Starting My Next Cycle Monday Primobolan and Anavar

Agreed however noone has backed up the take 800mg primo ew with studies right?

The problem with trying to use studies in this context is that you simply won't find any. I've yet to hear of anyone being satisfied with primo at a dose of under 700mg/wk myself; it's just one of those mild compounds that needs both time and a higher dose to shine.

I personally won't even touch the stuff as it not only is stupid expensive, but finding legit primo can be a daunting task. Yes, it is supposedly AMAZING if run at bigger doses (read: lots of oil) for 14-24 weeks, but I can do much better with solid estradiol control and just testosterone - for much cheaper.

I have a really old pdf that has been called the "true" anabolic Bible, stuff from guys that ran AAS during the 70's up to the 90's - it wasn't until I started reading at places like here, where guys give their experiences, that I could find some crazy nonsense in the "bible".

No, I'm not referring to Bill Roberts' stuff either. :p
Agreed however noone has backed up the take 800mg primo ew with studies right?
To be fair, you didn't back your opinion up with studies either, you just backed it up with someone else's opinion. As Halfwit touched on, the recommendations that your "authority" has of 200mg/wk primo and between 2.5-20mg/day of var are the prescribing guidelines for medical use, which means a doctor is prescribing it for a medical use, usually to gain back lost muscle after a severe trauma or to halt or reverse muscle wasting. None of applications have athletes trying to gain muscle mass in mind when prescribing those doses. I can't find much for studies on primo however I have seen it recommended as high as 600mg/wk to reverse muscle loss in patients with AIDS related wasting. There are a few more studies relating to anavar however, such as this one:
Oxandrolone in AIDS-wasting myopathy. - PubMed - NCBI
In this study HIV positive men with >10% loss of body mass were given var at 5mg/day and 15mg/day or a placebo for 16 weeks. The men given 5mg maintained their weight, men given 15mg gained weight (placebo group continued to lose weight).

In this study:
Men between the ages of 60-87 were given 20mg/day of anavar for 12 weeks, and predictably resulted in improved strength and body com********** What is important to note in this study is not only the fact that 12 weeks after stopping anavar LBM and muscle strength went back to baseline, but also that this was a study of ELDERLY men.

The point I'm trying to make is that these studies are using the high end of what your expert is recommending as therapy for elderly men and patients with AIDS-related wasting. Using the same or lower doses on a healthy athlete looking to gain muscle doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me.
Let me ask you a question. What is the purpose of AAS in your opinion? I absolutely mean no disrespect, but it's not something you take to get "back in the swing of things". It's a tool to continue pushing further than you can otherwise.

If you're not looking to get "huge", why bother in the first place? By the way, I normally hear that phrase from a lot of newbies that's don't understand one cycle isn't going to give them IFBB rankings.

I'm just trying to understand here, nothing more. :)

Hit the nail on the head on many levels, thanks Half!
Thanks guys a lot of interesting stuff brought up here. I guess at this point I am trying to consider whether I should do the 400mg primo per week or just change my cycle to something simpler
So because I have a lot of respect for the guys on this forum I am looking into getting more primobolan. If I buy from my source its a huge amount of money that I dont want to spend. I may end up going with homebrew. This cycle I will probably do at 500mg/week of primobolan and probably increase the primobolan to 20 weeks. What do you guys think to that?
Ok guys,

So why is primobolan recommeded to be run at 16-20 weeks as opposed to test at 16-20 weeks. Is it because it is weak and relatively safe?
Thanks guys a lot of interesting stuff brought up here. I guess at this point I am trying to consider whether I should do the 400mg primo per week or just change my cycle to something simpler

make sure to do your HW bro and good luck and keep us updated!