Sterilizing glass mixing beaker ?


Cycle, test, HGH
What's the best way to sterize my mixing beaker I was thinking alcohol pads which are 70% isopropyl...then rinsing with bac water before cookin at 200 degrees for 10mins...

Any other better ways ?
i just rinsed with water real good, microwave for a bit then pour in some BA and swirl around before using.
BA is quite sticky and I find it quite hard to rinse with this, bac water seems much thinner and rinses much easier......if I use the BA I'm worried it will mess up my BA ratio as some will be left behind...considering I'm only using .6 cc's (2% BA )

Is your BA quite thin or am I worrying to much :)
i don't really worry about it to be honest. I'm sure some is left in the beaker but it's not a whole lot. My 200mg prop and tren mixtures hold and are nearly-painless so i don't worry about it too much.