Starting Epi + m14add soon


New member
Hello everyone. I just wanted to say im logging epi+ m14add in about 4-6 weeks. Im on a diet now with osterine, then in a few weeks ill drop that and add Unique's s4 and maybe t-3 if im not lean enough.And if i get a chance Trenavar last 3-4 weeks of diet.Then last week of diet im gonna try a natural diuretic.Then straight to bulking wit tha Elite epi and Hard rock m14add 5-6 wks. May do sum slin wk1-4 if i get lean enough. Main concern is diet. If i get lean enough , i know i will grow fast off tha rebound. Pct is torem 3 weeks follow with clomid 3-4 weeks. Daa thru out pct @ 5 gm ed. Plus i save all tha nos boosters, creatine, lclt ect for post cycle therapy (pct). Oh yeah, also Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) @ 250iu a week last 3 weeks of diet - tha week before cycle ends.
Why torem then clomid?..just curious because personally I would trust clomid over torem and therefor would run clo first
I have tried nolva and it was ok.Nolva+ clomid 2gether worked pretty good. Last few times was Torem. It worked tha fastest and seemed make me feel better also. I like it best! Im only using clomid cause i had sum left over, and now i wont have to buy another torem till next time. Whats tha deal with Triptorelin? some say it works better than hcg, sum say it sux???
triptorelin has not been least not by anyone I trust. I would stick to 2serms (I like nolva and clomi) and hcg. They are all proven in my book.
You don't need to run Torem for 4 weeks at 90/60/60/30, or run low dose Clomid for 4 weeks at 25/12.5/12.5/12.5...but personally Torem worked great after my 6 week Epi cycle at 45/45/45/60/60/60. Balls felt like they dropped overnight, but also used Unleashed/Post Cycle and Powerchews D-Test. I also ran HCGenerate on cycle to minimize shutdown...which to me is the most important aspect of any PCT.
Just an FYI you might look into, I remember a couple years back test results coming back from m1,4add and it showing that it breaks down into Dianabol. Not a bad thing, just some info for ya. And I mean while still in the pill, not just in the body.
Thanks for tha tips. Im just using post cycle therapy (pct) and PH's that i have on hand instead of spending mo $ right now. I will have been on a diet 3 months by the time i get ready to bulk, so im thinking these 2 will work good. Anytime i diet b4 bulk i blow up fast. Ive tried dbol and anadrol a few years back for a kick start, and i like SD better than both of those. Ive grown just as good on 20mg sd and 100mg max lmg in 6 weeks than on 8 weeks test and 50 mg dbol kick, or 100 mg anadrol kick. Sounds weird from what most people say. I never really grow much after 6 weeks anyway, no matter how much i ate or how many shakes i added. I wanna try differnt ones 1-2x a year and see what they can do. So far only tried max lmg and sd. Fixin to try epi/ m14add. Somewhere down tha rd i still gotta try trenazone,trenavar,mechabol,ultradrol,ect. What else is good to try? I heard Alpha one was good too, but only found one store that had it. Looks too expensive to try right now. Wish someone would clone that!