Steroids affects on autonomic systems in body


New member
From what I understand when I'm on cycle and working out steroids should get to all muscles which most people think of as biceps, pecks, quads, etc. Have any of you wondered or found out any research on affects on muscles that arent so easily visible. To be more specific we all have muscles within out bodies, heart, sphincters, intestines(or even the tongue) these becomes enlarged, stronger, tighter? Any info would be great, and of course this is just out of my own curiosity.
from experience, I think yes... I particularly noticed an increase in my jaw muscle strength, and not to mention that I could take some serious punches to the jaw with minimal effect...
good question

Though I doubt there will be any significant effect on these muscles because they are not being directly stiumluated. There aren't many (any?) exercises to increase the size of your heart that I know of, same goes for tongue.

Though, it has been proven in many studes that individuals increase muscle mass when taking anabolics - even if they do'nt exercise or eat properly. (this was not sinificant muscle mass, so don't get lazy!)
mxtaco48 said:
From what I understand when I'm on cycle and working out steroids should get to all muscles which most people think of as biceps, pecks, quads, etc. Have any of you wondered or found out any research on affects on muscles that arent so easily visible. To be more specific we all have muscles within out bodies, heart, sphincters, intestines(or even the tongue) these becomes enlarged, stronger, tighter? Any info would be great, and of course this is just out of my own curiosity.

Well I noticed I sneezed like a jumbo yet, my lungs felt much stronger but I probably just imagined it..wonder if girls pelvic muscles get stronger, you could ask in the girls section.
What about anabolics for someone training for speed and coverting slow twitch muscle fibers to fast twitch muscle fibers, would it speed up the conversion?
macroassembler said:
from experience, I think yes... I particularly noticed an increase in my jaw muscle strength, and not to mention that I could take some serious punches to the jaw with minimal effect...

I feel like I can take a better hit also but I think a lot of that might be due to holding water.