Sterilizing Equipment


New member
Hey Guys,

How do you sterilize all your gear making equipment and bottles? I have heard that some guys use methanol to do this. Is this a good idea or not? I am getting non sterilized bottles since I am going to do a large batch. So what is the best way to sterilize these bottles from dust particles and bacteria?

If you could help me out that would be great

Ill tell you how I do it: If the vials are unused but not "sterile" (they will never be truely sterile) I take 99% isopropyl alcohol and wash/rinse each vial with it. Load up the whole tray in a dust free environment and from here, either let air dry or speed up the process with some heat (oven, ~250 till they are DRY). Youll know they are dry when the no longer have a smell of isopropyl. Our noses can detect iso in part per million, so when they dont smell, they are good to go. From here, cap em with the stoppers until filling.
methanol works very well, iso will do the trick but you need to rinse more with iso. then bake at 350f in the oven for an hour. after that cap with tin foil til you ready to use. they will be sterile. unless you got the foil out of the dumpster.

lets say i buy closed vials and beakers from the net. okay are they still considered sterile?