Starting Point!!!


New member
Well, as the title suggests this is the starting point for the next year! I will post time to time to show my progress as I work into 2008 Canadian Nationals. This will be my first showing at the Nationals. I did qualify several years ago, but decided on taking some time off and put on more size to fill out. And now that I have signed on to work with Chad Nicholls over the next year hopefully I will be able to to fill my frame out even more with his help!

Hopefully I will be able to put size on my quads, Hams, widen my upper back, widen my shoulders, arms and the good old calves. Its a large undertaking, but hopefully I will make good improvements in these areas.

I had a couple of set backs like a pec tear 6 weeks ago and now a cold. So once I get through these two set backs things will be back to 100%
Looks like it is all there.. Do you have abs when you lean out?

Where are you as far as weight now?
Weight right now is 240 lbs and will stay that way for a bit. I last competed at 212 lbs dieted down from 270 lbs, but not a good 270 at all. Plan is to stay lean this off season and push my weight up!
Look really good in those contest pics..

What is your cycle history like? How long have you been at this?
biggrnu said:
sign your shit

im phats=HRT, not you....obviously


Its my alter ego Phats!!!!!! LOL.....I'm actually signed in as Phats if people get confused....forget my password!