steroids and relationships


Super Moderator
By: 3J
3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

I have had the pleasure of being a mod on a few forums over the years. With that position comes a lot of time spent on the forums. Today I want to brush up on the use of anabolics and their impact on the users relationship with their significant other. It is no secret that the use of anabolics in society comes with a taboo. Anabolic steroid users are considered “meat heads” who are uneducated and know nothing but the gym. They are also thought to be druggies and people who “cheat to get ahead.”

Believe it or not, this whole idea of anabolic steroid users first started in the Olympics and then blew up due to accusations of use in the MLB. With that came the shame of use as we know today. But the truth is anabolic users are educated people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle for the most part. So what happens when you have a spouse or significant other who doesn’t know about your anabolic use? Do you keep it from them? Do you tell them straight out?

I have followed a policy of truth with my wife. When I initially met her, I told her nothing about my involvement with anabolics. My reasoning for hiding it was simple, I didn’t know her well enough to tell her I used anabolics. I believe rule #1 in disclosure is the value of disclosing such information to a person. In other words, if the girl is just a fling, treat her that way. She doesn’t need to know your use of anabolics just as she doesn’t need to know your deep dark secrets.

But what happens when you decide you want to take it a step further? The day I decided I wanted to take my relationship further, I decided I needed to disclose my use of anabolics. You see, a policy of truth comes with consequences. You have to be prepared for an onslaught of questions and concerns from your significant other who is likely more uneducated in the topic of steroids than a child. They only know what they hear: steroids are bad for you. When I told my now wife that I had used anabolics in the past she freaked out a little bit. Her worries were about my health. So you have to explain the use of anabolics to your wife like you would a newbie. You have to be honest about the risks and benefits. You have to be able to debate the use to her and validate your use. If you cannot put her mind at ease than you will never win. If you get angry and give her an ultimatum, that might be the last thing you give her.
Is it worth losing your significant other over the use of anabolics? Absolutely not! But, if you do tell her and she absolutely refuses to accept your choices then maybe that person is not the right person for you?

Hiding the use of anabolics from your significant other is never a good idea. In a relationship trust is the most important thing. Once that’s out of the picture your whole world could become a mess. I’ve seen multiple relationships go down the drain because someone’s girlfriend or wife found his anabolics and confronted him. Take the road less traveled in this situation. Talk to your loved one. Tell them you what you want to do. Be kind and be patient with them as they process the information. When I told my wife I wanted to go on HRT, I did so with bloodwork and educational material. She didn’t hesitate to allow me to get medicated once she saw everything. Give your significant other a chance to accept who you are.

Good luck to you all!
great wite up. I kept my use of anabolics from my last girlfriend of 5 years. I didn't start using until about the 3 year mark of our relationship but I didn't tell her because she told me before that steroids are "gross" and she would dump me in a second if I ever started using them. There was no educating her or using logic because she was stubborn and narrow minded. anyways, trying to keep this sort of thing a secret is more trouble than it's worth.

fast forward to my current relationship of almost 2 years...I knew i wanted to tell her if we got serious, but i wanted to wait until she cares enough about me where she might not just dump me for it. I waited until about 6 months and told her. At first she cried because her past boyfriend was a juice head, a stupid one at that who ran tren at crazy doses by itself and had no idea what he was doing....anyways, he was abusive and she blamed the steroids, which in his case may have been true but he was nuts to begin with.

she thought i would immediately become abusive like him and i assured her that I have plenty of experience and that would never happen. I educated her in all aspects of it, down to the science behind it. She was ok once she realized I wasn't a monster on cycle. She actually thinks i'm nicer and more sensitive on cycle lol.

Now she even pins my glutes for me!
great wite up. I kept my use of anabolics from my last girlfriend of 5 years. I didn't start using until about the 3 year mark of our relationship but I didn't tell her because she told me before that steroids are "gross" and she would dump me in a second if I ever started using them. There was no educating her or using logic because she was stubborn and narrow minded. anyways, trying to keep this sort of thing a secret is more trouble than it's worth.

fast forward to my current relationship of almost 2 years...I knew i wanted to tell her if we got serious, but i wanted to wait until she cares enough about me where she might not just dump me for it. I waited until about 6 months and told her. At first she cried because her past boyfriend was a juice head, a stupid one at that who ran tren at crazy doses by itself and had no idea what he was doing....anyways, he was abusive and she blamed the steroids, which in his case may have been true but he was nuts to begin with.

she thought i would immediately become abusive like him and i assured her that I have plenty of experience and that would never happen. I educated her in all aspects of it, down to the science behind it. She was ok once she realized I wasn't a monster on cycle. She actually thinks i'm nicer and more sensitive on cycle lol.

Now she even pins my glutes for me!

get your estrogen checked brother :D
Another great write up 3j! About 11 months ago I did my first cycle, while on I started dating a girl and was hesitant to tell her about my AAS use. There was a thread about this very topic and after some advice from the vets I decided that if it was to go any further I needed to be honest. Well soon after it became clear she really didn't even like my lifestyle that being dieting and training, so I decided to move on without any mention of AAS. I have since begun a new relationship and after about 5 months things got more serious, so I used the advice from the vets and gently broached the subject. At first she was definitely hesitant to the idea, but after talking and she watched bigger, faster, stronger, she has since come around and supports what I'm doing as long as I stay safe.
lol my ex girlfriend found out I was taking pro hormones when my dick didn't work for about a week. Lol trust me that is not the way to have your girlfriend find out your on steroids or pro hormones. I was 19 and didn't think any man made item would ever be able to crush my libido.
My wife has accepted my steriod use, she actually thinks I'm a better husband while She told me that I'm grumpy when I'm off. Being on just makes me feel better all around, I can see future TRT patient for this guy.
If you tell people you use steroids all it does is lead to trouble. Thats something you do with your health. Its only your business. It leaves you completely open for blackmail.
great wite up. I kept my use of anabolics from my last girlfriend of 5 years. I didn't start using until about the 3 year mark of our relationship but I didn't tell her because she told me before that steroids are "gross" and she would dump me in a second if I ever started using them. There was no educating her or using logic because she was stubborn and narrow minded. anyways, trying to keep this sort of thing a secret is more trouble than it's worth.

I wouldn't personally want to be with someone narrow minded and stubborn anyway, so consider that a blessing lol.

But I think this is a very important topic, I would and have no reason to hide AAS use, especially considering I am on TRT for life, on educating my significant other about it, the risks involved, the positives involved and what not. I wouldn't be with someone stubborn enough to not allow themselves to be educated. I deal with enough media brainwashed dickheads.
If you tell people you use steroids all it does is lead to trouble. Thats something you do with your health. Its only your business. It leaves you completely open for blackmail.


I just tell people that I change my diet snd start lifting while on cycle lol. Little do they know
Dude, this is a great post. Since the moment I felt things were moving ahead in my current relationship, I explained and came out about my use of even just prohormones.

I think, if you demonstrate honesty and open mindedness with your significant other, they will tend to be better listeners in regards to anything you have to tell them.

She's wonderful about it all actually, even when I explained that I have been researching and considering AAS. Shit! now, since explaining my diet to her and how dedicated I want to be with this... She won't even let me think of eating out of my plan. Incredible girl really.

3J is completely right about this. The moment you feel your relationship is moving forward into a more serious zone, disclose everything! It may shed light on something you've missed in the past and save you a lot of grief later.

Excellent post again! Important topic I think.
She's wonderful about it all actually, even when I explained that I have been researching and considering AAS. Shit! now, since explaining my diet to her and how dedicated I want to be with this... She won't even let me think of eating out of my plan. Incredible girl really.

There you go, that's the sort of girl you want if bodybuilding is a lifestyle for you. Well done.
My wife is really cool about it. She actually likes when I'm on since my libido is so high. She even pinned my glutes a couple of times.
The fact that the media and people that are complete ignorant and fucking retarded have given steroids a certain stigma and made people have to, or feel the need they have to hide steroid use is absolutely ridiculous.

Go ahead and smoke your face off and drink you liver dry, hell, buy them out of a store across the road and then go brag on Monday to your co workers how bombed you got and how you puked and you smoked way too many cigarettes, and that's cool. But, don't even think about talking about steroids, what a world we live in, lol.
the fact that the media and people that are complete ignorant and fucking retarded have given steroids a certain stigma and made people have to, or feel the need they have to hide steroid use is absolutely ridiculous.

Go ahead and smoke your face off and drink you liver dry, hell, buy them out of a store across the road and then go brag on monday to your co workers how bombed you got and how you puked and you smoked way too many cigarettes, and that's cool. But, don't even think about talking about steroids, what a world we live in, lol.
Schredder, spot on brother, spot on

Yes sir!! And then you get talking to that same drunk at work and you accidentally mention you use steroids and he says 'you know steroids are hard on your liver!'
WHAT!!!!! That almost deserves and open hand slap across the face, haha. Oh man, people these days!!
Yes sir!! And then you get talking to that same drunk at work and you accidentally mention you use steroids and he says 'you know steroids are hard on your liver!'
WHAT!!!!! That almost deserves and open hand slap across the face, haha. Oh man, people these days!!

Found myself in that scenario a few times lol