Starting My Next Cycle Monday Primobolan and Anavar


digging out of a hole
Hey guys,

I am getting ready to start my cycle on Monday 1st Feb. I have decided upon Primo Depot (UGL) at 400mg EW, split twice a week and 10mg Anavar ED from weeks 4-12. This cycle will be 12 weeks in length.

Have done a few cycles previously including using tren etc etc. Not a newbie to this but nowadays I am more cautious to my health and want to take a safe cycle. I don't want to use test. That will be my next cycle. Test and Primobolan.

Any advice, critique?
Advice seemed to be given on your other thread you posted. You need test as a base even if TRT dose of 200-250 a week because you will probably shut yourself down and with no test as base and your in for a shitty ride brother.
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Advice seemed to be given on your other thread you posted. You need test as a base even if TRT dose of 200-250 a week because you will probably yourself down and with no test as base and your in for a shitty ride brother.

This ^^^^ right on. You need to understand why test on every cycle, was said 200-250mg wk. Your body need to have what it produces naturally or your hormones will go very unbalanced. It needs to recognize the TEST.

There is NO safe cycle, just as safe as you can make it with the knowledge and good judgment. All the vets will guide you to do as safe a cycle you might do. Good luck..
Exactly ^^^^

400mgs of primo is kinda a waste too. You say your no noob but want to run a cycle without test. That's some noob stuff if I ever seen it. Wise up or you'll end up like bruce jenner...
Neither of the aas you will be using aromatize. That means they will shut down natural test, but since they don't aromatize, you will have very little e2 after several weeks.

You have to add 125mg test each weeks to maintain a healthy level of estro.
Thanks for all the input guys. Yeh I thought it would be better to make a new thread as the other thread was more of a general thread. Ok for Primobolan why do you think 400mg EW is a waste? I am not trying to get huge here. I am aiming just to add a little lean muscle that is maintainable.

125mg EW Test E seems like a decent idea. It's the amount I've seen people take for TRT. Now the question is if I am going to take Test should I just up it to 250mg per week. This is more of a cycle that is supposed to help me get back into the swing of things.

If I got with what is said my cycle will look like:

Week 1-12 (125/250mg EW Test E)
Week 1-12 (400mg Primo EW)
Week 4-12 (10mg Anavar ED)

Im not a novice but not an expert by any means
Thanks for all the input guys. Yeh I thought it would be better to make a new thread as the other thread was more of a general thread. Ok for Primobolan why do you think 400mg EW is a waste? I am not trying to get huge here. I am aiming just to add a little lean muscle that is maintainable.

125mg EW Test E seems like a decent idea. It's the amount I've seen people take for TRT. Now the question is if I am going to take Test should I just up it to 250mg per week. This is more of a cycle that is supposed to help me get back into the swing of things.

If I got with what is said my cycle will look like:

Week 1-12 (125/250mg EW Test E)
Week 1-12 (400mg Primo EW)
Week 4-12 (10mg Anavar ED)

Im not a novice but not an expert by any means

Your a novice not to know test is needed as a base..but everyone is here to help..just remember that.
That sounds better but id run 250 mg a week of test because you yourself want to keep it low, it will keep you at a good base level just watch your E2 at 250 because some need an AI at that dose.
Primo I would run at 600mg a week, believe me YOU WONT GET HUGE!! alot depends on your gains like Diet!
On hand I have enough primo for 500mg EW at 10 weeks. I think Ill stick to 400mg EW and do the Test at 250. Does that sound better?
Primo really is better off at a higher dose and a longer time. I would just save the primo and run 500mgs of test...
Thanks for all the input guys. Yeh I thought it would be better to make a new thread as the other thread was more of a general thread. Ok for Primobolan why do you think 400mg EW is a waste? I am not trying to get huge here. I am aiming just to add a little lean muscle that is maintainable.

125mg EW Test E seems like a decent idea. It's the amount I've seen people take for TRT. Now the question is if I am going to take Test should I just up it to 250mg per week. This is more of a cycle that is supposed to help me get back into the swing of things.

If I got with what is said my cycle will look like:

Week 1-12 (125/250mg EW Test E)
Week 1-12 (400mg Primo EW)
Week 4-12 (10mg Anavar ED)

Im not a novice but not an expert by any means

Let me ask you a question. What is the purpose of AAS in your opinion? I absolutely mean no disrespect, but it's not something you take to get "back in the swing of things". It's a tool to continue pushing further than you can otherwise.

If you're not looking to get "huge", why bother in the first place? By the way, I normally hear that phrase from a lot of newbies that's don't understand one cycle isn't going to give them IFBB rankings.

I'm just trying to understand here, nothing more. :)
Let me ask you a question. What is the purpose of AAS in your opinion? I absolutely mean no disrespect, but it's not something you take to get "back in the swing of things". It's a tool to continue pushing further than you can otherwise.

If you're not looking to get "huge", why bother in the first place? By the way, I normally hear that phrase from a lot of newbies that's don't understand one cycle isn't going to give them IFBB rankings.

I'm just trying to understand here, nothing more. :)

To get gains quicker and push the boundaries of what is possible with the human body
Just to clear up some points, a lot of the brother here like to go with the herd, sheep mentality and not back anything up.

Quote taken from an authority on steroids

"Administration (Men):
The prescribing guidelines for Primobolan Depot recommend a maximum dosage of 200 mg
at the onset of therapy, and a continuing dosage of 100 mg every week. Prolonged
administration protocols generally call for a 100 mg dosage every 1-2 weeks, or 200 mg
every 2-3 weeks. The usual administration protocols among male athletes call for a 200-400
mg per week dosage, which is taken for 6 to 12 weeks, which is sufficient to promote very
noticeable increases in lean muscle tissue. It is, however, not unusual to see the drug taken in
doses as high as 600 mg per week or more, although such amounts are likely to highlight a
more androgenic side of methenolone, as well as exacerbate its negative effects on serum
more androgenic side of methenolone, as well as exacerbate its negative effects on serum
Methenolone enanthate is often stacked with other (typically stronger) steroids in order to
obtain a faster and more enhanced effect. During a dieting or cutting phase, a nonaromatizing
androgen like Halotestin® or trenbolone can be added. The stronger androgenic
component here should help to bring about an added density and hardness to the muscles.
On the other hand, one might add another mild anabolic steroid such as stanozolol. The result
of such a combination should again be a notable increase in muscle mass and hardness,
which still should not be accompanied by greatly increased side effects. Methenolone
enanthate is also used effectively during bulking phases of training. In such a scenario, the
addition of testosterone or boldenone would prove quite effective for adding new muscle
mass without presenting any notable hepatotoxicity to the user."

You will notice that he says that very noticable differences will be seen between 200-400mg per week. Those guys saying 400 a week is a waste of money, have you ever even ran it?
For Anavar:

Administration (Men):
The original prescribing guidelines for Anavar called for a daily dosage of between 2.5 mg
and 20 mg per day (5-10 mg being most common). This was usually recommended for a
period of two to four weeks, but occasionally it was taken for as long as three months. The
dosing guidelines recommended with the current U.S. production form of the drug
(Oxandrin, Savient Pharmaceuticals) also call for between 2.5 and 20 mg of drug per day,
taken in intermittent cycles of 2 to 4 weeks. The usual dosage for physique- or performanceenhancing
purposes is in the range of 15-25 mg per day, taken for 6 to 8 weeks. These
protocols are not far removed from those of normal therapeutic situations.
Oxandrolone is often combined with other steroids for a more dramatic result. For example,
while bulking one might opt to add in 200-400 mg of a testosterone ester (cypionate,
enanthate, or propionate) per week. The result should be a considerable gain in new muscle
mass, with a more comfortable level of water and fat retention than if taking a higher dose of
testosterone alone. For dieting phases, one might alternately combine oxandrolone with a
non-aromatizing steroid such as 150 mg per week of a trenbolone ester or 200-300 mg of
Primobolan® (methenolone enanthate). Such stacks are highly favored for increasing
definition and muscularity. An in-between (lean mass gain) might be to add in 200-400 mg of
a low estrogenic compound like Deca-Durabolin® (nandrolone decanoate) or Equipoise®
(boldenone undecylenate).

Notice 15-25mg Anavar ED, I am wanting to take 10mg and he says 200-300mg of Primobolan EW. Now a very low dose of test at 125mg EW could be a good idea but the numbers you guys are saying are completely above what he recommends. Why is that?
To get gains quicker and push the boundaries of what is possible with the human body

If you're admittedly not even close to those boundaries at this point, why waste money to get there, THEN find yourself in a position where you either need them to move further, or find that you could have seen similar results with just a little extra time?

I'm by no means telling you what you can or can't do, but I just think you'll be much happier if you hit the gym hard for a year while mastering/re-mastering everything - THEN hitting up the AAS.

Your authority is very optimistic if he thinks 2.5mg of anavar will do anything meaningful for an adult male. There's a gigantic difference between prescribing drugs for muscle wasting and for hypertrophy purposes recreationally.
If you're admittedly not even close to those boundaries at this point, why waste money to get there, THEN find yourself in a position where you either need them to move further, or find that you could have seen similar results with just a little extra time?

I'm by no means telling you what you can or can't do, but I just think you'll be much happier if you hit the gym hard for a year while mastering/re-mastering everything - THEN hitting up the AAS.

Your authority is very optimistic if he thinks 2.5mg of anavar will do anything meaningful for an adult male. There's a gigantic difference between prescribing drugs for muscle wasting and for hypertrophy purposes recreationally.

Agreed however noone has backed up the take 800mg primo ew with studies right?
.................." I am not trying to get huge here" .........

It's statements like this is why we say your a novice. Also as was said about not knowing you need test. It's your diet and your training that will get you bigger. At this point you only get huge with water. You will not gain more LMM in a year than 15-maybe 20 lbs. That's LEAN MUSCLE MASS.

I don't mean to flame you, but to encourage you to do more research and equip yourself with more knowledge. IMO you have much wrong with the cycle but I won't expound due to the other vets are already deep into the details of your compounds. Good advice from most.

When you plug that test in don't forget you AI, it will be needed always with test anyway.
Get your BW done and keep your cash flow as you do for gear figure in the cost of BW, it is NESSARY .

Stick with us and good luck oh and read
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