member
This is what I have so far. Looking for critiques to optimize as much as possible. What would you change and why?

Current stats: 6'3" 230lbs. 10-13% bf

6:45- 50g whey, apple(22g carbs) 2 cups cheerios(66g carbs, 5g fat, 6g protein) 8oz skim milk(12g carbs, 8g protein) 2tbsp olive oil(28g fat)
7:30- G.H.
7:45- Slin, pre-workout shake(50g karbolyn, 10g eaa's, 15g kre-alkalyn)
8:00- gym, intra-workout shake (100g karbolyn, 10g eaa's, 50g whey)
9:00- igf-lr3, real mass (12g fat, 78g carbs, 50g protein)
12:00- 8oz chicken breast(5g fat, 46g protein) 2 cups rice(3g fat, 90g carbs, 9protein)
3:00- 8oz chicken breast(5g fat, 46g protein) 2 cans tuna(4g fat, 40g protein) 2 tbsp mayo(10g fat)
6:30- 8oz beef(11g fat, 43g protein), sweet potato(40g carbs, 4g protein) 15g kre-alkalyn
9:30- 50g casein, 2tbsp olive oil (28g fat)

fat- 111g
protein- 402g
carbs- 458g
Cals- 4,439
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what makes you think you need 4300 calories?

I'm going for maximum growth in size. If it starts to be too much and I start putting on fat I will reduce cals. Besides total cal amount, how does the diet look for this purpose? (also will be taking in veggies just didn't list them all)