New member
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say im logging epi+ m14add in about 4-6 weeks. Im on a diet now with osterine, then in a few weeks ill drop that and add Unique's s4 and maybe t-3 if im not lean enough.And if i get a chance Trenavar last 3-4 weeks of diet.Then last week of diet im gonna try a natural diuretic.Then straight to bulking wit tha Elite epi and Hard rock m14add 5-6 wks. May do sum slin wk1-4 if i get lean enough. Main concern is diet. If i get lean enough , i know i will grow fast off tha rebound. Pct is torem 3 weeks follow with clomid 3-4 weeks. Daa thru out pct @ 5 gm ed. Plus i save all tha nos boosters, creatine, lclt ect for post cycle therapy (pct). Oh yeah, also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu a week last 3 weeks of diet - tha week before cycle ends.