Steriod test in 90 days??


New member
I'm in mid off season, I ran test propionate for 8 weeks stacked with Tbol. Then started test enanthate for 9 weeks stacked with Dbol. I got a tip from a buddy this weekend that were going to be randomly tested the of end of September. So roughly 90 days from my last pin.

Do I have a prayer of passing? Planning to start PCT in two weeks.

Doses were between 4-700 of test l, and I'm really lean.
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randomely SPORT TESTED for PED S OR RECREATIONAL DRUG S ? pERF. eNHAN. dRUG S DO not SHOW ON STANDARD DRUG PANEL; THAT RECQUIRES THE CUSTODIAN OF YOUR URINE TO CHECK A BOX TO SHOW THEY WANt steroids tested for and that s about 100-150 more as steroid metabolites are a completely diff. animal.
randomely SPORT TESTED for PED S OR RECREATIONAL DRUG S ? pERF. eNHAN. dRUG S DO not SHOW ON STANDARD DRUG PANEL; THAT RECQUIRES THE CUSTODIAN OF YOUR URINE TO CHECK A BOX TO SHOW THEY WANt steroids tested for and that s about 100-150 more as steroid metabolites are a completely diff. animal.

Exactly what this fine gentleman stated. It depends on WHAT they're testing for. I believe the tbol is out of your system metabolite wise, but the test enanthate may still be there for another month or two. There are some decent charts for detection times on Google.