Its harder to just kick her to the curb than that. It only hurt so much because I trusted her and I was the only guy she had ever been with and I liked that. But we have been through alot together she was there for me when my mom passed away three years ago and she was there when my grandmother who raised me my whole life passed away last year. Im going to try to give her another chance but I don't trust her at all now so im being very cautious and if she cheats again it wont hurt near as bad and I will have no problem dumping her and moving on. I think its so hard to let go because I have lost everyone who has meant anything to me within the past 3 years and ALOT has changed.
She may do it again but she may not, no one knows for sure. But I do know if she does it again she will be sitting on the curb. But for now Im trying to focus more on myself and my goals in lifting and in my career just trying to make money and save it.
I am pissed at the dude because she just turned 17 in April and he is 22 years old. He gave her a bunch of alcohol and got her drunk me and her were in an argument and her heart was broken and she said she was very mad at me and she thought she was done with me so she went to a party with her friends and didn't plan on having sex. She hates herself now and I can tell she feels bad for what she did. Im not saying that its all his fault or even all her fault. She put herself in the situation to drink in the first place and then she chose to have sex drunk or not she still made the choice. It was her first time ever getting drunk so maybe she went a little overboard and lost self control i don't know.
I don't only blame her and him but I blame myself too because she says I don't show my emotions towards anything and i don't give her enough attention. I will agree with her on that but its only because of all the shit I have been through in my life I keep my emotions bottled up and I am numb to things. Im not going to keep going on and high jack this thread or throw all of my problems on everyone though but if things work then they do if not then I guess you just live and learn.
Thanks for the advice though guys it means more than you know.
I know if she'll do it again, the answer is yes she will. Why wait until she hurts you yet again to tell her 'bye bye' ? That way of thinking right there tells me that if it did happen again you would tell yourself the same thing, 'next time'. That way of thinking lets people take advantage of you plain and simple. Im not trying to be hard on you I am telling you the way it is and the way life and people you don't want in you life work.
Quit making excuses for keeping her around. She had another man penis inside of her, thats take a hike right fuckin now im my books. And oh 'I got drunk' is no excuse for anything, if someone cant control their actions when they drink well then they probably shouldn't drink and if they still decide to drink then why would you want to be with a person like that?
Let me give you some advice here. You need to figure out who you are as a person, and you need to, in you mind set a standard for yourself, you need to tell yourself what youll put up with and what you wont, you need to have self respect and self esteem, you need to be who you are at all times and if someone isn't rollin how you want them to roll, then they need to fuck right off, no question. Never let anyone take advantage of you at any cost. 3 strike your out is for baseball, if life its one strike and your out as far as Im concerned.
Treat people how you want to be treated, and as far as Im concerned treat people how they treat you.
Heres a story a friend of mine told me.......
His buddy was at the bar playing pool with some friends and his wife one night. They were having drinks and having a good time. Everyone was starting to get a buzz on including his wife. She starting getting rowdy....throwing pretzels at him and whatnot, he brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal. She kept at it, except now she was throwing coins at him and calling him names so he told her to knock it off, she didn't stop and finally he told her to shut the fuck up or they were going home, she grabbed a pool stick and hit him with it......He turned around and knocked her clean right out, she came to ask said 'what the fuck' he said you wanna act like a man youll get treated like one.
Now I in now way advocate hitting a female and I never have but I hope you understand the point behind that story.
Don't make anyone seem better or make them feel better than they really are.