starting sarm cycle input welcome


1-12 RAD-140
1-8 LGD-4003
1-4 YK-11
8-12 SR-9009
8-12 GW
8-12 S4
last 20 days HCG eod


I'm guessing if you're having a PCT you're dealing with chemicals that cause suppression of the HPTA. My only question, as I don't know much about the dosing of most of the things listed here is this, where is the Clomid?

You're using HCG to get your balls working, You're using Toremifene to prevent estrogenic activity in the body, But you're not using Clomid.. Clomid is used to get the pituitary firing, your brain firing. Telling your balls to produce is just as important as forcing them to in this case.

I recommend you do all three. If you can afford all these sarms you can afford a bottle of liquid clomid from RUI. Get on it.
Nothing I'm running is to suppressive just overkill to ensure safty, I'm very familiar with Clomid but if you do some poking around in the anabolic forum you'll see a chart that shows torem raises natural test higher than Clomid while blocking estrogen better than nolva
Where'd you get the sarms from? 6.5%?? Have any pics? If you're 6' and 200lbs, you might just need to add some more clean food to your diet. What are your goals for this cycle?
Where'd you get the sarms from? 6.5%?? Have any pics? If you're 6' and 200lbs, you might just need to add some more clean food to your diet. What are your goals for this cycle?

My diet is clean I'm on a meal plan from the local pro, yes I got pinched at 6.5 percent 4 weeks ago and I'm getting another pinch in a week, I can't post pics because I have very identifiable tattoos, my sarms are from chem tek, but I have to get the sr9009 and the s4 elsewhere
Nothing I'm running is to suppressive just overkill to ensure safty, I'm very familiar with Clomid but if you do some poking around in the anabolic forum you'll see a chart that shows torem raises natural test higher than Clomid while blocking estrogen better than nolva

SARMs are HPTA suppressive. There is a lot of misinformation out there about them not being suppressive. See the following thread for a discussion.
SARMs are HPTA suppressive. There is a lot of misinformation out there about them not being suppressive. See the following thread for a discussion.

Good read Megatron, in your opinion is torem sufficient for pct? Im experienced with nolva Clomid but on paper torem looks great and a lot of reviews say your balls drop within the first 24 hours.

And whats the deal with S4? Rui has it for $**** and unichem has it for $****..... Ummmmmmm?
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Good read Megatron, in your opinion is torem sufficient for pct? Im experienced with nolva Clomid but on paper torem looks great and a lot of reviews say your balls drop within the first 24 hours.

And whats the deal with S4? Rui has it for $**** and unichem has it for $****..... Ummmmmmm?

Some guys like torem. I am on TRT so I don't PCT. Hard for me to comment.

Sometimes you get what you pay for. Talk to your friends and see what sources are good. Although all the evidence will be anecdotal with SARMs unfortunately.

Why not just use AAS which are proven tried and true? How old are you? What are your stats?
Some guys like torem. I am on TRT so I don't PCT. Hard for me to comment.

Sometimes you get what you pay for. Talk to your friends and see what sources are good. Although all the evidence will be anecdotal with SARMs unfortunately.

Why not just use AAS which are proven tried and true? How old are you? What are your stats?

24 yo
6.5% bf

I have used AAS in the past ran 3 cycles, was very inexperienced and did not have all the info in have now about gear, im still dealing with ed issues from my last run with tren, my libido is coming back slowly but surely getting stronger, it's a pain in the ass having to pop 45mg rui cia before I go out on the weekends, I'm just trying to be safe until I know my body has fully recovered, my insurance kicks in in another 60 days so I will be getting blood work cause you can't get blood work done privatly in New york. And on top of that E2 is not friendly to me and I get crazy bad acne that I just got rid of took me 2 years to find a cure, so I'm laying low on the AAS for the time being
24 yo
6.5% bf

I have used AAS in the past ran 3 cycles, was very inexperienced and did not have all the info in have now about gear, im still dealing with ed issues from my last run with tren, my libido is coming back slowly but surely getting stronger, it's a pain in the ass having to pop 45mg rui cia before I go out on the weekends, I'm just trying to be safe until I know my body has fully recovered, my insurance kicks in in another 60 days so I will be getting blood work cause you can't get blood work done privatly in New york. And on top of that E2 is not friendly to me and I get crazy bad acne that I just got rid of took me 2 years to find a cure, so I'm laying low on the AAS for the time being

Then there is no way you should be running HPTA suppressive SARMs right now. That seems like a poor decision given that you have not fully recovered from your last AAS cycle.

As far as cialis, just take 5-10mg daily. That is what most of us do. Gives you nice vascularity and pumps in the gym too.
Well my thought process behind it was that sarms are "less supressive" but even so that's what the hcg and torem was for to attempt to get me to a full recovery state but now I see this may not be the brightest idea I've ever had, I'm confident right now that I'm 90% out of the water and any issues I have are purely psychological from a few nights of pushing wet noodles and getting embarassed, but I really appreciate the advice thank you
Well my thought process behind it was that sarms are "less supressive" but even so that's what the hcg and torem was for to attempt to get me to a full recovery state but now I see this may not be the brightest idea I've ever had, I'm confident right now that I'm 90% out of the water and any issues I have are purely psychological from a few nights of pushing wet noodles and getting embarassed, but I really appreciate the advice thank you

Suppression is suppression. This seems like a horribly bad idea to me; but I don't have a dog in this fight. It is your HPTA after all so do as you wish. Just don't believe the hype when some of the SARMs peddlers try to tell you your HPTA will be untouched.
I always consider slight suppression to be the same as full suppression, in that you need will just not need as much PCT. I am on TRT as well, so PCT is not something I know much about and never do. Some SARMs are not suppressive, but many are, so be careful.
Suppression is suppression. This seems like a horribly bad idea to me; but I don't have a dog in this fight. It is your HPTA after all so do as you wish. Just don't believe the hype when some of the SARMs peddlers try to tell you your HPTA will be untouched.

Well at least if they cause suppression that is a good sign that they actually work! When I read up on SARMS from time to time I usually decide not to bother because someone here or there says they so little to no benefit. Still on the fence about SARMS
Well at least if they cause suppression that is a good sign that they actually work! When I read up on SARMS from time to time I usually decide not to bother because someone here or there says they so little to no benefit. Still on the fence about SARMS

If use AAS, I can't see a rationale for toying around with SARMs. Why bother when you have the "real deal"? That's just my 2¢.
Sarms aren't bunk, I have had great results with them, it's just not as strong as AAS, with test prop you can put 30lbs on in a month, with ligandrol you can put 15lbs on in a month, and I have a serious hunch that combining yk-11 and lgd4003 you can get true AAS like results. My $0.02 :] Merry Christmas all
Sarms are great if you're on trt...added anabolic/androgenic effects, no worries about suppression & no need to inject anymore than your regular trt protocol
and I have a serious hunch that combining yk-11 and lgd4003 you can get true AAS like results. My $0.02 :] Merry Christmas all

That right there looks like it could be one helluva stack!! I may be trying that this spring as part of a recomp.

I'm currently logging S-4 and loving it. I got sick last week, but think my body is still maintaining a solid look despite dropping my calories while being sick. Ready to get back in the gym this Monday.
The two biggest things SARMs have going for them is their legality to purchase and their very low side effects, oh. AAS is certainly stronger and has a lot more science behind it. SARMs are very new, but IMO they represent the future of AAS. Big Pharma is trying to create AAS replacements that have no (or almost no) side effects. They will make tons of money and the products will be better than AAS. It is just not there yet. The future belongs to SARMs - or at least to a SARMs and AAS stack.

Some of the SARMs are very good, at least from what I have tried. GW50, while technically not a SARM, is amazing and gives tons of energy - so much so that it is banned in professional sports. YK11 holds great promise - especially is stacked with some good muscle building AAS - it has the potential to remove the muscle growing barrier, and that is exciting! A lot of people swear by S4, I have yet to run a log on it so I cannot really say.

Oh, I also forgot that people who hate pinning, but love their liver, also find value in SARMs, since it is a liquid. Just make sure you go with a reputable company. SarmsSearch is reputable, it has to be or else this forum would boot them as a sponsor.
That right there looks like it could be one helluva stack!! I may be trying that this spring as part of a recomp.

I'm currently logging S-4 and loving it. I got sick last week, but think my body is still maintaining a solid look despite dropping my calories while being sick. Ready to get back in the gym this Monday.

Good sir,

where is this captains log of yours? I was on vacation and getting back into the swing of it and doing my LG thing and lazy right now. mind posting a link