starting prohormone cycle


New member
I will be starting my cycle on sunday.

I'll be using Tokkyo test as my base and stacking p6 black extream. I'll using p6 red and novadex as my pct.

I am 5' 6", 165 lbs @ 14% bf

I have been in and out of the gym for a wile now. For the last 8 mo. I've been going 5 to 6 days a week. For the most part I have been trying add some size (lbm). After this cycle I'll run a cut cycle and I will see where Im at as far as total body weight and stature. My goal is to hit and maintain 180 lbs.

here are some pics I took 2 months ago. I will post new pics of more recent activity.
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no new pics as of yet. But what I do have is hellova pump. I do feel stronger. I worked my legs tonight and I had to stop dew to the unreal pump I got from hitten the leg press.

One thing I dont get is is my lower back seams to be on fire. like when I had my belt on or when I was adden plates?????
well I did not come up with that % out of thin air. I had a trainer at the gym, where I workout, take my measurements and that what she came up with. She could be wrong. there is no mistaking I have some fat around my wast and legs but I was giving the info that I had. Thanks for the post. :)
In all honesty, I'd have to agree with Needto. I think the trainer is off. Your a bit higher then 14%.. but anyway.. Here's my 0.02 cents; I would have recommend you cut first before running this cycle. It's always best to trim excess fat before starting. Since you've already started, I'd recommend you make it a cutting cycle. Get your diet in order to cut and figure out a good deficit (use The cycle will help preserve muscle while you cut. The last thing you want to do is follow this cycle with a diet/cut. You will lose all your gains and then some...IMHO
How does your diet look as it sits??
well for the last 4 months I tried to eat every 2.5 hours @ 5 meals aday. meat,
patios, fish, greens, peanut butter, and chicken. Plus, two GNC whey extream XXX and one whey bolic 60 shakes a day.
Other supplements are: CLA, flax seed oil 1000, gaba, melatonin 3, multi-vitamin and cratein.

Its not the best diet but right know its all I can do. thank U for the info and the
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Thanks for your concern estray. After the cycle is over I'll try to cut the cal. intake wile maintaining the protein. We will see if I can get my BF down to a real 14%. Hopefully I can keep what gains I will get from the current cycle.
you do have a solid base though. as stated above i'd start focusing on cardio a bit more... maybe some clen or an eca stack to speed the process up.
I do cardio twice a week 40 to 50 min aday.

I have not made up my mind on weather or not I want to start taking the good stuff. I want to see what happens with this current cycle. once I get the feal for how my body will respond to the PH's then I will try other avenues.

I have cutt out 98% of all the junk food and drinks. I dont even drink beer any more. I'm eating a ton of good food and drinking one and half gal. of water a day.

as for the the weight loss, my work activatys and my work outs should burn most of it off.
Cool. Congrat's on cutting the junk out. That can be the hardest for some people. Good luck and keep your training intensity high and your diet on track! :)
I will be starting my cycle on sunday.

I'll be using Tokkyo test as my base and stacking p6 black extream. I'll using p6 red and novadex as my pct.

I am 5' 6", 165 lbs @ 14% bf

I have been in and out of the gym for a wile now. For the last 8 mo. I've been going 5 to 6 days a week. For the most part I have been trying add some size (lbm). After this cycle I'll run a cut cycle and I will see where Im at as far as total body weight and stature. My goal is to hit and maintain 180 lbs.

here are some pics I took 2 months ago. I will post new pics of more recent activity.

Whats up man? I have been reading this thread and it seems to me that you are taking way too much at one time. P6 Black is all you need at one time so as far the the Tokkyo Test I would cut that. Also if you are going to be using a post-cycle estrogen blocker / test booster then you only need the P6 Red you can cut the novadex and save it for later. One more little piece of advice is that about 3-5 days before your finish your P6 Black begin taking the P6 Red so that your natural levels can start to return to normal without a drastic overnight change.

The diet looks to have a lot of complex carbs and high protein which is what you want if you are bulking so keep up the good work.
Thanks for every one posting up. Billas333, how is the Tokkyo test, too much? The shop where I bought everything from told me the tokk. test was a good base {like test prop or test eq} and to stack another PH would amplfie (MS) the results. the novadex is for gyno and if you think about it. suppressing the estrogen wile on the p6 red would allow me to gain even more during my pct.

Thanks again for every ones post.

Well first off man I am not claiming I know everything but I do know a bit and will not for the life of me ever provide anyone with bad info when it comes to supplementing. I am a molecular biology major almost done with my degree and have been supplementing for years. Supplements in general are why I chose such a hard major. Also I have been a manager at a nutrition store for the past 2 years and know cellucor products first hand. P6 Black is not available at certain stores because it is a ProHormone product but I was able to get my hands on a few bottles and I am starting my cycle on monday. I was curious about how it stacked up with other past prohormones so I called the number on the cellucor bottle told them who I was and they gave me everything i needed to know. The guy at cellucor even transferred me to their head man who actually designed P6 Black and not just some sales rep.

Here is the deal:

Look at the second Prohormone ingredient on your P6 Black and you will see that it is the exact same ingredient that is in yout Tokkyo Test. So therefor you are taking the same ingredient twice. Androstene-1-ene-3b-ol,17b-one

Tokkyo Test is Androsta-1-ene 3b-ol, 17-one which is the same thing I promise you. With the P6 Black you get 35mg per pill and are taking 5 a day to get around 175mg vs. 200mg with two pills of Tokkyo Test. So basically you are taking 375mg of this compund a day. Well more is better right? WRONG! Prohormones are compounds that are converted to their Steroids via an enzyme altering their structure. When this is the case, the enzyme limits the reaction so the more PH you take in the rate of conversion will remain the same just taking it longer for the active steroid compound to get be created. In this case this PH substance is converted in to 1-Testosterone after two reactions. The amount of time it lasts in the body is only about 2-hours. So basically its what gets you amped up during the workout but after that the other two prohormones in the P6 Black are what keep your body growing.

So once Androstene-1-ene-3b-ol,17b-one is converted you get 1-Test

19-norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione will get converted into Trenbolone after its reactions.

Lastly the ADD or Androstene-diene-dione is the other Prohormone which will mimic Boldenone.

As you can see you are plenty of prohormone compounds here all with different muscle building properties. As far as the Novadex and the P6 Red go you do not need an Estrogen blocker with the P6 Black because it is already included. The DIM is diindolymethane which binds to estrogen receptors and blocks them as well the the Black Cohosh and Andrographolide which help to keep the other PH's from being broken down or bound by Sex hormone binding globulin and other Androgen binding blobulins.

Now that you I have provided some info on the P6 Blacks characteristics look at the P6 Red. As I stated before start taking this about 3-5 days before you finsih your P6 Black cycle. P6 Red has and estrogen block too which is the agoricus bisporous which comes from mushrooms and is used in anti-cancer research for breast cancer to inhibit estrogen. Also the Tribulus is what you will be using to bring back your natural levels.

Sorry if this is long and confusing I am here to help man as I am going to be using the same products and did some hw before so feel free to ask anything else.
Damn, billas333, I would have never been able to look in to that info and get as much as you did, out of it. All thou the info is right there on the label. If the Androsta-1-ene 3b-ol, 17-one only last two hours, then would it benefit me to take the tokkyo test two times a day @ 10:00 AM and 3:00PM insted of 8AM and 8PM? That way I can keep the Androsta-1-ene 3b-ol, 17-one in my system all day long. My thing is that I have been on the cycle for 5 day now. I wont have a full 30 day in the next cycle.
I wouldnt waste the money man. If you wanna take the Tokkyo Test then just take one before you go work out but I personally would just stop taking it and save it for another small scale cycle in 2-3months down the road.

Heres what I am gonna be doing.

Mornings: P6 Black, 500mg L-Carnitine,1000mg Fish oils, 1500mg Kre-Alkalyn creatine, Milk Thistle, ALA 600mg , and 1000mg Ester C, and 5g Glutamine

Pre-Workout / Afternoon : P6 Black, Animal Pak, 1500mg Kre Alkalyn, 500mg L-Carnitine, and 500mcg Chromium Picolinate, 90mg CO-Q 10, Beta-Alanine and BCAA's.

Night Time: ZMA w/ a little melatonin and 5g more glutamine. 1000mg more fish oil.

I have two bottles of the P6 Black but have not yet decided it I will be taking a 4-week or 8-week cycle yet. However I do have P6 Red for PCT.
looks like you have every thing in order.
I talked to the owner of the shop where I bought my stuff from, to day. He informed me that he has used the same stack and seen to many good results, from others, to not use the p6 black and tokkyo test as a stack. I'll try it out and after 50 days or so we will see what happens.
Well thats what just about everything is and thats word of mouth and everyones opinion. Good luck with the stack and keep updates with photos and gains. I personally have been off and on for the last year and it was too difficult to stay consistent. Well these past 5 weeks I started going religiously and got a good base going so now I am gonna get my cycle on come monday. I will probably take some pics sunday night.
new pics, one week down.
everything is up 30 to 40 %. I've gained 5 lbs.. could be water ret. one thing is for sure, DO NOT TAKE P\H WITH OUT EATING. YOU WILL FREAK OUT.
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