Steroid Urine Test results

How well do urine test show AAS use??
I took a urine test for AAS and the test came back Negative!! It had been nearly a week since my last injection when I took the test.
I was taking this test to make sure my powder was legit and have done over 2 grams in 3 weeks.
What is the best method to have a powder tested? I don't carry much faith in the melting point test. Please help but speak from experience.
If you wasn't sure about your powder what would you do to double check it?

Urine tests are not going to show Test in them because test is a natural part of your body. A test that shows your normal bodies hormones being present would be a pointless test. A blood test however can show levels of your hormones and precursors or signs of other things being elevated that could prompt a lab technician to make a conclusion that you are on Test but it's difficult. Some ppl in this world have naturally high test levels upwards of 1200 and even higher, I'm sure, in some cases and this could be what a persons test levels (whom have very low levels) get boosted to when on a moderate dosage of test. So it would be hard to prove that someone is taking test unless their levels were UNGODLY high.

As for testing your powder bro, first you need to secure a trusted source, then you have no worries. Second you have to stop worrying because, just cuz your test levels are elevated from good gear doesn't mean your receptors will uptake it!!! A negative mindset just like Anxiety can cause a seed to be planted that fools your receptors. I know it sounds stupid but your mind is powerful and in the end is what controls the release of chemicals and hormones and the uptake of them as well.
I've seen ppl on gear that is tried and true but because it was homebrew and didn't have a label and all that glamorous BS that comes along with Pharmacy and Popular UGL's they didn't believe it was real and didn't gain a pound. I told them to go to their doc and have blood work done and when I heard back from them their test levels came back over 2000 and they weren't uptaking a bit of it cause their mind BELIEVED it was bunk gear. After the realization that they were paranoid and tricking their own selves they began to gain crazy amounts of weight and strength.
The melting point test along with texture of material and in some cases distinct smell is way more than you need to know if a product is legit!!!
How many powders in this world do you think there are that look grainy like salt, have no distinct odor, white in color, and melt at 118-122 degree C which would b Test Propionate. I think it would be hard to find another compound in this world that fit all that criteria????? Don't you?
But for all points and purposes, if you are putting a REAL compound in your then regaurdless of whether or not you r uptaking that or not your test levels will be elevated in respect to the amount you are taking. Go to the doc, get blood work done after you have been on the substance for three times as long as the ester length, be religious about your pinning schedule and if the shit is good and real then your test levels will show it. Good test Enanthate at just 250mg per week will have your test levels at 1500 or higher.